Rani Ladhi reached Arur in the company of some chief of Burhamanabad.
He tried to dispel his son's misconception that his father was alive, but Fifi's stepmother opposed his proposal to surrender and taunted him that your mother had become a tool of the enemy behind the scenes.
At the same time, the priest of the city made it known that Queen(Rani)Ladhi had converted herself to the Muslim commander.
The news spread like wildfire in the city along with the marginalization of different languages.
Some of the officials of Arur were relatives of Pratap Rai. One of them, to take revenge for the murder of Pratap Rai, said in the full court that Queen(Rani) had killed Pratap Rai to get the pleasure of Muhammad ibn al-Qasim. All these incidents made Prince Fifi angry with her mother, and he said to Ladhi Queen(Rani), 'Wish!
You are not my mother.
Queen(Rani) did not expect this from her only son. These words shot into his chest like an arrow. He looked one after the other at his son, and at the court, and cried out in a trembling voice,
" Son ! be ashamed,
I am your mother. If I had any hope of your success with the help of these people,
I would advise you to pursue the enemy as far as Basra, but this is cowardice for those who cannot be faithful to your father, they will not be faithful to you.
The enemy who has defeated millions of soldiers.
Your ten and twenty thousand soldiers cannot stand against him.
Half of the army of Sindh has joined him.
I have seen with my own eyes more zealous chiefs than them laying their hands on the feet of the commander of the Muslim army.
Otherwise, remember that these people will deceive you at the right time.
Those who have not yet had a chance to face the enemy are showing more enthusiasm at this time.
So remember son!
They will not get anything except death in this war.
After a month, Muhammad ibn al-Qasim was relieved of arrangements at Brahmanabad and was advancing towards Arur.
Fifi learns that the queen's guess about the chieftains who claim to support her until death is correct.
Muhammad ibn al-Qasim's army had only reached half way when one morning Fifi learned that some of his chiefs had fled the city overnight with five thousand soldiers. When Muhammad ibn al-Qasim's army was only one kos away from Arur.
From Arur and three thousand soldiers descended from the ramparts at night with the gates of the city locked.
Fifi's heart was broken and she escaped with the army.
Muhammad ibn al-Qasim appointed a new Muslim Sindhi chieftain as the governor of the city and after a few days of preparation, he advanced towards Multan.