Shifting my gaze towards the chaos in the middle of the class. Books shattered. Students shouting their throats out.
" What's up fatty?! No more stamina! "
I felt my whole essence tremble to hide in the last corner of the back bench. The shout of Adam and his group mates felt awful. The students who are present fight and disturb the class. Rowdy.
However, I was tense to the point I was scared at any moment that my turn will be soon. Just like that boy. Johannes. Their eyes are bloodshot crying his heart out while Adam and his friends play with his new bag. Scrabbling and sketching with pens and markers. Turn to get embarrassed. Discomfit. Weak in the hands of the boys who were a lot bigger than me.
Stay away. Stay away. I could only chant in my head.
I was scared. And just wanted to get over the classes as soon as possible. Children my age were loud. Raucous. And the definition of what is called normal. Normal I guess was because they can easily mix with any new kid and there was me. Scared. Fearful. Aghast. WEAK.
My eyes shift down. Closed tight. My hands curled into a tight fist the moment one of Adam's friends catch me watching. Sweat slowly formed on my palm. And my heart was drubbing like a loud beating of an instrument. No.No.No.
" Hey! birdbrain! "
My body got rigid in the seat. The laughing which was first towards the poor boy was now on me, getting loud and more prominent to my ears, slowly making me feel dizzy and my eyes blurry with an unknown sting.
" Little Loren is gonna cry " I gulped hearing his voice clear. His round and dirty presence were so close to me when a figure came down to my desk. Please stay away. I wanted to say. Yet no words came out of my lips.
" Are you scared little boy " His small mischievous voice rang like bad luck, I knew today was not my day. It never was and like the mischievous sound of his voice, something malicious made me horrified.
" Loren! Are you listening " The voice yelled and my sight was getting darker and the laugh of the students slowly dying until my eyes shot open when a firm hand shook my shoulder. Making me winch the moment I felt something sharp digging in my shoulder. Nails.
" God damn fucker are you zoning again! "
I frown staring at the light room with painting all around and students snickering while Jas's small voice is almost like a whisper. Annoyed. Made me whirl my head towards her.
" What? " I roared. My head aching with sudden pain. Her gaze narrowed before starting at me with a concerned look. Jas breathe out before shifting her gaze towards the empty canvas in front of me. " Are you okay though? "
" You have eyes to see, right? And I was sleeping nothing wrong "
Jas raised her brows towards me. Her almond eyes stared at me. Knowing I was lying to her and less was I going to admit it anyway. Nodding her head she turned towards her half-finished canvas before uttering. " Okay. If you say so. "
Knowing Jas. Her older gene even for just five minutes never fails to imply it. Even though there were times I barely liked her older nature and the other part I was someway grateful to have her.
Her curly chocolate brown hair was chopped down to her shoulders similar to our parents and the pale skin she got from our mother. She was the definition of a good student. Cups and medals in Arts and other activities in our school. Sports captain. Student president and a perfect scores in academics and maybe she was preparing to go out of town for her further studies.
A perfect child. So different from me. Someone who stays out late at night. Participating in illegal fights. And maybe the least good I had in me was to find myself in the kitchen when no one was home. Even though Jas didn't fail to hide in the small of our kitchen counter hiding under it watching me cook until I had heard her stomach grumble and a sheepish smile plastered on her lips eyeing the food.
I sighed crouching in my seat before resting my head on the empty canvas. Good that we were seated in the back row of the classroom. Hidden of the stares of Miss Malson.
" If you don't want to get yelled by her why not try to do something productive instead of sleeping again " She breathed out. Shading the edge of her sketch. What is she doing? Guess I was curious.
Stretching my head to peek a glance at her sketch I try to lean a bit before she pulled the canvas close to her hiding the sketch. " Don't cheat. Pretty boy " she said with a joking smile.
" I wasn't. Okay. Don't exaggerate things Jas " I said moving back to my seat and staring at the white sheet.
Draw something which inspires you. Miss Malson's words play in my head.
Inspires. What inspires me? Probably nothing.
I didn't have anything in my mind to draw. Fill in this colourless sheet with anything. Not like others who were busy with something in their minds. Painting and colouring.
I was really useless. I get it. There was nothing in my mind and I was getting frustrated. Not the way to stand up and push myself out of the class which had just begun in the past fifteen minutes. Quite a long way to go.
" Can you just give me a topic or something? It would be easy " I whispered turning towards Jas who rolled her eyes. Yeah, more reason to get teased for being a dumb younger brother. I get it.
" Don't disturb me Loren " She blurted out ignoring my request. Great. " Come on you won't get punished for helping me " I joked grinning at her, who was busy avoiding me.
" Mr Carter any problem out there " Miss Malson's voice boasted with bitterness glaring at me. She was checking past the activity and here I was sitting with a plain sheet. Not even touched by a pencil.
" Nothing. Just giving some direction for an award-winning art " Jams probably rolled her eyes hearing me while others snickered.
" Then you might have been doing good with the canvas? " She said heading towards me. Great shit to happen. " Yeah, still in my head " I approved with a playful smile.
" Great things happen late... " I leaned back staring at her furious expression. The thick glasses slide down on her nose. And she looked more like a lady Hitler. If that was possible.
" Mr Carter--- "
" I am sorry to be late. I was lost in the hallway " A loud breathy voice erupt in the room. The door swings open. Miss Malson turned in her heels to shout at the late comer and I for once was gratified whoever the person was.
" I am sorry ma'am " The person kept apologising and even for a small proportion I was about to see the person. Sure it was a girl the way her voice was soft yet a little rough. Maybe because of running all the way here. Her frame was hidden by Miss Malson standing right in front of me eyeing the girl.
Move at least. I wanted to say but mouth my shut not wanting her attention back on me.
" You sure want to get suspended " Jas voiced leaning close to my seat. " You think I care. " I said now losing all the curiosity to give a damn about the new student.
" Yeah. Guess not " she said turning away from me. Her eyes moved towards the direction in front. New student?
I might have ignored and minded my business if not for the way Jam's brows raised with an amazed expression. Her amber eyes not leaving whoever she was eyeing and here she got me back the wonder.
What's with this new kid? I huffed before shifting my gaze from side to side to have a glance until I finally saw a small glimpse of the person.