Chapter 160 - Training Day (4)

"Yes and no. We have no intentions of interfering with the Duke's movements, but we are both after the same thing. I just found this out recently, but there was a war between two Mankas tribes last year." The hushed whispers cease as everyone listens intently. "I'm sure you're all aware of how dangerous the Mankas are, yes?"

We all nod.

"It's true. They're quite ferocious and incredibly territorial. A new tribe made a move on the one that was in control of the area around the town but was defeated. From what I've heard, the invading tribe was completely annihilated."

"So that means the defending tribe is weakened," Tyrion adds.

"That's part of it, but the Mankas don't really interfere with humans all that often. As long as you avoid their territory, they'll leave you alone. What's more important is how the two tribes prepared for the war." Travis winks at us like he's about to tell us a secret. "Most of the monsters in the surrounding area were hunted down by them as food to increase their numbers and grow the strength of their respective tribes."

It suddenly occurs to me how few monsters I've seen in the forest. Other than the Metapardus, we've only encountered a handful of weak monsters. From what I've read, the forest is supposed to be filled to the brim with giant beasts, but we seem to have avoided them.

"Let me guess; they don't eat Equuinoids?" I ask.

"No, they don't. I'm not sure of the reasoning, but Equuinoids are often found living amongst the Mankas tribes."

[That explains a lot.]

This lucky coincidence is likely what's prevented me from getting killed in these woods.

"They also don't hunt Slimes or Punctastars, which has caused the populations of both species to rise dramatically."

[I thought the fairies had always fought off the Punctastars, but maybe that's only a recent development.]

"Given all that, we shouldn't run into any problems on our expedition." Travis clearly doesn't understand the concept of raising death flags. He goes on to explain the potential dangers and diagrams a plan for our movement. At least, I think it's a diagram; Travis's handwriting is so bad it looks like a child's finger painting. After explaining each point of his drawing several times, we understand the plan and prepare to leave.

"Get ready and meet me at the edge of the forest; feel free to bring some food in case we're out longer than expected. Nick, can I speak to you privately."

[Uh oh.]

Travis doesn't look upset, but I still have a bad feeling about this. I watch everyone meander out the door while I mentally prepare myself for whatever Travis has in store for me.

"So, I talked to Jezabel before class."

"Oh?" I struggle to contain my surprise at the topic of conversation.

"I apologized to her." Travis runs his hand over the back of his head like a kid that got caught stealing cookies. "I guess I never really thought about how she was feeling; at the time. I just thought she was a bitch."

He chuckles to himself. I stay silent to allow him to continue.

"She accepted it. I should thank you for pointing that out to me. I'd like to think I'm good at reading the room, but I guess I still have more to learn, so thanks."

"Of course. I'm just glad you don't hate me after that."

"I thought about it." We both laugh, and I make for the door.

"One last thing." He starts. "I'll be counting on your help out there."

He flashes his pearly whites, and I can't help but grin.

"Sure, no problem." I leave and meet up with the kids outside. The mood of our group is a chaotic mess. Shinobu is cathartic while Sakura is depressed, and Josh is confused. I sigh internally.

"Okay, we're headed into the woods today; Travis asked us to give him a hand so let's do our best." I put some energy into my voice to shift the mood.

"Okay!" Shinobu punches the air in excitement, but no one else responds.

[Well, I tried.]

"Then, let's gear up." We head towards the den to grab the rest of our equipment. To my surprise, Shinobu takes the lead in the conversation, which is normally done by Sakura. I've got a lot on my mind, so I try to put together what she's saying by the fragmented sentences coming in through my ears.

"Blah, blah, blah fun, don't you think?"

"Uh, yea. It was."

[How likely is it that Travis and Jezabel actually made up like that? Is it possible I'm being set up in any way? No, that doesn't make any sense.]

"….someplace we haven't been yet."

"I'm not sure."

[It's odd that Jezabel is willing to put so much trust in me, considering my past decision-making. Is there any ulterior motive for helping me? Is she working in conjunction with the Duke? No, that doesn't make any sense. There isn't any clear benefit she would gain from aiding an invading noble, and it certainly wouldn't help the Adventurer's Guild. Also, she could easily kill me whenever she wanted to, so there's no reason to go about plotting against me.]

"… The best part, it's so big."

[Fuck, I have no idea what she's talking about.]

"You mean the house?" I ask.

"Yeah, just think about what it'll look like once…."

[That was close. Now that I know the topic, I should be able to figure out what she's saying.]

I rummage through my thoughts until we arrive at the den. Given Shinobu's excited tone, it doesn't seem she's noticed that I haven't been paying attention. We gear up, and I decide to check on Sakura to see if she's feeling any better. She's refilling her belt with potions near the entrance.

"Sakura, can I talk to you for a second?" I gesture to the door, and she follows me outside. "I know you're upset, but that fight was settled before it started."

I notice her fists clenched as she struggles to control herself.

"I know, but I'm still mad." She sulks as she crosses her arms. "I can't stop thinking about Josh laying on the weight rack, and I couldn't do anything."

"Jezabel would never do anything that would seriously endanger him."

"It doesn't matter. I'm not strong enough!" Sakura's stance breaks, and she throws her arms down to her sides. I can't help but grin, seeing her get worked up. There's something amazing about seeing people solidify their resolve.

"Then we just need to work harder," I respond.

"Twice as hard!"

"War is fast approaching, and we need to be ready."

"Three times harder!" I chuckle at her unbridled vigor.

"Let's not kill ourselves. Resting is just as important as training if you want to get stronger; we just need to put more effort in during the times we're working." She doesn't reply, but I think I got my point across. Anger can easily devolve into depression without any hope. Even just a sliver is enough to turn a flickering flame into a broiling blaze. "Let's finish getting ready. Protecting our classmates during the expedition should be good training. Remember, no person left behind."

"Got it." She stomps back down to the basement; I can almost see the steam rising off her.

[The mind of a child is where the revolution begins.]