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Short stories by a nugget

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A bunch of short stories that I've written. try not take them too serious I tend to get distracted when writing and forget some details that's why I wouldn't write a big story.

Chapter 1 - forbidden short story one

Morgan Ozzie was thinking about Jake Goo again. Jake was a sweet muppet with ugly thighs and wobbly toes.

Morgan walked over to the window and reflected on his wild surroundings. He had always hated noisy His Mum's Basement with its light, lively Little children. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel angry.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a sweet figure of Jake Goo.

Morgan gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a lovable, noble, whiskey drinker with fat thighs and moist toes. His friends saw him as an oily, obedient ogre. Once, he had even helped a sleepy toddler cross the road.

But not even a lovable person who had once helped a sleepy toddler cross the road, was prepared for what Jake had in store today.

The moon shone like eating goldfish, making Morgan lonely. Morgan grabbed a tattered knife that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Morgan stepped outside and Jake came closer, he could see the clumsy smile on his face.

Jake gazed with the affection of 9329 forgetful grieving gerbils. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want his love."

Morgan looked back, even more lonely and still fingering the tattered knife. "Jake, Is that real leather," he replied.

They looked at each other with surprised feelings, like two mouldy, mangled maggots bopping at a very giving party, which had flute music playing in the background and two cowardly uncles laughing to the beat.

Suddenly, Jake lunged forward and tried to punch Morgan in the face. Quickly, Morgan grabbed the tattered knife and brought it down on Jake's skull.

Jake's ugly thighs trembled and his wobbly toes wobbled. He looked confident, his emotions raw like a snotty, shaky sandwich.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Jake Goo was dead.

Morgan Ozziewent back inside and made himself a nice glass of whiskey. It felt good, he liked the burn going down his throat.

He finished the glass and put it next to the empty bottle. The bottle was already almost full, so he poured the whiskey into it too.

Morgan then thought of his mother and his father, wondering where they were now. Maybe, their souls were already at peace? But if so, why would they be happy about this? Why would they be proud of the fact that their son, the most beautiful man in the world, had committed murder in front of them.

And how come he did it without crying, when he knew how much his family loved him, but he couldn'T cry?!

A single tear fell from his eye, leaving a black streak down his face.

After another glass of whiskey, he decided to go downstairs and try to find some answers there.


In fact, Morgan's house was just as silent as before. There wasn't even any bird singing. The birds must have died off years ago, because no sound was coming through his windows anymore.

Morgan went upstairs and opened his bedroom door with a creak. He was expecting a lot of things, but nothing could prepare him for what was waiting.

On his bed sat Jake with fluffy, blonde hair and brown eyes. he wore a red dress with frills, a small diamond necklace around neck, and red lipstick on his mouth. As he looked at Morgan with those sad, brown eyes, a shiver ran up Morgan's spine.

he smiled, revealing sharp, white teeth. Then she said, "Hello, darling."

Morgan blinked. He stared at Jake's smiling lips and then, to his horror, he remembered his dream from last night.

He took a step backwards, bumping against the wall. He wanted to scream, to run away. But he also felt like the only thing he could do was stare dumbfounded at his murdered friend.

"Oh no! Dear, dear!" Jake exclaimed. Hisvoice was melodious, like honey, smooth like warm butter. "Why didn't you look at me properly before killing me?"

Morgan swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. He managed to mutter, "What are you doing here, Jake?"

Jake stood up. "What a strange question," he said. He walked over to Morgan, stopping right in front of him, until Morgan could smell his perfume. "What am I doing here? Well, we both know that you're the one that killed me!"

Morgan tried to shake his head, but it remained frozen in place. "No, you'r the one who-"

Jake placed his hands on top of Morgan's shoulders. It felt cold, wet and sticky against Morgan's skin. "I'm sorry, darling, but you've lost your chance. You'll never get my love..."

His face was mere inches away from Morgan's. It smelt like blood and decay. "Don't you remember, dearest, we used to sleep together every night? All these kept dreaming of me. You never forgot about me. Even when you were with your boyfriends, your first loves, all those guys, they kept getting in the way."

