Chereads / Supernatural Hunters: Team 4 United Kingdom / Chapter 6 - Alexia - The Vampire - Part 1

Chapter 6 - Alexia - The Vampire - Part 1


A few minutes have passed, and the bus stops in front of the bus station where Carmen gets off frequently every single day when she finishes a normal day of high school. The girl heads toward the door of her house, carrying her backpack and walking normally.

She gets to the front door, knocks on the door and waits for it to be unlocked by her mother. She is always keeping the door locked due to her paranoia that one day a criminal might barge into their house, stab them and steal all of their things. Weird thoughts can come out of an adult's mind when they are alone and keep a huge amount of money in their mats or in the house this family owned for almost a decade.

"Hello, Carmen!" says her mother, opening the door of the house and letting her daughter enter the house.

"Hello, dear mother," says Carmen, lightly hugging her mother. "What do we have for dinner?"

"Vegetable soup."

"Sounds good." says Carmen to her mother.

The door closes behind them and they walk to the kitchen, where they will be eating dinner.

The girls are sitting safe inside the house, not knowing that something darkish-green which represents a ghost is crawling on the street between the cars. One moving car is going through the thing, but it doesn't crush or kill him, indicating the creature is immortal like Lucian. That thing looks like a Cyclops, he is bald and he doesn't present any lower body parts, only the upper part is present. His hands are strong looking, while his chest looks very strong.

The creature is looking angrily at the house that Carmen entered, and he whispers as he continues to crawl:

"I… will… have… my revenge… foul beast."

The thing continues to crawl, not minding some cars running through it, and ignoring the appearance of the creatures from the second dimension that have entered the first one, but they are considered inoffensive and no dangerous threat to the first dimension. He continues to whisper the same thing until he gets closer to the window of the house Carmen lives where.


Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the 4th Hunter Team, in what can be described as an abandoned library shop, Alexia, the female vampire, is sitting at the monitors, checking the signals of any creature discovery. She observes lots of creatures, but most of them are in the region of the 3rd team, and the 4th team has to concentrate on their designed area. You can help the other teams in other areas, but this is rarely happening today because most of the fighters are either exceptional in combat with abilities, or lucky people.

Alexia sees a notification on the monitor with notifications about any creature being discovered by either hidden cameras or worms (there are worms who are connected with the monitors of the teams and provide great information). The notification shows the creature's name and the photo describing it. It is the cyclops-ghost looking creature from earlier crawling on the street to Carmen's house.

"Oh no." says Alexia, seeing the creature's identity and information on the notification page.

She looks over the monitor of the hunters who are near their areas and notices not many people are close to that area. Kyle is still at high school hunting that creature, while the ghost of Brighton is floating fast to the school where Kyle is. She sees the other members of their team outside the city.

Alexia cannot do anything. She cannot leave the building since outside it is still day and she is a vampire species. If she left the base of the sun, she might melt her entire body and she could slowly die in the sunlight. So, the only thing Alexia can do is to send a message to Lucian, since he is able to deal with ghosts. She picks up the microphone, sets up communication with Lucian and she tells him.

"Leave the creature to Kyle. We've got a bigger treat."

"What is it?" asks Lucian on the microphone' on the entire squad members' clocks (Lucian can interact with some objects, and a clock like this is made by the makers of these Hunters' Teams).

"We have a case on the street where Carmen lives."

"And? Send Kyle?"

"Kyle is already after the creature you were running after. He can handle it better than you."

"Why did you send him there?"

"I didn't." replied Alexia. "Look, the thing you will hunt instead is a ghost."

"Ghost? Really?" says surprised at the clock. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. It is a Cyclops ghost."

"Yes. Something I can actually fight. Where do you say it is now?"

"… It is close to Carmen's home." says Alexia, looking at the monitor who displays hidden cameras of the region of Brighton. She sees the creature crawling to the door of the house Carmen lives. "You should fly faster."

"I'm on my way," says Lucian, and closes the call.

Alexia signed in a mood of relaxation. She managed to call someone and send him to deal with the situation at Carmen's residence. Alexia felt a bit nervous because the Vewolf soul might already be functioning to alert her about the dangers. But she cannot be sure the teenage girl can see the creature, especially a ghost.


Meanwhile, at the high school, Kyle's invisibility gets worn off, and he appears on the second floor of the high school, right in front of the creature he has to hunt. Thankfully, nobody is around him because most of the students have left. And teachers have just either been locked in the teacher's lounge to complete some papers, grade them or enjoy some peace from the mouths of teenagers. Kyle is taking the arrow out and he looks at the creature, waiting for it to make the first move.

The thing in front of Kyle is Rabido, a creature who is either characterized as a bulldog with bunny ears, or as a company animal in the second dimension. That creature is looking at Kyle, he feels very intimidated, so he prepares for an attack or defence. Kyle has done a thing that should not be done. He makes the creature feel attacked.

They stand still, both of them looking at each other, preparing for someone to attack first. Both of them are standing still, and not moving a single muscle for about a minute.

When that minute passed by, Kyle tells the creature in a calm voice.

"Don't be afraid. I have come to take you back to the second dimension."

The creature growls like a dog, indicating that it says a "No" to Kyle.

"We can take you back to your home. This dimension is not your home. You do not belong here."

Again, the creature proceeds to crawl and it reveals his white-yellow fangs. One bite of this creature is able to send a man like Kyle into a state of "sleeping" for three hours and death if it is not treated on time. Unfortunately, medicine against creatures like this can only be found on the Merchants of 1.2 Dimension (Dimension that combine the first and second worlds), and Kyle has no time to go there if he is infected by the virus of this enemy.

Rabido decides to do a frontal attack on Kyle, ignoring the risk that he would take if he did that. And Kyle, decides to use this moment as an opportunity to attack the "monster" with the arrow that contains a tranquillizer substance which will make the creature go into a numb state and sleep. The creature runs on his legs for a few moments, and when it gets very close to Kyle, he jumps at him, with his mouth open. It looks like he is trying to bite him.

Kyle manages to dodge that bite at the last second, by moving his body at least one centimetre to the left, and Rabido "flies", then lands on the floor. The creature turns around, but before he is about to do another jump, Kyle throws the arrow. The arsenal of the crossbow hit the creature with what is believed to be the left cheek.

In a matter of seconds, the creature slowly falls on the floor, then it goes numb, and in a matter of ten seconds, he closes his eyes, going into a state of sleep that will make him awake for at least six hours. At that time, the thing categorized as a Rabido will be sent back to the second dimension, the place where it belongs.