More like all the story .... actually love stories that started in the most amazing and the memorial place refers to Schools...! Mine too started there...the place where every boring thing became reason to our laugh....!
Like everyday...I went to school...that was my 8th standard ... everything was going normal like everyday...!
But something that's different is the new admit of the boy...of course he became our classmates...
the very first boy I had an argument with ...after and moreover we actually became enemy cause of the different mindsets....!
Although being a genius student I had to consider him coz he is bright student and became favourites too...!
Slowly ....his friends dare him to propose me ..and he did...!!!
He was the very bog of my life who proposed me...many of them have crush on me but he dare to say that ...!
As I said I was good academic students I didn't accept and cried because it was strange for me.....!
To know what happened after next ...gave me the chance to elaborate...!!!