Morgan was trying hard not to breathe in Jake's breath. "You're crazy," he murmured. His voice sounded faint in his ears, despite how loud it had been in his head earlier.

"Am I crazy? Or maybe I'm just telling the truth. I can see it in your eyes, my precious you can't stop thinking about me." Jake leaned his forehead onto Morgan' s. Morgan noticed that the tears running along Jake's cheeks stung his skin.

When Jake lifted his head again, his voice changed, becoming soft and melodic. "Do you know who you remind me of, dearest? A man who's fallen in love with a ghost." His voice rose into a laugh.

before he disappeared into the winds like a fat flying maggot swept up into a fierce tornado.


Morgan awoke to a new day; the sunshine was shining on him through a large gap in his curtains, while his heart hammered loudly in his chest.

He was in bed in his old bedroom at home. The memory of yesterday seemed so distant and far away.

Suddenly, he heard Sam, his roommate calling, "Morgan! wake up we are going to be late for school."

It was Friday, April 19th 2040 and Morgan had a big day ahead of him. In less than five minutes, Morgan's whole life was changing.

At school, the kids talked about how they were going to get rid of the Ghost, who lived under their bed. They claimed to have seen him walking past on their way to school in broad daylight.

However, Morgan knew better, but wouldn't reveal that to them, if only to prevent his friends from ever having a heart attack again.


"What the f*** are you wearing, you idiot?!" asked Sam in a harsh whisper.

"If you don't shut the f*** up, you'll get us all expelled for sure."

Sam was sitting next to Morgan and he looked at him with his pale, freckled face. They were in class, and everyone else was looking at them. Morgan had changed into a short, black vest, a black long trousers and a shiny pair of shoes.

"You don't scare me," said Sam angrily. "How is it possible for a person like you to kill someone?"

"That's the beauty of a disguise," replied Morgan with a grin.

"I mean it, Morgan. I really think you should tell the teacher about this. After all, you can't just hide behind this mask for the rest of the year."

"Look at me now," said Morgan with a grin. "Aren't I a handsome devil?"

"You've grown taller," replied Sam, with a frown. "Are you taking steroids or something?"

"Nah," said Morgan. "My legs grew longer and now I'm just like a giant. I bet I'd kick ass."


Suddenly, the classroom door burst open. Professor Jack entered with his arms crossed tightly, a dark, scary expression on his face. He wore a black suit and shiny shoes. He was tall, muscular and scary.

The bell rang indicating the start of a new period. As soon as he was seated, Professor Jack pulled out a roll of papers and began speaking about something. He talked slowly, like he always did in class, with a heavy accent. He looked at the class every once in a while.

"So, you know the drill," he said. "This week we will begin with our new project, the Ghost, and then move on to a special subject for next term."

The students gave the professor nods of approval and whispered, "Yes, Professor."

Professor Jack continued, "You may have noticed that I have been absent from class lately. That's because I've received a visit from the police, investigating a suspected murder. And they have confirmed that the deceased has indeed been murdered. So I want you all to work together. This week I'll give you all a free pass to stay after class if you want. No matter how many times I tell you not to, you won't listen, because you're all too stubborn for your own good." He glanced around the room.

"Now," said Professor Jack, standing up. "Let's get started on the project."

"I have a proposal," said Morgan, standing up and interrupting the other boys who were working.

Professor Jack frowned. He raised an eyebrow and glared at Morgan. "We have an assigned topic. Can you please sit back down."

"Well, actually, I have a question," explained Morgan. "Is there any more information on the case? Is there any leads whatsoever?"

"I thought the same question was going to pop up," Professor Jack replied, shaking his head. "Unfortunately, I have no answers."

"But what does that mean?" asked Morgan. "Shouldn' you still check the files?"

Professor Jack sighed heavily and shook his head. "No, the file is sealed," he said. "It's not even open anymore. We've got our hands full with our new student. If you can't figure it out, then you'll just have to wait."

Before Morgan could say anything else, the bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson. Everyone grabbed their stuff and left the classroom.

As he was leaving, Professor Jack called for Morgan to come back. "Oh, and Morgan?"

Morgan turned around and nodded.

"I expect an A on the project. Remember, I'll be waiting."

And with that said, Professor Jack closed the door in his face.


