Chereads / Diary Of A Serial Killer / Chapter 3 - Road To Hell

Chapter 3 - Road To Hell

I ride through the motorbus that leads into the city from the village of Guagua town, the capital of the province of Pampanga in the Southeast Asian country of the Philippines. The bus drove the passengers, myself included, through the darkest night of dawn.

For it was early in the morning, I had to sit through the whole ride for an entire hour until I get there. To which these buses barely have any ventilation, and they fill in the seats at full capacity at the maximum limit of thirty people inside.

Drivers and escorts don't care about the size of a person, even if there are twenty-five obese people, they have to fill in five more for the maximum seats. Not caring even if the bus is physically too full to be seated.

For the drivers and escorts are greedy for money. Excusing it as protocol without any ethics, they want to fill the bus, even if you can't fit in anymore, they will force you.

Otherwise, you can just leave, lest you will be late for work or miss your morning prayers in class and will give you a failing grade for missing an hourly prayer, let alone the flag ceremony. As they force students to stand in the blazing scorching heat of the sun, and are forced to be inside classrooms with air conditioners filling the room.

Making the sweat mixed with too much cold, they will get sick. And the Department of Education (DepEd) doesn't give a damn. You have to be in class anyway.

The drivers though, they will not leave until there are thirty seats. That is why I chose the motorbus, other than the usual jeepney buses.

Having that said, it drove us, the passengers, through the rural roads in the middle of nowhere, all because the road was closed for further construction. Due to a terrible accident, that "I" "probably" "have caused", during the nights of my hunts.

Because for I know, I remember chasing hypersexual teenagers who start off their night drunk, trespassing probably sketchy places they shouldn't be, and I so happen to have caught them.

They start by after partying too much after school hours, late at night, they think they can drive into blocked off areas, and saw things they shouldn't have, whilst they were intoxicated with marijuana.

It started like a goddamned niche/cliche slasher horror movie from the 90s. Though, I sort of like the setting. I already know how this all is going to end. But I managed to turn the plot all around as the main antagonist of the story, the killer himself.

Like a Dead by Daylight trial. Though, I did not use hooks this time. Instead, I use my sacrificial blade for the final blow.

But my main weapon is only for injuries. I make sure I don't kill them too quickly. I make sure (not just because I am purely outrageously sadistic) to make it slow and painful. The pain and the blood itself will give more energy to my sigil spells and chaos magick.

Sexual energy is the best charge for my crystals and jars. However, no matter how horny I am, I would never rape a person. That is beyond my morality. Despite I am a complete sociopathic man-slaughtering butcher that loves to torture people.

Although, sacrificing teenagers is not main goal for such criminal actions. My central motive is to be in the eyes and shoes of a serial killer. So, I can write a good book series that is extremely accurate, and to inspire me to continue my work as an indie author, looking forward as an aspiring bestseller!

I wanted to make these real-life events to be inspired in my book as the most accurate way of writing the true events of serial slashings around town.

As soon as the police finally makes a statement, announcing to the public of the serial killer's title (my title). I can finally have the title of my main book.

I want to be the first serial killer in the Philippines, I may not be the first to be truthful, it is because someone had already been documented.

The thing is, I want to kill and make it public, make my anonymous character out in the real world to be fleshed out and stand out without getting caught.

Although, it's hard to be a serial killer in the Philippines, despite the NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) and SOCO (Scenes of Crime Officer); (Filipino versions of FBI and CSI); doesn't have the fanciest gadgets and they are easy to fool.

The fact that they don't have the proper equipment and training, unlike in America does, as they can easily catch anyone. With the average IQ of 86 in the Philippines, everyone is dumb. Except for my IQ is 128, almost at the talented score, if you just add 2 more.

The two comorbid mental illnesses are the 1 and 2 that minuses that very IQ score. Schizophrenia and ADHD. But I've gotten it under control now, except for my short attention span.

"People who boast about their IQ are losers." -Stephen Hawking

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Although, the reason why it is actually difficult to be a serial killer are because of the "chismosa". It is a Filipino culture where everyone gossips too much, everyone is too nosy. They don't care about personal privacy, especially amongst the "marites", who are "maindredos".

In short, people want to know too much, and once they get an idea, it will spread too quickly like wild fire.

Any small information you may have accidentally given to them, or if they look at you, they will assume way too much and easily about you. Especially if you stand out too much among society.

That is why I have a reputation for my notorious infamy. But they don't know I am actually smart with my calculated actions. That could lead to a domino effect with my confident plans on how I can manipulate the masses into thinking the other way instead of looking at me.