Chereads / Gaijin / Chapter 46 - Presidential Campaign

Chapter 46 - Presidential Campaign

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked Yua while relaxing in her room

After school, she invited me to come to her room so we could discuss the school elections

"Don't act this stressed! I have seen my brother win twice so I know a thing or two about collecting votes, first of all, I collected all the problems the school currently has beforehand" Yua said as she gave me a list of problems

Most of the problems were everyday problems that could be easily fixable but some were straight-up impossible

"AC in every classroom is actually impossible, who are we trying to fool here?"

"Come on don't be so pessimistic, the school makes a lot of money so it may be possible, wait I have an idea!" Yua said as she suddenly got up

She was smiling so I guess she might be up to something

Yua exited her room and closed the door then yelled from the corridor



Yua entered the room with a defeated face

"I told you" I said as I patted her on the back

"Anyway we should probably tackle the problems we can actually solve, like the lack of garbage cans or the annual school trips that have recently started to become less and less"

"Yeah but is that going to increase the possibility of you getting votes? Honestly, I'm quite bad at these kinds of things so you chose the wrong person for help"

I curled up in a corner thinking of ways to help other than becoming a mascot

"Who else was I supposed to ask? I can be honest with you and you are the only person I can trust" Yua said while blushing a little

I guess even she can't figure this out herself, I guess I have to come up with something don't I?

"Don't worry Yua, I will see what I can do on my own, for the time being, prepare a poster or something" 

"Where are you going?" Yua asked me as she saw me leaving the room

"That's a secret!" I said with a smile before closing the door

I then tippy-toed my way into Inei's room

"What brings you here?" Inei asked as he was doing some math homework

"I know it's a bit strange to ask you since... we are enemies but could you advise me on this whole election thing?"

Inei was surprised in a good way when I asked him that

"My sister's pride would never have allowed her to ask me that! I guess being with you changed her!" Inei happily said

How am I supposed to tell him I did this behind her back?

"Yeah totally, anyway do you have any tip I... we could use?"

I know it's not good to lie but for this one time I sort of had to do it

"A tip huh? What do I gain by helping you two?"

"Can't you tell us for free?"

"Nothing is free in this world bro" Inei insisted

I guess I have to come up with something

"We will not promote ourselves to the seniors, only the first and second years will hear from us!" I told Inei

After thinking about it Inei agreed, after all that's where most of his votes would come from

"So for starters, you have to be confident you can change the school and be honest about it too! I heard Yua asking about the AC, I mean who would believe you if you said you would do things like this? Be realistic and fast, if you prolong your speech people will get bored, throwing a joke in could be helpful too, that's all I can tell you!" Inei said as he smiled 

"That's all?"

"Did you expect more? It's not like you are becoming the president of the country! You just have to fix some problems and be funny! Reputation can help too and being the daughter of the principal and my sister I have to say Yua has a good reputation as it is, she only has to prove herself using her charisma!" Inei explained

I quickly thanked him and then exited Inei's room and quickly entered Yua's room

"I came up with ideas!" I said while barging in the room

"Huh? That fast? What were you doing anyway?" Yua asked confused

"While I was crapping god enlightened me!"

"Ewww, you monkey don't tell me every detail!" Yua said as she threw her pillow to my face

I then explained to Yua everything Inei told me as if I came up with the ideas and I surprised her nonetheless

"Everything sounds simple but I don't understand one thing! Why not go to the seniors? We could probably get some votes from them!" Yua asked me confused

"You see Inei is more known than you since they have been with him for two years so voting for you is highly unlikely!"

I should give myself a prize, I'm way too good at lying, but it may also be Yua's trust in me so I shouldn't get so cocky

"By the way while you were gone, I made this poster!"

Yua looked quite proud so I expect to see something good

It was a picture of her on Insta with a purple background and the word "VOTE YUA" with big characters

It was rather underwhelming but it could work, I mean we are first years, and they don't expect something of us

"Did you make it on your own?"

"Yes! Why are you questioning it? Do you take me for this stupid when it comes to computers?" Yua was kind of mad

"Well you did try to open an unplugged PC so I kind of do"

When I said that Yua started to hit me in many vulnerable places, even the holy moons of the obliteration tower

"That's what you get!" She said as she faced away from me

Yua then started noting stuff about what else she could change

11:21 A.M

I suddenly hugged Yua from the back

"I have to leave! It's starting to get late"

"O-Okay..." She replied surprised "Good night!"