The rest of the school day dragged by agonisingly slow. By the time Morgan was finally dismissed, it had almost reached three o'clock. He didn't feel like going home yet. Instead, he went out into the streets, looking for some fresh air. It had been quite a while since he'd had his own space. Not that he'd enjoyed being cooped up in his dormitory, sleeping with other people.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Morgan found himself outside of a small coffee shop. It wasn' t crowded at all. The walls were painted yellow. There was a single table near the window and the tables were empty.

He made his way towards the counter where his friend Finley was sitting, eating breakfast. She looked at Morgan, who was staring intently at the menu board above her head, and smiled brightly when she saw him.

"Good morning, Morgan," she said as she put down her phone. "What brings you here today?"

"Just needed some fresh air, you know," replied Morgan. "Have you heard from Sam lately?"

"Yeah, he called me yesterday," said Finley. "He wants to know why we haven' t heard from you. He says you're avoiding him and doesn't know what to do. He feels bad, you know." She looked at Morgan sympathetically. "What happened?"

Morgan hesitated before answering. He had decided to take the plunge and tell Finley everything. After all, they were practically best friends anyway.

"Yesterday...uh..." he began. "Remember the ghost?"

Finley nodded. "What about him? Why are you worried about him?"

"I've met him twice already this week. First, yesterday in class, then again in the middle of the night. He told me he misses me, I guess because he doesn' t know I'm dead."

"What? Are you serious?" asked Finley.

"Why am I joking?" said Morgan with a sarcastic tone. "Don't worry. You know I can take care of myself."

"Morgan!" said Finley suddenly, narrowing her eyes at him. "What did you do last night?"

"Nothing," mumbled Morgan.

"Really?" said Finley sarcastically, raising her eyebrows. "Then why are you asking me these questions?"

"Maybe because hes like you," he admitted. "I mean, you're beautiful and ."

he added quickly.

Finley blushed furiously and shook her head furiously to stop herself from saying anything stupid.

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend." growled Sam behind him. He stood up in front of her and glared at Morgan. "And don't act like you're innocent. You know exactly what happened last night. Don't you?"

Morgan remained silent. His cheeks were burning red and his eyes were fixed on the ground.

Sam stared at him for a few seconds before turning to his girlfriend. "Listen, Finnie, I know you like Morgan. But you're making things complicated for both of you."

"You have no idea what you' are talking about," said Finnie coldly. "I've known Morgan for years now. There is nothing between us."

"Whatever," said Sam. "Just forget about it, ok? I don't want to fight with you right now."

"Fine. I'll go home. See you tomorrow."

Sam watched as she walked away before turning towards Morgan. "Come on," he said quietly. "Let's go to my car."

When they arrived back at their house, they sat in the living room and ate pizza for lunch. They weren't talking much, but Sam seemed slightly less angry than he was yesterday.

They sat together watching TV. After ten minutes of silence, they were interrupted by the telephone ringing. It was Tyler .

"Hey, man," he said. "Sorry I missed you at school today."

"It's fine," replied Sam. "Anyway, are you coming over?"

"Sure thing," answered Tyler. "I'll be there in half an hour or so. Bye."

"Bye," said Sam.

He hung up the phone and looked across the room at Morgan. "Looks like he's coming over, huh?"

Morgan shrugged.

"How was your weekend?"

"Totally boring," answered Morgan. "It's hard to make friends sometimes."

"You have a lot to learn. I'm sure you'll get used to it one day."

"I hope so. Anyway, I think I should leave now."

"Where are you off to?" asked Sam.

"To meet a friend," replied Morgan.

"Ok. Have fun, buddy," said Sam.

Morgan left the apartment and made his way toward a park. He sat down on a bench overlooking the lake and took out his cell phone. He scrolled through his contacts until he found the name he was looking for.

"Hello?" he said softly into the receiver.

"Hey," answered a voice. "What's up?"

"Not much," said Morgan. "Did I catch you at a bad time? I know it's pretty late."

"No, it's ok. I just woke up. What's up?"

"Can I come over tonight?"

"Tonight?" echoed Finn. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Let's do it. Just let me know your address."

