Chereads / The Renevant / Chapter 26 - Sentient abilities

Chapter 26 - Sentient abilities

Ender looked at the destruction caused by the wind bullets. Even an entire sand-made column was broken in half just from one shot.

He spent at least two hours trying to get used to the wind bullets, as they were nothing like physical weapons.

While one weapon had recoil, muzzle climb, and a grip, this ability had none. In contrast, it left somewhat of an aching effect on the finger every time he fired.

Ender tested it, and he could only fire two bullets until his finger gets numbed of any sensation for around thirty minutes, then he would switch to another finger.

After another hour of testing, Ender realized that he could hold the pressure for longer, making more wind accumulate on his finger for a better and more powerful shot.

What happened though, is that if he spent over five seconds charging the bullet, the pressure would explode, sending the bullet anywhere possible and blasting his finger off, literally.

Luckily, inside his consciousness didn't have any AEP consumption, making practicing his abilities easier.

But how did he gain this Element? Or rather, when?

Amongst the tiredness, the walking, injuries, and other disadvantages he had, Ender forgot about extracting the Element from the man. It wasn't until he tripped for the second time that he touched his bleeding neck.

The hologram popped out, and he realized he could get a whopping 92% from the man! This taught him something.

You didn't need a massive Tier to enter the BB, as the man had an Uncommon Wind Manipulation and was able to cause such destruction.

Something that remained unknown to him, was what increased his extraction percentage, as the two times he used the ability it feel randomized.

So he currently had three different elements: Fear, Fire, and Wind.

Sensing a sudden movement, Ender got out of his thoughts and looked to the side. There, he saw Ren getting up from the bed and stretching his arms a little bit.

He looked at Ender, who was staring at him while sitting down on the sand. Ren quickly walked toward him and dropped to the sand, lying on it.

"Sorry about spending that much time without saying a word... had to meditate."

"Know how to meditate? Breaks with the brute force personality I had from you." Ender laughed

"What's a good fighter without a good mental?"

Ren looked at Ender's hair for a while, more exactly at his two strands on the front. His eyes squinted as he leaned forward to touch the purple one and confirm his suspicions,

"That strand of hair... the flower appeared by itself I guess, are you alright?"

Ender sighed as he touched it, not wanting to remember what happened back then when it appeared: But knew that he couldn't escape Ren, they lived in the same consciousness... literally.

So there was no point in lying.

"It was painful. More painful than anything I've ever gone through.

It felt as if those screeches were echoing inside my mind over and over again, even when the flower disappear. Hell, I thought for a second that it was going to blast my head open.

I thought that it would never end and seriously thought of bashing my head against a rock.

At least it saved my life, but I don't understand why it came out of nowhere."

Ren opened his mouth but the moment it did, the grey star started shining intensely and a hologram appeared in front of Ender.

[Do you wish to know what Sentient stands for?]

Ender looked at Ren before switching to the star, and said, "As long as it's not filled with riddles. I wonder why you gave me such an ability..."

[As you may know, sentient means to be conscious of your environment, feeling your own existence, and being aware of what is happening.

A sentient ability is one that cannot be activated by the user until the being shows loyalty to its host. That also includes me, the System. I cannot modify anything related to the ability

There haven't been usual sightings of a sentient ability, let alone recorded inside an archive , therefore even I don't know about their limits. Be aware.]

"Be aware... then why the fuck did you give me the ability?!" Ender shouted to the star as he lay along Ren.

[I can only reveal this much. The way I apply the rewards regarding Abilities goes from less destructive to most destructive. That includes sentient.]

Ender sat in a blink of an eye while staring at the star with an open mouth. He looked toward Ren and said, "Is it that weak??"

"Your weakest weapon is the Claws, yet look how strong they are. I will also say something to you, your current Element, Fear, it's the exception among the exceptions.

Based on what I saw, and also information from the little star, there hasn't been a single Humanyc able to control a feeling. Think of it as the rarest element ever known to mankind, and one that can gradually improve its own tier.

Saying this out loud makes you seem you're from another dimension"

Ender turned around and said, "Are you implying that I'm not a Humanyc? If what I control is not an Element but rather a feeling... doesn't that make me different in that way?"

"Seems like those intelligent points didn't go to waste." Ren sat and stared at Ender right in the eye, "For now, believe that you are a Humanyc, it'll be the best option for your mental sanity."

Ender sat while holding his chin. Now there was another mystery to solve, what was he? 'I need to get a note-pad with every single unanswered question.'

Ren chuckled as he got up, made a couch out of the desert's grey sand, and sat again on it. Ender, on the other hand, turned around and asked the star.

