I came to Karachi from Lahore when I was 18 years old. I had to meet my uncle's daughter because my mother had made my relationship with my uncle's daughter since childhood. She liked me at first sight and May I be also liked her. We both tried to understand the distance by drinking coffee together and falling in love forever. I wrote her a short letter in which I asked her if she also like me too. I wrote to her Mountain may vanish, River can be dry. You can forget me. But never can I. What answer did she give nothing? she answered sky is blue grass is green. My love is true. My heart is clean. Then the chain of love continued for some time. After a few days, I realized that she was getting away from me, but my status was not bothering her. I wanted to complete my studies and she thought I was not serious about marrying her. Anyway one day I asked if she doesn't like me anymore or if she doesn't love me anymore
She answered negatively. After that, I never see her even after she got married and left me behind. I was hopeless and shaken but composed. I have completed my studies and started working. My life had become quite happy, but she had started to be a little sad. She didn't seem happy with her marriage. she has left me just only for money that I have no money for. After getting a job, I was happy and was living happily. After two years of her marriage, I also get married. I am living a very happy life with my wife and children. Even today she is living a sad life and I am happy. Why did she want to live by putting wealth first, that she has lost her happiness? I am still living a joyful life. I have read somewhere that "If you love something set it free if it comes back to you it's yours if not that meant it will never belong to you.
I followed that words in my life and lived a happy life
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