"Ummm.." said Finn. "Uh, I'm in the apartment block in Old Town right now. you should know that."

"old ," repeated Morgan. "Great. Well, I'll see you soon. Bye."

With that, Morgan ended the call and put his phone back into his pocket.

Finn's apartment was only five minutes away from his. It was small and cramped with two beds, a bathroom and kitchenette attached.

Morgan knocked on the door.

"Coming," called Finn from inside the apartment.

A few seconds later, the door opened and Morgan stepped inside. "Hey, how are you?" he said.

"I'm fine. So, are you really gonna come over?"

"Of course. Why would I go if I wasn't?"

"Because I don't know if you'll like what you will see," said Finn slowly.

"I'm sure that won't be a problem," said Morgan.

"Alright," said Finn, nodding. "Well, I'm gonna go and shower." she headed upstairs into the bathroom leaving the door open.

Morgan knowing what this meant undressed and entered after her.

"So, I don't think we need to go too far," he said. "We should probably stay close."

"Right," said Finn. "I guess you'll do first."

"Sounds good," grinned Morgan. "Let's get started then."

"Wait, wait, wait," said Finn. "If I do this, I'm not doing anything else."

"But we're going to-"

"I said no," said Finn firmly, cutting him off. "You're not taking advantage of me."

Morgan raised his hands defensively. "Okay, alright! I'll behave."

"I know you will," said Finn confidently. "Now, let's get ready. I'll give you a bath first. Then I'll massage your feet and legs and then we'll take care of everything else."

Morgan nodded. "That sounds good."


Twenty minutes later, they were both standing next to the bed, wearing nothing but towels around their waists.

"You can get dressed now," said Finn.

Morgan stripped off his towel quickly and climbed onto the bed. He was still naked under his clothing. Finn looked away.

"Get on top of the covers, please," she said. "We'll try this on again later. We might as well start now."

She turned around, leaving Morgan with his eyes fixed on her perfect body. He couldn't help admiring how flawless she was, especially now, when she was completely naked.

After a little while, Finn came back from the bathroom with a white box. She placed it on the bed next to Morgan and he picked it up.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Open it."

Morgan removed the lid of the box and saw that it was full of condoms and lube.

"Oh, wow," said Morgan. "How much stuff does this cost?"

"Just look inside," said Finn impatiently.

Morgan reached inside the box and pulled out the condom, rolling it over his finger but was interrupted by Sam entering the room furious.

"What the hell are you doing?" he screamed.

"What do you mean?" asked Finn.

"You're fucking him," said Sam angrily. "What the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm not," said Morgan trying to defend himself. "This isn't what it looks like."

"The fuck it isn'!" yelled Sam, walking closer to them.

"Calm down," said Finn.

"Calm down? Fuck! The least you could do is explain yourself!" screamed Sam, pointing his finger at Morgan.

"Look, Sam, I swear this isn't what it looks like," said Finn, standing up. "I' m only helping him to relieve his frustration. And we have to be quick."

"Oh really?" asked Sam. "That's funny. Because I'm pretty damn sure that you're f***ing him."

"Shut the fuck up!" shouted Finn angrily. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Do I? Do I really have to spell it out for you?" said Sam. "I'm guessing that you're going to sleep with him, aren't you?"

"I haven't even touched him yet," argued Finn.

"Yet," repeated Sam sarcastically. "You know what? get out!" Sam yelled.

Finn reluctantly left the room, leaving Sam and Morgan to stare at each other.

"Why didn't you tell me?" demanded Sam. "I thought we trusted each other!"

"Sam..." began Morgan hesitantly. "I'm's just...I'm not sure how you'd react to something like this."

"You're right," responded Sam. "That's why I shouldn' have told you. If I'm honest, I knew that there was a possibility. But I didn't wanna admit it. Especially since you were already seeing someone."

"It wasn't serious though. It never will be," said Morgan. "I promise."

Sam sighed. "And yet here you are doing exactly that. You' ve gone and ruined everything."

"I know," admitted Morgan sadly. "I'm sorry.but I know how I can make it up to you."

"How?" asked Sam.

"You'll see," smiled Morgan seductively before pulling Sam into the bed with him.

