Tortoise is a brave an intelligent animal that lives in the kingdom of animals, but that doesn't want to work on his own but always look others animals working because of is laziness, and famine show up, and they is no much food 🥝 in the city, 🏙️ but tortoise 🐢 as a five children and wife making it to be family of seven so he now come up with the plan that they should scary and chase other's animal away from they farm. So that they can claim it and convert it to they own and the did it to so animals like horse 🐎, goat🐐, sheep 🐑, rat 🐀, but there is one animal that was so intelligent and smart, and the animal is a cat 😺 cat has a wife that was so calm all others animals that tortoise as chase away have been reporting the issues to the king but looking for a way to catch 🪝 him but cat and his wife will go out at the night to watch over there farm and there now discover that tortoise and his wife and children are the one chasing others animals away from there farm so cat 😺 now put something shining 🌟🌟 in is eyes 👀 also to use it so tortoise 🐢 to now run away that but tortoise 🐢 secret now leak out and he was punish for that .
But that is why cat 🐈 eye always look scary at night.