Ekron vs Metatron
The blades of the two soldiers are crossing their blade with magic, its intense,
unpredictable who will win, the battle contains power that can destroy the universes
no one has ever seen battle like this, but it's not good for the demon lord because he is wasting
his mana to using the eclipse element, an element that is destructive but not everyone can get that
an element like that.
"Ekron, I had never felt like this before you're the only one that can fight like this, Metatron"
A gate opens out of nowhere, they contain and tremendous amount of mana.
Ekron knew the smell of the mana.
"Ekron, Thats not possible how they get in there it's not possible, I create a barrier that block the
angelic mana when Metatron entered in the world so how you guys are here how...and how"
Archangels Gabriel,Michael,Raphel,Ariel and Raziel said you can't block us with your power our
power is far superior from your Ekron and now is your time to say good bay.
The 6 Archangels start to attack the demon lord Ekron.
"Ekron, You fools can never kill me"
Ekron pulls out the gem of reincarnation.
"Archangels, how do you get that, don't tell me that you bastard used that method....."
"Ekron, you will never know"
Ekron use the gem of reincarnation to reincarnate himself.