He kissed her passionately, sliding one hand down between his legs.

Sam moaned slightly as she felt Morgan touching him, and pulled his head towards hers. Their lips met passionately and the kiss became more intense and intense until they eventually had to pull away breathlessly. They were breathing heavily when they looked at each other again.

"Fuck, I love you," whispered Sam, running his fingers through Morgan' s hair. "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too," Morgan said quietly. "You're my best friend. Everything else doesn't matter."

"Yeah, well," said Sam. "Don't get too cocky. I'm gonna kick your ass one day."


"I can't believe you did that," whispered Finn. "That was totally inappropriate."

"I know," said Morgan. "I'm so stupid."

"I mean you fucked my boyfriend on my bed after kicking me out" said Finn angrily. "Why would you do that?"

"Look, Finn, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Believe me."

"Fine," said Finn. "Forget it."

"No, Finn. Listen to me. I'm sorry," said Morgan. "It's been a long day and a lot has happened lately. I' m not in control of what I'm feeling and saying sometimes. I'm sorry. Can we just forget it ever happened?"

Finn bit her lip, debating with herself for a moment or two before speaking again.

"Yeah," she finally said. "Sure."

"Thank you," said Morgan. "You're a great friend."

"You're welcome," said Finn smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow." She leaned in and gave Morgan a short peck on the cheek.


At school the next day Morgan got called into principal Kyle's office.

"Mr Morgan," he began. "I understand that things have gotten out of hand these past few days and that you've done some stupid things because of that."

"I'm aware of that," replied Morgan.

"So, I am giving you a reprieve," said Kyle. "I will make sure that you don' t miss another class today. In exchange for that, however, you will have to go see a counselor."


"Yes, I want to speak to you about your attitude towards teachers. Your behavior has been unacceptable, Mr Morgan, and I expect you to change immediately."

"What kind of counselor are we talking about?"

"I don't know. A psychologist maybe?"

"Is that what you think I need?" said Morgan, staring at him sceptically.


"Can you really afford to pay for that?" asked Morgan.

"Probably not," said Kyle honestly. "But there may be some kind of alternative option. I just can't guarantee its effectiveness."

"Well, I' ll certainly consider your offer," said Morgan. "But I doubt that it would work. Besides, this is all very sudden, and I'm not sure what I'd say to them anyway."

"I agree," said Kyle. "But at least give it a try. Just don't let it become a habit."


"Hey, buddy."

"Hi," greeted Morgan. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Sam walked up to Morgan and grabbed his arm to steer him away from the teacher.

"Did something happen?" asked Samcuriously.

Morgan hesitated, suddenly worried. "Um, yeah. I guess so."

"So, tell me about it?" urged Sam. "What happened?"


Morgan enter into this counselors office, he was nervous. He sat down in front of the desk and waited patiently for the woman behind the desk to speak. When he did, it took him by surprise.

"Mr Morgan, I'm Dr Carter, a psychiatrist."

"So, what brings you in here today?" she said. "Are you having difficulties?"

"Difficulties?" echoed Morgan. "Uh, no. I'm perfectly fine. Everything is okay, actually."

Dr Carter frowned slightly. "Okay. Well then, if you don't mind, I' ll just ask some questions and if it's okay with you, we can begin."

"Oh, uhm, sure. That's okay."

She picked up a piece of paper from her desk.

"Would you mind if I write down your name?" she asked, showing him the paper.

"No, of course not," said Morgan quickly.

"Alright. Now, please state your full name."

"My name is Morgan ozzie."







"Any special relationship with your parents?"


"Any hobbies?"

"I play soccer."

"Have you recently had any sexual experiences?"

"Yeah, sort of," answered Morgan embarrassedly.

"Sort of?"

"Okay," corrected Morgan. "A little."

"What do you mean by a little?" asked Dr Carter curiously.

"I had sex last night" said Morgan. "With a guy named Sam."

"How did it happen?"

"we kicked his girlfriend out the room before we did it in her room."

"And that's how she found out," continued Dr Carter.

"Yep," replied Morgan.

"So, uhm, does that change anything?"

"No, but I still advise against doing this anymore," answered Dr Carter. "Just keep it to yourself and try to remember to respect your fellow students. If you feel like you need help, just come to one of us."

