"Come on, please? Just go there and then take me out of your Pocket Dimension once you've gotten to your seat, it won't even take any real effort on your part," She pleaded in dismay.
"Absolutely not. I'll enjoy myself a hell of a lot more if you're not there," I huffed in response.
"What if I sit several seats away from you, and you only bring me out if it's mostly empty inside?" She suggested, as she tugged on my sleeve.
"Okay, fine. I'll agree to that. But something tells me that it's going to be a full house in there, too bad for you," I remarked dryly.
"Wha-...that's not fair, you're gonna keep me in the Pocket Dimension the whole time regardless of whether it's crowded or not!" She protested indignantly.
"Keep your voice down, will you? These rooms seem to muffle sound pretty well, but still, I don't want anyone hearing a girl's voice coming from inside this room," I sighed in exasperation.