Chereads / Supernatural Hunters: Team 4 United Kingdom / Chapter 82 - Busted surprise

Chapter 82 - Busted surprise


 Meanwhile, in the base of Team 4, Navylian, Lucian, Louis and Alexia are interrogating someone on their main room that is known by them as living room. The person who is interrogated is the same obese person from yesterday at Carmen's house. It is Al. And this person is making Louis and Alexia feel a nervous since Al is known to be a dangerous person. But Navylian and Lucian are not nervous. Not a bit.

 "Nice base you've got in here." says Al, who is sitting on the couch of the room, he came here ten seconds, where he had enough time to take a look around the room. "You sure got the money to buy a base with this equipment. Like many other zones around the world."

 "Cut to the chase, Al." says Navylian, standing at two meters away from him. "We want to know why you did that?"

 "What I did?" asks Al. "Oh… The necromancy book, right? I just took a page from that book."

 "But that page state it requires an ingredient."

 "Yes. An ingredient important."

 "Carmen's fluids to be precise." says Navylain.

 Then, Al is looking serious at Navylian, not as relaxed as he was.

 "How do you know that?"

 "We've done research. Now tell us. What does that page mean?"

 "…Well. It requires Carmen's fluids. But her Vewolf saliva, sweat and blood. Such ingredient, can guarantee the chances to bring anything back to life. Anything that is a monster and a human. But only for two nights. Then, the thing brought to life, will cease to exist. Unless it is constantly "hydrated"."

 "You are bringing someone dangerous back to life?"

 "Whoa, whoa." says Al sounding offended. "I just wanted to make her a birthday surprise. To bring her father back to life. That is all."

 "You should not do that." says the ghost, who is taking courage to speak with Al. "Once a thing is dead, it should never be brought to life. That is the way of living. Unlike my kind… We are considered immortals. But when our time will come, we will happily embrace death."

 "You should consider the tip of Lucian, Al." says Navylian to Al. "He is a ghost who lived more than any supernatural from this planet and dimension ever lived. Now. Please. Hand over the paper."

 Navylian raises his hand to Al, to get the paper from him. Al, being a little hesitant at first, seeing that Navylian is serious, decides to do it. The most feared hunter, sighs and hands the paper to Navylian, who is immediately throwing into the sky, where Louis uses fire pistol. Burning the paper in the air.

 "Impressive." says Al looking at Louis gun handling skills, a thing that makes Louis almost lose its focus.

 "T-Thank you." stutters Louis to Al.

 "Now." says Navylian. "You should consider buying a better gift for Carmen's."

 "Like yeah." says Alexia all of a sudden. "How does Al know who is Carmen?"

 "Huh." says Al. "Well, she is my niece."

 "HUH?!" yells Alexia, Lucian and Louis, both shocked to find out that one of the most feared hunters in this planet is actually a family member to their newbie.


 At night, Carmen's has come to her house, after she had a small-time with her best friend at one of their favourite restaurants they are going from time to time. They decided to walk to their houses rather to take a bus to their houses. This was Carmen's idea, an idea who wasn't in favour for Jasmine. But this idea was because both of them did not have enough money to buy their bus ride to their address.

 "I'm back home!" says Carmen entering the house, and closing it after her.

 "Welcome back." says the Vewolf doll sitting on the couch and watching the television.

 "You are watching TV?" asks Carmen looking at Vewolf, and walking a few steps to the couch.

 "What else can I do?" asks the Vewolf. "I am on a break."

 "I understand." she watches at TV, then back at Vewolf. "Death on Paradise?"

 "I like it." says Vewolf doll defending himself.

 "I am not judging you. But why this season?"

 "Because I cannot use the computer! I have to wait days until the earlier seasons come on TV."

 "Alright. Where is mom?"

 "At work." says the Vewolf doll looking at the scene where the detective investigates the crime scene.

 "Anything happened today?"

 "Only Lucian came in."

 "Of course." says Carmen. "And he did something he was not supposed to do?"

 "He only came in to check to see if you were at house. He stayed here with me to watch Doctor Who episode, then he left."

 "Aha." she says. "I am going to head to sleep. See you tomorrow."

 "Yeah." says Vewolf doll being focused on the TV.

 Carmen goes in her room, she closes the door, goes in her bed and she looks on her phone for a while, and when she was about to fall asleep, she dresses in her pyjamas, jumps back to her bed and sleep for the whole night. And the Vewolf doll, continues to watch TV all night by himself.