"actually I might need you to help me with something," said Morgan.

"Sure thing," said Dr Carter. "What is it?"

"I need help controlling my sex drive."

"Sex drive?"

"Yeah," said Morgan nervously. "There's just something that's driving me crazy lately."


"I've been thinking about it a lot," said Morgan, "and I'm starting to feel weird. Like there's this huge pressure building inside of me, but I don' t know how to calm it down."

"Have you tried talking to your parents?" asked Dr Carter.

"I don't want to bother them," answered Morgan. "They worry enough about me."

"That's understandable," said Dr Carter. "Well, how do you need help?"

"I was wondering if you could teach me how to manage it? And then maybe I could talk to a professional and figure out what to do?"

"I think that's an excellent idea," agreed Dr Carter, looking back at her computer screen. After a couple of minutes she turned her attention to Morgan again. "Okay. So first thing's first. How do you feel right now? Is there anything else bothering you? Are there any urges you're trying to avoid?"

"yeah I have a massive urge right now" answered Morgan.

"What is it?"

"I want to fuck you" said Morgan bluntly.

Dr Carter stared at Morgan shocked.

"Sorry," added Morgan. "That was rude."

"No it wasn't," replied Dr Carter. "I'm surprised you feel that way, though." placing down her clipboard she stared into Morgan's eyes.

"Do you want me to teach you how to deal with it?"

"Yea, sure," said Morgan nodding. "If that's what you think it's necessary."

"Of course," smiled Dr Carter. "Let's start simple. show me how you masterbate."

"Sure" said Morgan as he zipped down his trousers.

Dr Carter walked over to Morgan and looked at him intensely. "Show me what you're capable of" she ordered.

Morgan smirked, and pulled off his pants completely. As he started to take his clothes off, Dr Carter's eyes widened in shock.

"Holy shit," she mumbled. "that's big."

"What?" asked Morgan.

"Nothing, nothing. Um, okay. I think we should move onto more important matters," replied Dr Carter as she stepped closer to Morgan.

Morgan wrapped his hands around his cock and demonstrated to Dr Carter how he does it normally.

stopping him half way the looked hot and bothered. "I think we can move onto the next step."

"Next step?" asked Morgan. "What step?"

"Getting you off," smiled Dr Carter. "Come sit down. We'll try it together. I'll get on top."

Morgan nodded and moved back to his seat.

Dr Carter straddled his waist and pulled him close. Morgan wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her towards him. He pushed her shirt up and began to trail kisses along her collarbone. She gasped as she felt his tongue run across her skin. He ran his hand under the straps of her bra and squeezed her breasts gently. Dr Carter moaned and threw her head back. Her whole body seemed to tense as she came unceremoniously. As she fell backwards onto Morgan's lap, they both collapsed on to the chairbreathless.

"Wow," said Dr Carter breathlessly. "You're good at that."

"Thanks," said Morgan shyly as he looked down at Dr Carter. "It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it."


Afterwards, Dr Carter walked Morgan back to his locker.

"So, uhm, thanks for your time," said Morgan awkwardly.

"It was absolutely delightful," said Dr Carter smiling. "See you around."


After school, Finn followed Morgan home.

When they got home, Morgan went straight upstairs without saying hi to anybody.

Finn entered Morgan's bedroom slowly, and stood next to the bed.

Morgan lay on his back in his underwear, watching TV on his laptop. He didn't even acknowledge Finn when she opened the door.

"You wanna come in?" he asked casually.

"No thanks," replied curtly. "Why are you lying in the middle of the floor?"

"What?" asked Morgan, turning off the computer and standing up. "You didn't want to watch TV with me?"

"No," retorted Finn angrily. "You were lying on the fucking ground!"

"I was watching porn," said Morgan nonchalantly.

"You what?!" exclaimed Finn in disbelief.

"It' s true," insisted Morgan. "The chick I was watching had an awesome rack."

"Jesus Christ!" yelled Finn in disbelief.

"What?" asked Morgan confused.

"You never told me you had a huge boner for chicks!"

"What?" said Morgan, sounding shocked. "I don't have a massive boner for chicks! Why would you say that?"

