Chereads / Supernatural Hunters: Team 4 United Kingdom / Chapter 78 - The Book - Part 3

Chapter 78 - The Book - Part 3


 Meanwhile, at across the streets of Jubilee Library, a normally looking woman, and a ghost are looking at that library. They see the library is having security cameras on the front door, which is making their plan going to need some readjustment. These two are Alexia and Lucian, and they have been tasked of going in the library and retrieve a cursed object.

 Sound easy job for a hunter, but these two are having a few problems. First, they cannot be spotted in the security camera, but they can still trigger the alarm if they do try to get in the library and steal the book. Second problem, it is Sunday, the library is closed, there being only one person guarding the library. And that person is a male guard, which means Alexia should try to seduce the guard to see if he can allow her to get inside the library.

 The idea of going next morning at the first hour of opening, sending Louis with a human skin that visits the library regularly, or it is registered in the base would have worked. But it would be better to take the book now, rather than waiting for tomorrow morning.

 "The place is completely closed." says Lucian levitating back to Alexia after he checked all the possible openings. "The guard is asleep on his duty."

 "The alarm has been turned on?" asks Alexia.

 "Did not check it."

 "Alright." says Alexia looking at the library across the street.

 The vampire is thinking about of a way to get inside this structure without attracting much attention. Lucian could try going in the place to stop the alarm, but he cannot interact with a lifeless object. 

 Their only option being for Lucian to possess the guard for a limited time, disable the alarm system if he can do it, stop the security cameras, open the doors, let Alexia help him search for the cursed object, take it, leave the place and get back to base to see what they can do with this cursed object.

 Alexia suggested this plan to Lucian, and he accepts it because this is the only one working for them.

 Lucian spirit levitates toward the library, he goes through the walls, and flies toward where the guard is sleeping. The spirit immediately posses the corpse of this human, managing to gain the control of the body and his memories, Lucian quickly stops the security cameras, alarms and opens the door in two minutes.

 Alexia walks inside the place, she thanks Lucian for doing this part of the plan, and she quickly walks toward where is the book supposed to be sitting. Thankfully, Navylian told her where is the book placed, on what row, what bookshelf and ID's. 

 She finds the book, she looks through it quickly, and she notices something that is making her shocked.

 "Pages are ripped."

 "What?!" asks the body possessed by Lucian.

 "We are in trouble."

 Alexia and Lucian are leaving the library in a hurry. Lucian turns on the power systems, door locked and leaves the body of the guard after they have finished their job. The guard, wakes up the moment the spirit of Lucian was gone, and he only looked around confused, then he goes back to sleep, not knowing a vampire and a ghost have entered the library and stole a book about necromancy.


 Later, on the base of Team 4, Alexia and Lucian have come back as fast as they can. Arriving at the base, there was Navylian and Louis, who was called by his leader to come here, and help them on this mission they have got in.

 "Say." says Louis looking at the book on the table, a big book that is looking older than ones from Jubilee Library. "What is this?"

 "Is a Necromancy book." says Navylian looking at Louis. 

 "Never seen something like this." says Alexia. "Not one made by this author."

 "I see." responds Louis. "But how bad can this book be?"

 "Look." says Navylian. "I am afraid a book like this can be one of the most dangerous ones in this world. If one like this is on the hands of the wrong people, a disaster would strike the world."

 "I can imagine people resurrecting dead people." says Alexia. "But not on the spirits forms like Lucian over here."

 "This is bad." says Navylian checking the book, then he notices the missing pages. "Whoever brought the book in there, we have to find out who did it, and what pages he took from it."

 "And his plans."

 "Lucian." he says Navylian looking at Lucian. "You haven't checked the computer's security cameras footage?"

 "No." responds Lucian. "I did not have time to check it. We had to move fast to retrieve the book without being detected. But if you want it, I can go in there and take the footage."

 "How can you take the footage?" asks Louis.

 "Our badges can be used as a USB portable stick used by Humans on computer." responds Lucian. "Mine is a ghost form. But I can use it as something like a normal human USB stick, but I need an actual USB stick. Hopefully that library has one in there when I was there earlier."

 "Lucian." says Navylian looking at Lucian. "You are going there. Check the footage to see if there has been someone suspect who has taken the book in there."

 "On it." says Lucian who is already going through walls of the base and flies back to Jubilee library.

 "Alexia and Louis, you two are going with the book in the Team 3 territory."

 "Team 3?" asks Alexia looking surprised by this. "You mean Manchester?"

 "Yes. Sarah could be the greatest asset of us in this mission."

 "This means we have to cooperate with them." says Louis. "With women team?"

 Alexia slaps Louis in the face. Louis did take the slap like a soldier, then he looks at Alexia with a smug.

 "That's all you got?"

 "Louis." says Navylian. "You have to focus. Promise me this time you will not try to fall over the knees of the people from there. You have to focus on this one."

 "I will. But what about Carmen and Kyle. Ain't you going to ask them to come over and help us?"

 "No. Let them rest." says Navylian. "These two beginners have done much more better jobs than you and other experienced hunters in there. They deserve the rest and free day."

 "But that is not fair." protest Louis.

 "I had done my job in there."

 "You haven't. Now stop with this." says Navylian sounding pissed at Louis. "You two takes the book and head to Manchester, on Team 3 base. I've announced to them earlier about this operation we have gone in, and they are all expecting you in there."

 "Good." says Alexia, takes the book, and walks to the Teleporter room. "Come on, Louis. We ain't got all night."

 "Fine…" says Louis following Alexia.

 The two are heading to the teleport room of their base. As they are walking toward there, Navylian is going back to the monitors is on the look-up on this area. As he sat there, and was about to check on Lucian, something strange happens. The badge of Navylian, who is on his left side of the chest, start to blink and vibrate. A sign he is getting a calling.

 "Hello." says Navylian after he has taken the badge, and pressed the button to answer the call.

 "Hello, Navy, boy." says the caller.

 Navylian is looking surprised on this calling. Then, he asks.


 "We need to talk." says the person on the caller.

 "Right now, I am busy."

 "Yes. I know about that book."

 "You do?"

 "Yes. That is what I am also after."

 "Can you come in Base 4?"

 "Can't. I want to sleep. Maybe tomorrow morning."

 "…So, the reason you called was to tell me this?" asks Navylian pissed.

 "Yes. Good night. See you in the morning."

 And the badge calling has been closed by the caller.

 Navylian is feeling really pissed by this behavior of this caller. But he cannot do anything at the moment since he has to work on this entire operation with his four members. And he cannot call them to come back.