I sat in my room in silence as Nija lay in bed. A medical team had checked on her and said she'd be alright. Apparently, Her wounds heal faster than ours. But through the night, it looked like she was going through horrible nightmares. I felt useless at the bedside listening to her whines. My heart ached. But I soon had to hide all those emotions when I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." I began to stand.
"We have news on your father." the medical assistant cleared her throat. "We have successfully cleaned and closed the wound to help it heal. Just like Nija, there was no evidence of a weapon, just wolfsbane."
"How is that possible?" I asked out of frustration.
"The assassin may have been a witch." the assistant began to look at her feet in discomfort. "But in other greater matters, your Majesty, we need you to calm your father down, or he'll never heal properly."
"Why? What is his problem now?" I tried to hide a hint of anger in my tone.
"He's throwing things and shouting about the wit- the - your mate." I could hear her heart being too pound.
"Go. I'll be there shortly."
No sooner than the assistant had closed the door, Nija sat straight up, looking around frantically. I began to walk toward her when I noticed she was starting to panic. "Nija. It's okaii. Your okaii." I placed her hands on my chest. "Look at me. You're fine, alright." she stared at me briefly before nodding. I passed her the cup of water that was on the nightstand.
"So is your father going to have me executed?" she asked after downing the whole cup.
"You're not going to be executed. And I am King now I say who does what."
"Alright, your Majesty." She smiled and exhaled as she leaned back on her elbows.
"I'm glad I can finally see you smile. Especially after a night like that."
"I'm sorry." her apology surprised me.
"For what?"
"I dont know. Just in the pit of my stomach, I just can't help but feel this is all my fault." tears began to run down Nija's face.
"This couldn't possibly be your fault. My father has made many enemies, and just like you, those enemies think I am the same as him. The only thing is he gave them a reason to hate him more." I wiped her tears away. "Now, let's not dwell too much on the situation. What's done is done. We just have to come up with a rebuttal solution."
"Sounds like you have everything under control." she flopped back on the bed.
"Ehh, I manage." I stood up. "Now bathe. I'll have someone bring you clothes and bring you down to the Dining Hall."
"I can't just stay here?" She whined, putting a pillow over her face.
"No. I want you in my sight at all times. I don't even want to part right now." My tone was stern. "Some of my pack are afraid of you. I can't have something unexpected happen, and you get hurt again."
"Fine. Fine. Don't get all sentimental about it." Nija jumped out of bed.
I watched as she stretched and walked to the bathroom door as if last night's events were light work. Any regular werewolf, even healed, would be sore and feel the pain. Nija looked as if once the wound was gone, so was the pain. I couldn't help but think that maybe that was part of why my father sought to hunt them down. Fear that we were no longer the apex predator.
The hot water running through my scalp and down my body felt amazing. It wasn't better than the first shower I took, but it still felt great for a shower. Then, vision flashes started to come to me, hurting my stomach. I'm really getting sick of this shit. I didn't understand why this was happening, but I knew being here had to be the start. Esme? 'Yes.' Did you see the vision from last night? 'No. I told you, you were going into shock. I had to take form and stay conscious,' I signed.
After getting out of the shower and rummaging through draws for a toothbrush, I entered the bedroom. This time stood a man as I walked towards the bed.
"I'm Dariusz. After you dress, I will escort you to the dining hall." This Dariusz was handsome. Esme growled at the thought.
I picked up the dress from the bed and walked behind the panel curtain to get dressed. This one fits better than the other one. It was prettier too. When I was done, I stepped out into view. Dariusz stared for a moment; his eyes glazed over me. His eyes were beautiful. One blue and one hazel. It felt wrong to allow him to stare so long, but his expression and tone changed. "Let's go." his voice now with more bass as he headed out the door.
Quietly I followed him into the hall. We walked down the opposite side than I did the night before. We passed many doors in silence before reaching the stairs' top. The buzzing sound of talking became louder as we ascended. At the end of the steps, we entered what I guess was the main room. The chatter died when the realization of my presence was aware. The tension made the palms of my hand sweat.
"Just keep walking. The dining hall is up ahead." Dariusz began to slow down his walking but kept up behind me.