After telling her good night I quickly left the house but before I could leave the house Yosuke stopped me

"Hey kid I know I shouldn't get involved in family matters but you shouldn't be so harsh to your father! He has tried hard to make up for what he did..."

I felt a certain sadness from Yosuke while telling me that

"I know..." I said without facing Yosuke

I then left for good

Once I returned home I saw my father in the living room watching a movie while Hikita was doing some paperwork on the kitchen table

"Yo" I said before heading up for a bath

"Hey after you finish do you mind joining me?" My father asked me

"No problem"

I quickly entered the shower, I used as hot water as possible so in a matter of seconds the whole room was fogged

I know I have no right to say that but the school is pretty expensive and doesn't provide so much for people that aren't able to afford everything like the school camp so I could also tell Yua to suggest a decrease in the prices of everything or even make the food in the cafeteria free or something, any sort of economical help could be good and would make every student considering voting Yua


I closed the shower and quickly dried myself

I found myself standing in front of a fogged mirror, with my hand I wiped a spot in the mirror big enough to see my face

It has been long since I last saw my face, Iriasu Hikita's face

"What's that movie about?" I asked my father

"It's about this president whose life has been reset after getting murdered, and now he is trying to become president again in order to get ahold of his killer who was a political figure, it's quite interesting!" My dad said

"Hey, that can help!"

"Help?" My father asked confused

"Don't worry about it! Just something about school"

I think this explanation brings even more confusion but it doesn't matter, by watching this I may get an idea

~So did you get any ideas from what you saw?~ Yu asked me as I was lying on my bed

"Shut up you know I didn't get any! This movie was dumb! After some point nothing made sense and it was so promising..."

~What about the introduction thing? He did have a point when he said your image defines your success! You should probably take notes from this, for example, if you just stand around the school handing your little posters you will just look sad and that's the truth! Face-to-face talks with all the classes have to be the way so tell Yua to scrap the posters... no wait I guess you could hang them around the school but never hand them to others~

I really wonder if he is bad or good...

After I woke up from my peaceful sleep I texted Yua about what I thought last night and she responded with a goofy bear sticker

I texted her

<( ╥ω╥ )>

She has to stop with the emojis I'm literally going insane

"You want fried or boiled eggs?" My father asked as he knocked on the door of my room


After enjoying my eggs I quickly took my bike and rode to school where I met up with Yua and Takito

"Hung these around the school? It looks so low budget you can't be for real, right?" Takito asked us as he saw the quality of our promotional posters

"It's better than handing them out, isn't it? Anyway don't question anything, we kind of planned it out so don't try to talk us out of it" I told Takito

After Takito wandered off to do our task Yua and I took a trip to the first-year classrooms and announced our participation in the election and requested support from everyone with a well-prepared speech from Yua

Most classes were positive about our enrollment so Yua's spirit was quite high but she was exhausted after preaching to all those classes so she and I relaxed in the cafeteria to drink a cold drink

"Yaho Yua-chan! Yaho Su-kun!" Ada said as she excitingly sat near Yua

She also took the drink I brought for Yua from my hand and used it to cool Yua's head

"I heard you are trying for student council president! I did too, but not this year, I have no chance against Inei... But enough about me! You are different I can see you actually winning against Inei if you tried doing what you did again! You may not know it but quite a lot of people are interested in seeing what Yua is preparing for the school!" Ada explained to us

"How about you join us? We already need someone that has an interest in winning my brother like you" Yua said as she stared at Ada's eyes

"Huh, me? No way I can go against Inei I told you it's impossible for me to win against him! Plus it would be bad because if Inei saw what I did, he would probably say something along the lines of, "Ada I thought you were better than that" or something! And the worst part is that he will be right..." Ada told Yua as she laughed it off

"He doesn't need to know! We will work together behind the scenes! You will be our shadow advisor!"

Yua said as she made a goofy pose

I'm not sure if that will work but the pose was neat

"It just won't be the right thing to do according to my principals, Inei and I have been rivals in this kind of thing since our first year it would be like insulting him if I helped you guys out but I appreciate you for asking me!"

Ada was quick to deny Yua's request and also hastily tried to leave the cafeteria

I guess that was a bit too much to ask...

"You think it was too much huh? Maybe it was, I will have to apologize to her later..." Yua told me

"Are you a psychic?"

"No, I just thought about that because of your face! Anyway get ready we are going to prepare a good speech since Ada is not helping!" Yua said as she started walking away

I guess that's how she is, she always tries her best to achieve the best results

I should try too...