Chapter 221 - The Valor of Man (1)

"Men! Today we take a step into the dark forest. I'm sure you've all heard tales of the horrors that exist between those trees. For many years, we've hidden away from those stories. We've sat back and stared at the terrible unknown that looks down upon us from across that field. I've been to this town many times before, and my heart rate quickens every time I look at those trees." The Duke pauses to allow his words to sink in. He's not addressing a hardened group of veterans but a mismatched army of guards and militia. They are not brave warriors; they are mere men who need to be instilled with courage. He needs to give them a will, a purpose. Man's first instinct is to protect his life, that is, until something is placed above it. For the right cause, people are ready to die by the millions.

The Duke has been leading people his whole life. Even as a child, he was granted a small troop of guards to order around. Over time, he's become adept at manipulating the hearts of men. Knowing that your commander is just as afraid as you are can drastically reduce morale unless handled properly. It's a calculated risk, one of many that Duke Avaritan has made over the last few months. His goal is to bring himself down to the same level as his men and look them eye to eye. If he can build a sense of connection and belonging, he can use that to build them back up. Citizens don't make good soldiers, but they can be transformed into bloodthirsty fanatics with just a few simple words.

"But I'm tired of being afraid!" The Duke shouts as he slams his fist upon the podium in front of him. "I'm tired of looking at the vast wealth of the forest helplessly! I'm tired of looking out at my citizens struggling to survive. I! Want! More!"

His troops shuffle their feet as his words dig deep into their minds. Something begins to stir inside them, and how could it not? These people have suffered under the weight of poverty their whole lives. They've looked up at the nobles with the same fear and envy that the Duke has just used to describe the forest. Years of dormant indignation come bubbling to the surface.

"Wealth beyond your wildest imagination lies just beyond that treeline! That, there, is the city of gold, and we'll all be swimming in riches when we take control of it!" Duke Avaritan can feel the heat rising from his soldiers. He's hitting the mark. Now, only one last hurdle remains. "But for who, you may ask? Doesn't the gold always go to the nobles? No matter what I do or how hard I work, I'm always struggling to survive."

Already brainwashed, the soldiers nod along to what he says. Indeed, the nobles always exploit the citizens for their labor. Each person is given just enough to live off. There's no opportunity for saving or investing; every penny they earn is used to fill their bellies.

"Not anymore!" The Duke bellows. "Every person here is guaranteed ten gold coins should we succeed! This is but the first step in my plan to rebuild the territory!"

""Yeaah!"" The crowd erupts into a jubilant fervor. Ten gold coins are enough for each person to live off for a very long time. The slow-burning hell that pervades these peoples' lives is rent asunder. A bright new future has been laid out before them. Duke Avaritan smiles down at his troops.

It's as if the human mind is meant to be controlled. These people are willing to fight to the death over just a handful of words.

The Duke brushes aside these pesky thoughts and continues his indoctrination.

"All that stands between you and the new world I'm building is that forest! We may be small on our own, but together, we're unstoppable!"

""Yeaah!"" Another cheer ripples through the crowd. Sensing that the Duke is almost finished, Baron Reynolds walks up to him. The Duke is standing on a tall wooden platform in the middle of town. As the Baron climbs the stairs to the top, Duke Avaritan finishes his speech with a bang.

"You have the full weight of my territory behind you, and as proof, I bring you this!" The Duke raises a large red mana core about the same size as a cantaloupe. For most people here today, this is by far the largest mana core they've ever seen.

"A dragon core?!" Someone shouts from the back of the crowd.

"That's right! This dragon core has been imbued with the magic circle necessary to convert a dungeon core into a city core! Once we've taken control of the dungeon core, we'll have an impenetrable fortress set up right in the middle of the forest!" The Duke shouts as he hoists the core even higher in the air. "With this, all the wealth of the forest will be within our grasp!"

""Huzzah! Huzzah!"" The crowd of soldiers work themselves up into a frenzy. Duke Avaritan looks down at his troops with a knowing smile. The air is ripe, and the stage is set. Now all he needs to do is let his dogs of war slip.

"Get ready for our departure! We leave in one hour! I expect everyone to be in formation before then!"

""Aye, sir!"" The army barks. Even though they have to wait, tensions only grow. The dull fear that filled the hearts of his troops has been replaced with an excited intensity, a madness only known to those who are prepared to die in battle.

"My lord, I have some documents that need your attention." Reynolds salutes by placing his right fist over his heart as he speaks to the Duke.

"Very well, let's step down from the platform and have a look."

"Aye, sir." The two men walk down the podium stairs and head towards the command tent that's situated nearby. As soon as they open the flaps, they're met with a flurry of activity from the officers scrambling around inside. Duke Avaritan deftly walks through the crowd that leaps out of the way to avoid him. He sits at the desk in the center of the tent and turns to face the Baron.

"Alright, Reynolds, what did you want to show me?"

"Right here, sir." The Baron says as he hands his superior several pieces of paper. "We just got a report about a massive, unidentified creature lurking in the woods."

Duke Avaritan eyeballs the document with a skeptical expression.

"What's this? A rumor spread amongst rookie Adventurers? Why do I care what a bunch of newborns piss their pants about?"

"I wouldn't have brought it to your attention if I thought that's all it was, sir."

"Well, whatever it is, it doesn't stand a chance against to combined force of our army. Isn't that right, men?"

""Aye, sir!"" The nearby officers shout in unison.

"Understood, my lord." Reynolds reaches into his breastplate and pulls out another document. "We also have a small issue with our food supply."

"What's this now? I thought we took care of that with the last caravan that arrived."

"We did, sir, but it seems some vagrants broke into our warehouse and took twenty percent of our meat stock."

"That bitch!" the Duke exclaims. "I'll have her head when all this is over!"

"Sir, there isn't any evidence that the Guild Master was involved in this incident."

"Bullshit, she's been nipping at my heels since day one. I can smell a scheme a mile away. She's just like those upstart young nobles in my territory, seeding doubt and spreading rumors. They'll all be in for a world of hurt once we win this war."

"Sir, if I may interject, many of those upstart nobles have lent you their forces for the upcoming battle. I think it's a bit rude to talk about them like that." Reynolds desperately tries to cut the Duke off as many of the officers in this tent work for those young nobles. There's no doubt word of this will spread to his territories. Those nobles won't be happy to hear that their aide is being met with such loathsome words.

"Snakes! The whole lot of them. They're just trying to keep up appearances. Just you wait. If I let my guard down for even a second, they'll be at my side, ready to stab me in the back!" The Duke rages around in his chair. It seems he's hardly aware of what's going on anymore. Everyone in the tent has stopped moving to listen to the Duke's unhinged rant. Reynolds clears his throat in an attempt to shift the tone of the conversation.

"Even if it is just for appearances, I'm sure you'll reward them for their sacrifices after we take the forest, yes?" The Baron's eyes dart around the tent to ensure everyone is paying attention. The piles of gold pouring out from behind those trees can still mend anyone's hurt feelings.

"I'll give them their share. I won't be happy about it, but I'll keep my end of the bargain. If they're going to keep up appearances, then I'll make sure to do the same." The officers around the tent start moving again now that their rewards have been assured. Reynolds breathes a sigh of relief, knowing his ploy worked out. He then takes a deep breath as he prepares to lay the next report on the Duke's desk.

"Lastly, there have been several deserters," Reynolds explains.

"What?!" The Duke bellows.

"Some of the newer militia skipped town yesterday. We've identified ten, but at least thirty men have gone missing."

"I want them found immediately!"

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