Chapter 17 - Manic Pixie Flower Girl (5)

"What do you want to do now?" Josh tightens his grip on his sword as he repeats my question. I can see a swirl of emotion flowing through his focused expression. Sakura watches him with bated breath from a short distance away.

The more he thinks about it the more anxious he seems to get so I speak up to ease the tension.

"We can keep sparring and exercising if you'd like. You can always think about your answer another time. I'm just asking because I'm eventually going to be taking quests for the Adventurer's Guild."

"I want to do that."

"Do you mean keep up our routine or take quests from the Adventurer's Guild." It's times like this that I wish Josh was better at communicating. I take a breath and remain as patient as possible while deciding his words.

"Both." He says flatly. I flinch at his surprising response.

"Do you really want to join the Adventurer's Guild? It's not the safest occupation and I'm only doing it because my family needs money."

"I want to help."

"Oh." I catch a frog in my throat at his heartfelt words. Having someone as reliable as Josh with me would be incredibly helpful.

"If Josh is joining the Adventurer's Guild then I am too!" Sakura declares. "Friends need to stick together."

She takes this opportunity to not so subtly scoot closer to the stoic looking boy next to her. I call all but see hearts in her eyes when she looks at him.

"Well that's settled then. Let's go talk to Ashley; she'll help sign you up." I feel a little guilty about influencing these two children to walk such a dangerous path but they can quit the guild whenever they want so there isn't really any downside.

[Wow, I've never had friends before! I'm so happy!]

The kid's voice rings in my head which only brightens the smile on my face.

I'm not sure how reliable Sakura is but I doubt she would ever do anything to harm Josh so I can at least consider her an ally. Even if she's a burden, just having Josh on my team gives me much more confidence about my future.

I cheerily begin planning our new team's development while we head towards the guild.

Sakura excitedly babbles away the whole time while hanging from Josh's arm and we're there before we know it.

A new energy fills my limbs as I enter the guild hall for the second time. It's still largely vacant but I don't feel so isolated this time. I see Ashley standing at the other side of the guild hall and wave to get her attention.

"Are these your friends?"

"Yes, This is Josh and Sakura." I point to the two of them, respectively, and try not to worry about whether Sakura thinks of us as friends. I'm sure she'll dress me down about it later if it bothered her.

"And what can I do for you?" Ashley asks while looking at the two of them with a sweet smile. My heart skips a beat while I'm looking at her so I pat my chest a few times to dismiss the sensation.

"We want to join the guild!" Sakura declares. I bite my lip to avoid laughing as she sticks her chest out and places her fists on her hips. Josh nods along while looking seriously at the dog-eared guild staff member.

"Then I'll get the paperwork. Why don't you three sit down at one of the tables while you wait."


I cross my arms and sit down at a table near the entrance with the kids. Sakura scoots close to Josh and immediately starts talking his ear off. While it's hard to glean much from his expression, he at least doesn't seem to hate the experience.

I then turn my attention to the small crowd of adventurers standing at the other end of the hall. Hoping to glean some more information from their behavior, I silently watch them from a distance.

One man in particular seems more emotive than the others. He's wearing a big hat with a feather to cover his curly blond hair and people seem to be trying to avoid him. Other adventurer's make a path for him as he waltz's up to the counter.

"Any good quests for me or is it just the normal crap?" He asks with a smile. Catherine, the bunny-eared guild staff member that was working the reception desk the first time I came here, stares at him with clear annoyance in her eyes.

"Let me check. Nope, nothing new."

"What?! You didn't check anything! You were just looking forward that whole time! Check properly!"

"Next." Catherine waves the man aside and helps the next patron. I cover my mouth to stiffle a laugh as I watch.

"I demand recompense! Where is the Guild Master? I wish to speak to her personally about the disrepect and noncompliance of the staff here!"

"About what?" A cold voice emenates from the crowd as the bright blue-haired Guild Master steps forward.

"T-that was, I was just saying, er, I asked to see any new quests and was rudely ignored." After some stammering, the man with the hat manages to compose himself enough to state his complaint.

"Really." The Guild Master steps up to catherine and asks her the same question. "Are any new quests available?"

"No, sir." Catherine reply's with a short bow.

"Very well, then what's the problem?" She asks as she glares back at the man.

"B-but she didn't even check-"

"Are you questioning the competency of my staff? Or do you think I'm stupid?"

"What? N-no not at all. I would never-"

"Then what is this recompense you were asking for?"

"Recompense? I-I said recombent, not recompense; because I'm so tired that I need to go lay down. Yes, that's right." He replies with a very unconinvincing stretch.

"..." The Guild master just stares at the man without responding.

"Right, then. I'll be on my way." He awkwardly makes his way through the crowd and hurries outside.

The Guild master sighs and turns to speak quietly with Catherine. The crowd near the counter relaxes now that the man has left but still leave a wide breadth for the Guild Master.

Once she's finished speaking with Catherine, she boredly observes the people in the hall until our eyes meet.

"Uh oh." a chill runs down my spine as I notice a small grin appear below he bright blue hair.