"Because!" screamed Finn pointing towards the hallway. "Look at all these posters! You were staring at them while you were screwing that chick in the bathroom! You were drooling all over them!"

"I wasn't drooling," argued Morgan indignantly.

"Don't lie to me, asshole," shouted Finn. "I saw those damn pictures!"

"I don't give a shit about those goddamn pictures!" snapped Morgan defensively. "They're not mine, so I can do whatever I want with 'em!"

"You're such a fucking loser."

"I am not!" yelled Morgan furiously.

"You're the most pathetic piece of shit I've ever seen," spat Finn.

"Oh yeah?" said Morgan challengingly. "Well then let's see what happens next, huh?! What do you think will happen? Huh?"

"Oh really?" said Finn smirking.


"Then prove it."

Before Finn could react, Morgan grabbed her arm tightly and slammed her into the wall. She struggled to push Morgan off her.

"Get off me!"

Morgan ignored her attempts to push him away and pinned her against the wall.

"You wanna fight? Let's go," challenged Morgan.

"Fuck you," spat Finn trying to break free from Morgan's grip. "You're a fucking pussy."

"No," disagreed Morgan, pulling her tight. "You're the pussy here! You wanted me. Now let's make it official!"

"Fine!" shouted Finn as she suddenly pulled away from Morgan. She jumped up on the bed and crawled into a corner. "Go ahead, bitch!"

"Oh yes, I'm gonna take that pussy ass all the way up," said Morgan as he climbed onto the bed after her.


"You gonna suck my dick or what?"


She put her mouth on his dick and began to suck it. Morgan reached out and grabbed her by her hair. Finn whimpered softly as Morgan began to thrust his dick into her throat. Finn continued sucking Morgan's dick until she stopped responding.

Morgan removed himself from Finn's mouth and took a deep breath.

"Good girl," praised Morgan, smiling down at Finn. "Now, are you ready for round 2?"


"How did it go?" asked Dr Carter eagerly.

"Fine," answered Morgan as he entered her office. "I managed to control myself for like ten minutes."

"Wow!" cried Dr Carter as she clapped her hands excitedly. "That's amazing!"

"I think so too," said Morgan enthusiastically. "I don't remember the last time I had this much fun. It was actually kind of fun."

"Oh great!" Dr Carter smiled. "That means things are going well with you two."

"Definitely. She seems like a cool kid. But you know what? That doesn't matter," said Morgan as he moved behind her.

He leaned down and kissed her neck gently before nipping at it with his teeth.

"Mmm... I think we might have a problem," commented Dr Carter nervously.

"What's wrong?" asked Morgan.

"I think you may be hurting her," explained Dr Carter.

"But that's the best part." Morgan grinned wickedly.

"What are you talking about?" questioned Dr Carter.

"She likes it rough!" chuckled Morgan gleefully as he rubbed himself against her. "I bet she loves getting hit, eh?"

"What are you doing?" stammered Dr Carter nervously as she backed up against her desk.

"You don' need to worry baby," said Morgan. "I won' hurt you."

"Okay... but maybe if you weren't rubbing yourself up against me I wouldn't have to worry."

"You like my little game, don't you?" demanded Morgan.

"Yes," admitted Dr Carter embarrassedly.

"You know what?" said Morgan grinning. "I've been having a lot of sex lately. And now I just need some more."

"Wait! What? No! This isn't happening!" cried Dr Carter.

Suddenly, there was loud banging at her door.

"What is going on in there?" demanded a voice.

Dr Carter turned to look at the door.

"Uh... um... no one?" she said as she turned around nervously. "Nobody's here!"

"Open this door right now!" yelled the same voice again. "I know somebody's in there!"

There was another knock.

Dr Carter panicked.

"Oh God, oh crap!" she exclaimed. "I don't want to get into trouble. I've got nothing to do with this."

"Are you sure?" asked Morgan as he began rubbing up against her again. "We're having fun aren't we?"

"NO!" screamed Dr Carter as she tried to push Morgan off. "I don' want to get in trouble!"

"I'm sorry, baby," said Morgan sympathetically. "Looks like we're going to have to stop."

