Chereads / Supernatural Hunters: Team 4 United Kingdom / Chapter 75 - Carmen's surprise

Chapter 75 - Carmen's surprise


 A while later, Carmen's bus that usually passes her house and stops a few meters away from it, stops on the bus station. Carmen gets out of the bus slowly, with her backpack on the left hand since the bus was overcrowded, had a no empty seats and entered the bus without having her backpack on the back. Carmen walks the few meters toward her house, walks the path that leads to the door, she opens the door and walks a few more steps to the living room. 

 The moment the girl arrived she saw the couch of the living room, she stood still, looking surprised to see her uncle and her mother staying on there and drinking their tea. Carmen's mother is looking at her daughter, with a serious face, while her uncle, couldn't hold his smirk.

 "Hello, uncle! Hey, Mom!" says Carmen feeling creeped by this.

 "Hey, Carmen!" says Carmen's mother smiling.

 "Hey, my only nephew! How was the hunting?" he asks with a smirk.

 "Hunting?" asks Carmen trying to look surprised.

 "No need to act anymore." says a voice coming from the foot of Carmen's.

 The girl looks down, there she sees the doll of Vewolf, coming walk near her feet, he looks up to her.

 "They've known this a long time ago." says the Vewolf doll.

 "You've told them?" asks Carmen looking down at the doll possessed by the spirit of Vewolf. 

 "No." says the uncle of Carmen. "We've known a long time because of the announcement of the Supernatural Hunters."

 "What announcement?"

 "When you joined United Kingdom Team 4 we were, all of the Supernatural Hunters, Retired and the agents, announced by this. Of course, your mother and I knew this."

 "How do you know?" asks Carmen looking at her own mother, ignoring the Vewolf doll walking toward the nearest chair.

 "I am a retired Supernatural Hunter." says Carmen's mother.

 "You are?" asks Carmen surprised.

 The doll possessed by the Vewolf spirit is trying his best to climb the chair.

 "Yes." says Carmen's mother. "But I have retired a long time ago from this dangerous job. And become a receptionist at a hotel where Supernatural Hunters and agents comes to do relax or come to stay for a job."

 Carmen could not say anything, she needs some time to process this, she just walks toward a chair, she puts the backpack near the sofa where her mother sits. She is looking at her uncle, who is sitting on the chair and take a sip from tea her mother has made. The Vewolf doll manages to climb the chair, he sits on there and listens on the discussion.

 "Are you also a hunter?"

 "Yes." says Al. "I am Al."

 "I know you're named Al."

 "Really? Never heard of Al? From your teammates?"

 "Al." says Al's sister. "She is on the hunting for almost two months."

 "I know, Tina."

 "Tina?" asks Carmen surprised. "So that name is fake?"

 "It is my second name. But most of the Hunters calls me Tina."

 "Aha. So. Is the entire family Supernatural Hunter?"

 "No. Only the three of us." says Al.

 "I have so many questions." says Carmen looking creeped by all of this.

 "And we can answer all of them." says Carmen's mom.

 "Was my father on this?"

 "Yes." says Carmen's mom.

 "He was one of my finest teammates. The best wingman on hunting." responds Al. "He died in a mission. A dangerous threat level mission."

 "I see." responds Carmen, then she looks at her own mother. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

 "I wanted you to be safe from all of this. And seeing… How life works for us Supernatural Hunters. At least, you had the best outcomes. Heard how there are supernatural being or aliens who escape from cells and hunt the closest people of the ones who caught them."

 "That was the reason?"

 "Yes. But listen, I wanted to keep you safe. That is why I put on karate and boxing lesson when you were little."

 "But I only did three courses of those." says Carmen.

 "And it was enough." says Al. "Look, you've survived almost two months so far. And you were probably much longer."

 "Why do you think that?"

 "Because you are a Fighter. Just like your dad. He was also a great puncher in our hunts." says Al remembering a bit of the hunts he had with Carmen's father. "By the way, what weapon you've used in the fights?"

 "I've used this." she says going leaning over the backpack, looking through it and taking from there two pair of brass knuckles. She shows them to her two remaining family members. 

 The two adults are looking at the weapons, then at Carmen. The two could not believe Carmen's have chosen a difficult weapon like this.

 "This is a tough weapon, dear." says Carmen's mother to her daughter. "I've only seen five people using these brass knuckles on the hotels. They always told me as I asked them about the weapons their reason of taking the weapon. The motive depends on the half-humans, but to you, it may be different from the werewolves."

 "You've seen werewolves using this?" asks Carmen.

 "Yes. But not in fights."

 "From the leader board I've sawn that you had a good score. You punched these zombies good." says Al looking on his tablet on the leader board of the campaign in Scotland. "You've only used the fists?"

 "No." responds Carmen. "This weapon enlarges and sharpens my claws. Making them feel like a sword and more dangerous than the ones of Wolverine."

 Carmen puts a brass knuckle on the right hand, she morphs her right hand into a Vewolf hand. As her right-hand skin turned quickly into green fur, hands transformed into claws, and nails grows larger and sharper as a sword, the two people are looking amazed at Carmen's hand transformation. Meaning both of these two haven't seen such power like this. Her claws have grown about thirty centimetres, and are sharp enough to stab a log and the door of a car.

 Carmen, seeing how the two family members are looking at her hand, she is feeling a little shy because she never thought she would show her powers to her own mother. Especially on a time like this. Carmen decides to transform her Vewolf hand back to a normal hand, a process that ended as quickly as how it began.

 "So. Pretty cool, right?"

 "Right." says Carmen's mother. "I have never seen such a power before," she looks over to her brother. "Have you Al?"

 "No." says Al. "I've never seen a power like this, even though I am in this thing since the eighties."

 "Our kind is not as a sociable as the other Werewolf subspecies." responds the Vewolf doll sitting on the chair he earlier tried his hardest to climb it. "But we are a kind that protects humans from dangers since they are considered to be our God's."

 "And you consider us a God?" asks Al to the Vewolf Doll.

 "I do not. I am a fugitive from my Second Dimension. I've come here a millennium ago, and now I, have inherited this body. I may be put on the doll, but this doll will let me free after Carmen's body will die. Then all of my powers and original form will come back."

 "Thankfully it will take one hundred and fifty years." says Carmen to Al and her mother. "At maximum."

 "Yes." responds the Vewolf doll. "But don't worry. I am imprisoned in this doll for that long period of time. Until then, I am going to roam on this planet on this form." he takes a pause, looks both at the two adults, and he asks them. "You two aren't familiar with Vewolves, aren't you?"

 "You got us." says Al to Vewolf doll. "I've hunted and fight most supernatural and intergalactic things, but never a Vewolf. Or seen one of these mythic creatures."

 "Given the fact that our kind is almost extinct it is a reason why we aren't focused more by your corporation as we Individuals from Dimension 2 are calling you. Some are even calling you monsters, pigs, and demons."

 The three human hunters are feeling a little creeped by this. The fact that this doll waits for the day Carmen's will die is a little unsettling, and not the part the Dimension 2 are having nor respect for them, after all they are the ones who are tracking and throwing supernatural stuff back there.

 The three people discuss a few more minutes, then they decide to have dinner and discuss about Carmen's adventure at the table. Unfortunately, the uncle and mother of Carmen did not reveal anything interesting at the dinner table. All of them being focused on eating the good-looking dinner Carmen's Mom has prepared for them.