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Love your pet and you will find love...

Chapter 1 - Katherine at work and love.


The day was bright in St. Louis Missouri town at Cleveland Avenue, along the road stood a well gardened bungalow painted milk (off-white). Then at a window life is felt.

"Hey! Jack, don't do that here" – closed her eyes to avoid the sight of the worst. Then she opened, at that instant jack was dropping down its left hind foot on the floor with ease. Then she hissed as Jack a plump dog with brown mixed with black short hairs, short of stout stature walked close to the door to lie down. Katherine an obese young female of 27 years with a sticky skirt and blouse with an unusual clumsy short jacket dragged her foot to the spot with a rag pinched underneath the toe of her right foot and wiped the urine of Jack, the odour was well expected. So, Katherine continued the routine, she took her belongings in to one of the rooms, set the TV set on a stool and did the whole chores from noon till late at night. As she was about to slump on a sofa, her door bell rang, she tried her best to hold her frame from doing just that but it was too late, oops! The sofa and her jilted backwards with Katherine's face facing the ceiling. At that instant jack took his hands over his eyes to avoid the sight. After expending some calories to get up, she walked to the door and opened.

"Hello! I'm Dorothy Walters your next door neighbour. I heard you moved in so I came to pip in on you" – with smiles beaming on her face.

"Ho! That's nice. I am a bit burn-out,"

"Oh! I understand; I would pip in later then,"

"Yes! I would love it so," As she walked away, Katherine closed the door took two steps and hopped on the longest sofa.


Buzz buzz!! (And howl of a dog); Katherine turned on the sofa, hit the alarm clock and jumped on her feet. She ran straight to the bathroom took a quick oral clean-up and hopped on the street. With jack's rope on one hand – Katherine started her hiking. At two blocks away closed to a bend she saw a muscular figure well built with short hairs, a stoic face of generous wrinkles. As he was about to pass Katherine; he smiled and winked – "Hi! Jason Augustus and you are?"

Katherine was still walking the dog. So, Jason ran ahead of her and back-pedaled signaling her to off her headset.

She took it off reluctantly.

"Hi! – Jason Augustus and you are?"

"Katherine Adams,"

"You look new in this block" tilting his head trying to see her response.

"Oh! Yes, but not today though" (both smiled),

"I live close to the grocery store down the road and I would love to see you again."

"Ok!" They both exchanged digits and he zoomed off. Katherine hiked for a little and returned back home.


After the Sunday's mass, Katherine returned home with jack and a pack full of things she picked up from the grocery store, as she was struggling to open the door, her phone rang. She clumsily dropped the pack and all its content was sprawled on the floor. She scampered for her phone.

"Hello! It's Kate."

"Hi! It's Jason. I just saw you leaving the grocery store and I wish to hear your melodious voice again."

"Oh! Jason (red cheeked) that's so thoughtful."

"So, can I stop by your place later today – say 5?"

"No – Yes – sorry Yes!" (She fumbled)

"So, it's 5 then?"

"Yes 5 – block 23 Cleveland…"

"Oh! Stop! I know your house already – catch ya later!"

"Ok!" With her eyes lit with surprise and apprehension she swung the key into the hole, left – then right – then left again. The door flung opened, packed up her stuff from the floor and headed for the kitchen…


Two streets away from Katherine; a tall lanky young man, 30 years of age with deep blue eyes and a curly sprouting hair with a sleek personality fit for suit and affluence walked hand in hand with a dark blonde hair damsel of 25 years, she wore a pair of stiletto heels and a stunning princess like dress with eyes that observes a lot, care less and hard to impress carriage, she was smiling with reservation as they walked down the road on a walkway, as they approached a certain figure, Richard quickly made way for him to pass and the young man gave a grin of appreciation as he walked pass.

"Here you go!" She said in a sarcastic tone.

"What do you mean Valerie?"

"Richard, you hardly act like a man, always second fiddle."

"But what was wrong with that?" He inquired.

"You should have walked by my side – shoulder high," she snapped.

"This would make him give way for us to pass but no you took a coward stance – hardly American!"

"But Val, I never meant it that way, I am so sorry."

"Always sorry, one day you would be sorry for being a man, I guess," flinging her dark blonde hair backwards in fury.

"I am so sorry my love, I promise to make it up to you tonight."

"With what, Kisses? (Rolls her eyes) or bed warmth or even party at a nearby pub – hell No! But a candle lit juvenile jingle is all you can offer."

"Ok! Tonight we would go to a 5 – star restaurant," he promised.

"Yah, Yah! She said reluctantly facing away from him."

"Oh, thanks! Meet me at my house 8pm."

"Ok! (With a pout) I would try to be there I guess." She hugged him hurriedly and crossed the road and her frame faded into the distance.

Hoo! (He exhaled) and walked home.


Katherine sitting on a sofa watching a soap opera series with a cup of Pringles mixed with pop corn, closed to her hips and extreme left was Jack sitting as well.

At exactly 6pm, the door bell rang, Katherine sprang to her feet, took a mirror close up to pat her long dark hairs, she took a Mary Kay out from the armpit of the sofa, and made a final touch on her face. After several blast of the door bell, she rushed and opened the door.

"Hi! Katie,"

"Hello Jason!" (She quivered),

"Can I come in?" With a cowboy stance,

"Oh no, Come in!" (She laughed),

As she slammed the door, Jason quickly moved to the direction of Jack, who took a quick hop down and moved and lied down on the floor close to the arm of the sofa where Katherine was to sit.

"Katie, what're ya watching?"

"Girl's stuff, all lovey-love from Mexico," she said as they watched for some time, with the series getting heated up, Jason took pop corn from the cup, he quickly moved it away and sat very close to Katherine.

"You know I never missed an episode of this series," she said rather uneasily.

"And I will not miss a chance to kiss your lips," he said reaching for her chin as he sprang his body onto Katherine's frame kissing and caressing her, she also responded as it was getting deeper with him trying to rip her pants off, she got hold of herself and said with pumps of passion and sweats, "I don't think this is right!"

He kissed her again, to see her response.

But she lied down transfixed; "I think this would lead to something we don't want now!" She said with more calmness.

"Sorry! Just an exemption of my feelings," he said backing off.

"I know;" she said sitting up and pulling up her undies and skirt, while placing her neck on the sofa and her foot down.

As they both watched the series for some time, Jason spoke up.

"Katie, I'm gonna rush down now, I'd call ya later," he said standing up to leave.

"I am sorry for what happen, I just couldn't do it," she said apologetically as she stood up.

"Yah! See ya some other time," he kissed her on the cheek and made for the door.

As he slammed the door, Katherine sat down rested her head on the sofa in thought with mixed feelings of joy and resentment.


Richard sitting alone in his well furnished apartment all dressed up in his gentleman tuxedo white polka dot suit as he swung his left arm and gazed at his wrist, he saw 10pm. He tried to reach Valerie on phone but no one responded and later left a message for her on WhatsApp via voice note and took off his suit and walked in crest fallen.


Buzz Buzz Buzz! Richard woke, hit the alarm clock and rushed straight to the bathroom. With the same response, Katherine rushed while humming a happy tone with an elated heart to hike. At exactly 5am, Richard reached for his lab coat and moved to his car, roared the engine and zoomed off to work. Katherine returned, took her bath and picked up some manuscript and left for work leaving Jack behind.