"Do you know what other sentient abilities are?"

[I only have records of the flower, the Umbrian shadow, and the Doppelgänger. Which one do you wish to know?]

Ender stared at the three different holograms, not deciding which one to ask first. While a part of him was extremely curious about the other abilities, another wanted to know more about himself.

After some seconds of intense thinking, he said, "The flower, I still need to know more about it."

[The Corrupted Flower, also known as Katrista by the ancient legends, has little to no explanation as to how it came to this universe.

Some say that corrupted ancient divinities corrupted a small fraction of the universe, and what didn't get cleansed was the little flower. Others say it was naturally generated.

There's not a single biological clue about why it decided to come into this universe.

This flower brought down entire kingdoms by itself, projecting fear on most galaxies. The universe spent at least a hundred centuries fearing this flower.

It is said that a boy managed to control the flower's desires, letting it parasite him. He managed to control the flower, making him a fearsome enemy.

The flower also made his arsenal bigger, but suddenly one day, he disappeared.]

When the System stopped explaining the little information it had, Ender's head snapped backward toward Ren, who stared at the sky with his eyes closed.

He was holding his chin as he muttered empty words while occasionally shaking his head in denial. In the end, he just sighed and opened his eyes to stare at Ender.

"Maybe that person is me, but I honestly have no idea..." He said with a low voice, "I also don't exclude the fact that multiple flowers could exist... or maybe another kind of them."

Ender stared at Ren, also wondering about the information he received. If Ren was truly the person that pacified the flower, he wouldn't have been so scared when it first came out.

Suddenly an idea popped into Ender's mind, and he wasted no time telling him about it.

"You said it when I first got the reward. You escaped from some I don't know what with the flower. If those memories were actually true, wouldn't that make you that boy?"

Ren stared at Ender for some seconds before chuckling, making Ender somewhat confused, "You know Ender,

If you were to lose your memories, everything. Suddenly appear inside a white space, that same place being your first ever memory to exist, and you progressively gained more and more with time.

How much of those visions would you trust?"

"Well... we are talking about me, so everything?"

"How do you know those memories are about you? Hell, even if you see yourself in a mirror in said visions, won't you have that slight paranoia about your identity?"

Ender wanted to reply but, this question actually made him think about Ren's condition for one second. When Ren saw the confusion, he smiled and said,

"I don't even how I'm managing to be this calm. I need solid proof before I can take these memories as true... will you help me?"

Ender looked up and saw Ren bowing his head slightly toward him, "H-Hey no need to do that... I guess we can work together on this."

Ren nodded and stared toward the star, got up, and said, "I will say this politely, just this once. Please, refrain from giving more abilities to Ender, at least until he manages to master the flower.

Both the Claws and the flower will be enough for him to survive. You even gave him the ability to steal more elements! Just let him get used to them..."

Ender also looked at the star, which was floating there without making any stronger color. After some seconds, Ren sighed, but before he could say something, it shined with a very weak grey.

Ren chuckled and said, "Hope we get along with time."

Out of nowhere, Ender was struck with a sudden wave of drowsiness, meaning that he would soon wake up. He told Ren that he would be going now, to which the boy nodded while waving at him.

Ender dropped to the ground, the desert engulfed him, and left his consciousness...


Inside his kitchen, Ender prepared a nice cup of coffee to get his morning started. He wasn't feeling refreshed from that fight against that man, but I'd go away after some days.

He already bathe and tidied his room a little bit, so he had nothing to do the entire day. The best option right now would be to stay in his apartment studying, complete tasks then study again.

"Yep, that will do. I also need to get more fur-"

*Knock knock!*

Startled by the sudden sound, Ender turned around and looked toward the door. Peeking at the digital clock, thinking it was already later in the morning, he was somewhat taken aback when he saw it was merely 9:29 AM.

'Who in the world would wake up this early on the weekend?'

He sighed as he took a sip from his coffee and walked toward the door, then opened it without any hesitation.

Behind it, he found Sakura standing with crossed arms. She was wearing the BB officer's uniform with her short raven hair tied in a bun on top of her head, which confused Ender but he paid no mind to it.

"Hey, Sakura... what's so important for you to wake up so early."

"I'll only say that I come here not as your instructor, but rather as a BB Officer."

Ender's expression instantly changed when he realized Sakura's intention. He invited her inside, where he sat at one of the kitchen chairs, Ender sitting opposite from her.

"I will make this brief. Tell me everything that happened with your fight against ex-officer Markus Odin. Basically, everything about yesterday."