I continue walking straight ahead until entering the next room with tables stacked with food. I could feel my mouth begin to water as every smell entered my nose. As I made my way to one of the food tables, I noticed that no one cared I was there this time. But the tension was thick. The whispers of their gossip seemed to be more critical. Grabbing a plate, I slowly loaded it with food as I focused my hearing on a nearby conversation.
~ "They say he's on his way here."
"For what?"
"Dont knows, but it has to be important if he's coming all the way from The Church of Trinity."
"What's so important that he couldn't send someone with a letter? He doesn't speak."
"You're right. Maybe it has something to do with the creepy Crawley."
Of course, anything suspicious would be tied to me. What's the Church of Trinity? And who's coming? I was soon startled out of thought by the thundering voice of Maximillian. He was clearly still disturbed, rambling as he made his way to an empty table to sit at while being followed by Kaz and the former Queen.
"God dammit it all! Someone bring me a plate of food." Maximillian ordered.
"Please stop yelling. You're going to reopen the wound." Queen-mother pleaded.
"Yeah, no sense in it. All my word is final. My mate goes untouched." Kaz added in.
No sooner than that did we make eye contact. His face had loosened into a smile, almost making me give one back. And I would have realized that his argument with his father was about whether I should live or die. The thought brought back the pain in my stomach.
Kaz began to walk toward me, and at that moment, I felt lightheaded. I leaned against the table, trying to seem okay. But there was this sudden weight on me. Kaz was almost in arms reach when a loud bell began to ring. My ears were sensitive to the sound; I covered them as tightly as possible. When the bells stopped, Kaz was in front of me, holding out his hand. Without thinking, I took it. He led me out of the dining hall, following the crowd's direction. We soon were in front of the main door to the castle. They were wide open, allowing guards in all white to enter. They surround what seems like an old priest in a hooded cloak. His scent was strange yet familiar.
I stood there next to Kaz feeling awkward. The King was getting some kind of royal visit, and I was standing next to him like someone important. I slowly backed up and released my grip on his hand, but it only made him hold mine tighter. Without saying a word or looking at me, I could feel him wanting me to stay. So I did and watched as the old Priest approached us.
"Welcome, we didn't- " Kaz was cut off with the wave of the Priest's hand.
The Priest removed his hood, revealing bright white eyes. Looking harder, I noticed his mouth was sewed shut. This was getting creepy. "The Trinity of Fate have long waited. The daughter of the crimson witch holds rebirth and destruction. The Realm of Gods has split in two. Balance or the end of all ends they demand." He pointed to me, "You are destined for greatness; I bless you with a gift from the Trinity; use the sight well, for it never lies."
A vast pain shot through my head when all was said and done. The Priest covered himself with his hood and proceeded to leave. What the hell was that? What is going on with everyone and this greatness bullshit?
"Are you okay?" Kaz asked, concerned.
"Just a headache. What the hell was up with that Priest?" I rubbed the side of my temple, slowly easing the pain.
"That wasn't a priest. It was a warlock. He's the vessel of the Trinity." Kaz clarified.
"A what? That still doesn't explain the babbling and doing it with his mouth sewn shut."
"Well, I'm just as confused as you are. It's known that the warlock took a vow centuries ago, which is why his mouth is sewn shut. I didn't think he would be able to speak." Kaz explained before his attention was caught by one of the guards dressed in white.
"Please pack the things you need. Then, we must start the journey back to the Church of Trinity." His face held no expression.
"For what?" Maximillian had made himself part of the conversation.
The guard turned to look at him, "This is none of your concern." Then, facing back to Kaz, he cleared his throat. "You may bring an extra person, but you and the Amber queen must be ready to depart." Then, as if that were his final words on the matter, he turned and walked away.
"Dariusz," Kaz called out.
"Yes, Sir." Dariusz suddenly appeared from whoever's shadow he was hiding in.
"You're coming along. Go pack our bags and have someone, quickly, prepare one for Nija." Then, Dariusz was off to carry out his orders.
Soon I was being led outside of the castle. The sunlight stung my eyes as I walked toward a wagon with horses attached to them. Everything was moving too fast for me to process it all. First, I'm captured, found out I have a mate, then I was fucking attacked by an assassin now I'm being hauled off to some Church with a creepy warlock. Why was any of this happening to me? With all of this happening, why isn't Esme speaking to me?