'Blake was a monster... And what did it say for her, who summoned him and barely held his leash.' Ritsuka thought as she watched from behind Mash's shield as Blake systemically blurred through the air simply punching each Wyvren in the head, making their heads explode into a mist of gore or sending chunks everywhere if the blow was only in passing.
'And most importantly... What does it say about me, that the first summoning I made in Chaldea had me summon a Beast of all things?' She thought with a pit growing in her stomach as she saw Tiamat send titanic beams of blue energy from her hands that burned through the Wyvrens without issue. And any that were too close, were simply mulched like they were put through a wood chipper as the Beast let out a sharp cry that sent green sounds through the wyrvren forms.
"It's great that Chaldea has such strong Servants," Mash muttered as she blocked rocks and other debris from smashing into her body from the fighting going on. and Ritsuka bit her lip as Romani's words she privately had rang through her head.
Ritsuka was sitting down with Romani as the head doctor and sort of Vice Director read through some files and finally with a sigh Roman put down the PDA. "Well... Good news and bad news." Roman said with wry smile.
"Give me the good news first... I don't want to know if I got soul cancer or something from hugging my handsome Servant." She said shamelessly and Romani's face went flat but regardless.
"For the good news... It's suggested that it will take up to five Command Seals to force Jake to do just about anything. So the enemy, 'Rulers' won't be able to control him that well. With how high his Independent Action skill was, the Throne of Heroes basically just gave him a different skill after throwing its hands up in disgust." Romani began while Ritsuka sighed in relief.
'It's one thing if my handsome Servant cucks the Servants that will literally kill me with their power... But him being stolen away is a major no-go!' Ritsuka thought fiercely with her hackles mentally rising at the thought. And then her mind scooted over to thinking about Artoria Alter and how close she was getting with her Servant which made her get slightly huffy at the thought.
"That's the good news though. But I have a question Ritsuka, you are a graduate of the Mages Association, and you know the weight of what it means for Alaya to directly send a 'foreign' hero from another timeline... That means we are either completely screwed beyond comprehension or this Blake has another agenda and our Chaldean, command seals aren't strong enough to stop him." Romani finished gravely.
But in reply, Ritsuka simply took a deep breath and exhaled before making eye contact with Romani Archaman as she spoke with full confidence. "Romani, I trust my Servant, he will not betray me and humanity... I can feel it down to my very bones."
Romani only shook his head with a wry smile before he spoke lightly. "I am not saying he will betray you... Only highlighting his danger, but regardless. Good luck Ritsuka Fujimaru on this coming Singularity."
Those words Romani spoke rang through her head ever so clearly as she watched Blake and Tiamat tear through the Wyrvrens with the lesser dragons being only wheat that tried to fight back against the scythe cutting through them.
"Yes, Mash. It's very good that they are on our side." She said with an honest smile as she stepped past her adorable kouhai's shield confidently into the battlefield. While helplessly idly wondering how many mages back home would shank their own families for the corpses of the lesser dragons that littered the ground like trash.
But as the last of the Wyvrens were being slayed on the other side of the fortress Ritsuka saw a blond woman that was obviously a Servant with how fast and she strong was in swinging her flag around to kill Wryvrens with the flag smashing their bodies around.
"A local Servant like Cu?" She muttered to herself and then walked over with Mash following her to the side as Artoria leading the soldiers managed to finish off the Wyverns on the ground. But as she got closer she saw how both Artoria and that new Servant paused as they seemingly looked at one another.
Before she could make the connection she heard Jake say something that made her lips twitch as she barely managed to hold in a bark of laughter as Artoria's face became pinched like the expression of someone who unexpectedly ate a sour candy.
"Artoria... Since when do you have French descendants?" I asked earnestly as I looked between her and who I knew was Jeanne. And Artoria looked at me with such betrayal, that I knew I wouldn't be able to forget the sight for the rest of my long days.
"No relation." She spat out with a glare as Jeanne looked between us all and then finally smiled and waved with a welcoming smile.
"Hello! I assume you guys aren't here for a Grail War right?" She asked with some confusion and I was reminded about how this Jeanne was a little messed up due to the twisted and corrupted Jeanne 'alter' taking most of her essence so she didn't properly manifest or something along those lines.
Then Olga popped out as a hologram to speak on behalf of Chaldea. "Hello, may I ask your name and class? We are registering you as a potent Servant... But you seem to be at half capacity and stuck there?" Olga spoke and then added on, about wanting to know about what was going on in the general area.
But before Jeanne could even speak. The soldiers that had rallied under Artoria's charisma and bladework screamed in terror and literally fled back into the fortress seeing Jeanne with many screaming some line about 'The Dragon Witch is here!' Or some variation of it.
I took in Jeanne and although she had a similar facial structure to Artoria, she was otherwise very different as she was good five or so inches taller... And even with her bulky cloak covering her, her prodigious curves couldn't be remotely equated to Artoria's body shape.
"Can you guys follow me? I don't think we can discuss things around here." Jeanne said helplessly and I nodded speaking up for her to everyone else.
"Guys we can follow, that's Jeanne D'Arc, the true one at least in Servant form, And she won't attempt anything," I said identifying her and making people blink at my naming her.