"There she is!" The merchant's two guards shout from a short distance away. Jezabel struggles to her feet, but her legs can no longer support her weight. "Grab her!"
The guards reach down towards the defenseless girls when a gruff voice steps in.
"What's going on here?" The large man that Jezabel ran into only moments prior steps forward with a question.
"These girls need to be punished for attacking an esteemed merchant."
"They attacked someone with guards? How did they get past you?"
"Oh, well, they were having a meeting at his house. We were away from our post at the moment," One guard explains.
"So, this merchant was having a meeting with two young girls at his house. They must be well acquainted with the two of them if he felt comfortable being alone with them."
"Well, actually, it was only the older of the two that was in attendance."
"But I thought you said they both needed to be punished?"
"Umm… I- uh…" the guard stammers as he's backed into a corner.
"Let me explain what actually happened." The large man begins. "This young girl was invited to the home of your employer for some potentially unsavory business. She was pressed into preforming certain actions that she wasn't comfortable with, and the situation escalated to violence. Am I missing anything?"
"We weren't in the room at the time, so I can't–"
"That's unfortunate as these girls are the newest members of the Adventurer's Guild, you see. Given their positions, they are now under my jurisdiction." The large man smiles menacingly at the two guards. They hesitate, unsure of what to do.
"We still need to bring them–"
"If your employer has any problems with my decision, feel free to come to the guild branch in town to complain. Make sure to ask for Guild Master Lucius." The guards stand in place awkwardly for several moments until Lucius pressures them to leave with his gaze. Jezabel tightens her grip on Lana as the Guild Master approaches.
"Hello, I believe I've already introduced myself. What are your names?" The man's hard glare is replaced by a gentle smile as he speaks to the girls still sitting on the ground.
"I'm Jezabel," she responds flatly.
"You're being a bit rude to the person that just saved you, don't you think?"
"I've only lost one parasite to gain another. I know you didn't help me for free. You want something from me."
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire, huh? You're right. I do want something from you, although I already told you what it is. Why don't we get you to something to eat; you both look starved." Unable to deny her hunger any longer, Jezabel follows after the mysterious fellow.
"You want me to join the Adventurer's Guild?" Jezabel asks between mouthfuls of soup. Lucius bought the girls each a bowl of soup with a loaf of bread, and they both proceeded to scarf the food down without question.
"Correction, you have already joined the guild. I'm asking you to stay."
"Why me?"
"The best adventurers are those with something to lose, something precious." He responds as he gazes at Lana. Sensing danger, Jezabel straightens up in her seat. "Ha, see what I mean? I'm twice your size, and you're still getting ready to fight me. That's the fire I like to see!"
Eyes begin to gather on their table as Lucius's voice expands to fill the small restaurant.
"We'll lend you a room and some equipment to get started, but you'll have to pay us back, of course. As long as you remain in the guild, we can protect you from insects like that merchant. That being said, if you harm anyone for no reason from here on out, we'll have to deal with that internally," he warns.
"I already owe that man a lot of money."
"Then this is your best chance to pay him back. You've got to spend money to make money after all." She doesn't respond but continues to eye him warily. "Or quit the guild and figure it out on your own. I'm not forcing you to do anything."
"How can I be in the guild already? I haven't agreed to anything?"
"I'm the Guild Master. Whatever I say goes. If I say you're in the guild, then you're in the guild."
"I'll do it."
"Perfect, let me show you around." The three of them arrive at the guild building a few minutes later. "This right here will be your room. Just ask the front desk to loan you some equipment." With those vague instructions, Lucius leaves the room.
"Jezzy?" Lana, who managed to keep quiet over the course of the whole ordeal, finally speaks up. "What's gonna happen now?"
"I don't know." Jezabel hugs her sister and rubs her head. Their future, which had been uncertain for months now, just took a wild turn. After consoling Lana, she walks down to the guild hall to figure out what to do next.
"Hello, how can I help you?" A healthy-looking woman asks as Jezabel arrives at the counter. The guild hall has several tables spread across the floor and a series of counters along one wall. Several shops that sell goods and equipment are lined up next to each other. After surveying the area, she approaches the counter that doesn't seem to sell anything.
"Hi, yes. I'm Jezabel. I'm new to the guild, and I was just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. Lucius said to come down here if I had any questions."
"Oh, you must be one of the strays he picked up."
"Lucius likes to pick up people off the street if they look desperate. He says that desperate people make for the best adventurers."
"Do they?"
"If you make it past iron rank, you'd be the first." The woman working the counter doesn't think very much of her prospects, but Jezabel tries to remain hopeful.
"What can I do then? It sounds like it's hopeless."
"Maybe it is." The woman says with a shrug. "Most adventurers start with small tasks to increase their stats and save up for better equipment. From there, they slowly try more challenging quests to gauge their abilities. I can tell you it's going to be a challenge to make enough just to pay back our rental fees."
"But I owe someone a lot of money. I need to make enough to pay him back too."
"There's always the brothel if you need some quick cash." A mountain reaches for the sky in front of the young girl. All the world seems to stand in her way. Even the people employed to help her have already given up.
[Why is everything so unfair?]
A belligerent rage boils up from deep within. Jezabel hardens herself before coming to a decision.
"Lend me some equipment." Her voice is cold. Ice pours through her veins as she prepares herself to fight.
"If you're thinking of challenging the dungeon, I have to warn you how dangerous it is. Even experienced adventurers die on the early floors occasionally, so it's no walk in the park. It's best if you work your way up through the simple quests to gain experience and challenge the dungeon with a team." The guild staff member's words fall on deaf ears. Jezabel has chosen her path, one built on rivers of blood.
"Are you done?" Jezabel asks.