It is difficult to describe the pain caused by bullying. It started in the middle of my elementary school when I became the target of a group of boys who were very fond of me.
I don't understand why they are angry with me, their words and actions left a deep wound that I will never forget.
Every day at school becomes a nightmare for me. I don't want to go to class because I know I have to face the bullies and they will never stop insulting me.
Spread rumors about me, and make jokes about my appearance. It's like I'm always their target, and they'll do anything to make me feel incompetent and powerless.
But the most painful thing is the fact that no one dared to take my side. People who used to be close to me moved away, they were afraid of becoming the next victim. Because teachers ignore bullying, they dismiss it as trivial.
Even my parents did not understand the pain I was going through, telling me to "be strong" and "just ignore them. "
As the bullying continued, I began to lose my self-confidence. I believe that there is something wrong with me, that I should be treated like this. I don't speak in class anymore.
Not a day goes by that I don't cry. But that was before, and I don't want it to happen again to me and to other people.
I got better when I was in high school. I found a new group, a mysterious group of invisible people who accepted me for who I am, I started to believe in myself again.
But the wound of my past still lingers, and there is always fear and dread when I see someone who reminds me of my past bullies.
Being a victim of bullying is a sad and painful experience, one that no one should have to go through.