Chereads / Fate/Avenger | Reborn in Marvel / Chapter 5 - Ironman and Gilgamesh

Chapter 5 - Ironman and Gilgamesh

Friday April 16, 2010, Desert of Afghanistan.

- Sir, we have recovered Tony and Aura, Clint said over the communicator.

Pov Gilgamesh:

- Well, now I'm here, I told my parents? It's confusing but good.

- Natasha, Clint, good job, I told them smiling, I was calmer knowing that my mother was fine.

- You did everything, said Clint.

- Don't take away the credit, if it wasn't for you Tony would already be dead, I told him, patting him on the back.

I saw that Vimana was still floating so I disappeared it, I also noticed that a helicopter was approaching.

- It seems that the army has arrived, I said bored.

- Yes, sometimes I think that they are not very useful, answered Natasha.

The helicopter landed a few meters away and approached us.

- I see that S.H.I.E.LD. He has good men, said a surprised soldier.

- Who do you take us for? They are obvious things, I answered arrogantly.

He ignored me and he approached Tony to check if he had any injuries.

Saturday April 17, 2010, S.H.I.E.L.D. Washington DC.

I'm with Clint and Natasha briefing Nick on the success of the mission.

- So Tony Stark created a flying armor in 4 days? Nick asked in disbelief.

-Yes, I also found out that he is my father, I said blankly.

- That was a surprise, Natasha smiled.

- Well, what is this about the plant? Nick asked confused.

- What you are reading is a plant that grants eternal youth, that is, it will never age, I explained.

- Hey, are you seriously a demigod? Fury asked.

- Don't you ask many questions? Of course I am, it's not alien technology or anything like that, it's just magic, I told him amused.

- So magic exists and so do the gods, I should retire, I'm too old for this, Nick sighed tired.

- You have a lot of time to process it, but calm down, there is only one god in this world and it's me, well I'm a demigod, but it's understood.

20 minutes later.

- They already left, Clint said to Nick who looked at him.

- Anything they haven't told me? Nick asked seriously.

- Well, Gilgamesh gave me this weapon, Clint said and handed him Caladbolg.

-Strange sword, why would he give an archer a sword?, Nick wondered.

-He said it's used as an arrow, yesterday I tested it a bit and saw its functionality, Clint said taking Caladbolg and putting it in his bow, when he aimed the sword it became as thin as an arrow.

- From the power that Gilgamesh told me, he could probably destroy a building without much trouble.

- A building!? Nick exclaimed surprised.

- That's what he told me, replied Clint.

-Should be one of his strongest cards, Nick said but was interrupted by Clint.

- No sir, or well that's what he told me, he also told me that he has in his possession the spear that killed Jesus and that Caladbolg is only a grain of sand in the desert of weapons he has, from the little I've known him I know he is an arrogant person who thinks he is, no, he really is far superior to all the people I've met, I know he wouldn't lie about his power and according to what Natasha told me, he destroyed a dimension, Clint explained seriously.

- The spear that killed Jesus? Superior? Destroy a dimension? Those and many other questions crossed Nick's mind, but unfortunately he now couldn't receive answers.

5 hours later, My house, New York.

I was next to Natasha in the gym of the house training melee, despite being one of the strongest existences in the Marvel universe, in physical strength at most I could destroy a street with an attack with all my strength, and almost I had no knowledge of martial arts, just a bit of karate.

Natasha threw a punch towards my face, I dodged it by stepping back and counterattacking with a punch to her stomach, she moved to the side and pushed me, when she was about to fall from behind she jumped and put her thighs on my neck and turned around, both falling but her choking me.

-You lost, Natasha said, about to separate from her but I took her legs so she wouldn't move them.

-Your thighs are very soft, hug me more, I told her smiling at her while she settled me using her thighs as a pillow.

- Silly, said Natasha staying seated.

That's when Tony and my mother arrived, apparently they had already arrived from the lecture that Tony gave.

- I see that we arrived at a bad time, Tony said and left there.

- Eh, come when they're done, we have to talk about something, my mother said, following Tony.

- Why do they always misunderstand us?, Natasha asked me.

-Well, it seems we just did something else, I told her and she looked at her appearance, seeing that she was sweating and her clothes and hair were messy.

- Why do not you tell me?

- Why should I? You look good anyway, she just smiled and after taking a shower we went to the living room, upon arrival we saw that they were already waiting, we sat in front of them.

- Well, what did they want to talk about? I asked curiously.

- Well son, I would like to clarify yesterday and tell you some things, please If you have a question, wait until the end and I'll answer it. my mother said to which I just nodded.

- You see, the Aparicio family has an inheritance, but this inheritance has been since before Christ, it began with the reign of the first king of the world, Gilgamesh, he said and took out a stone tablet.

- This tablet is delivered to the heir when he turns 19, it contains a prophecy, or rather, a message, I cannot read it since it is an unknown language but it is said that it speaks of the return of the king, the leader of the Aparicio family, Gilgamesh, you will see blonde hair is something that only the first child of each generation can have, so the second or more children they have will have black hair, so it was decided to only have one child since the will be the one who inherits the tablet and the knife, but some broke that rule, remember your aunt? exclusive within the family, the red color of your eyes is something exclusive to that king and his reincarnation, it is impossible for someone in the family who is not the reincarnation of Gilgamesh to have that color of eyes, you know, I planned to call you Angel when you were born, but when I realized that you had red eyes I decided to call you after the first Aparicio in history, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh Aparicio the reincarnation of the first king of the world, I had my doubts about whether you really were his reincarnation since I really thought it was not true, but when you turned 19 your personality changed completely You went from being that kind and attentive boy to being what you are now, I was afraid, I thought I had lost my son, but over time I realized that you were still you, you just saw the world differently, what happened yesterday also gave me the answer, that magic, the gates of Babylonia, it's really amazing that the stories my father told me as a child were real, that that king of heroes existed and was my son.

Everything was quiet, we were processing the information.

-Certainly, I am Gilgamesh Aparicio, King of heroes!, I exclaimed as he stood me up, I crossed my arms and in golden particles the Gilgamesh / Caster suit appeared and I started laughing

- I see, but are you my son? My mother asked hopefully, I just looked at her confused.

- Of course, or well I don't know, I have the memories of both, you could say that I am both or I am a completely different person, be satisfied with knowing that I am Gilgamesh, I replied feigning confusion, there is something that I will always know and that is that I am Puffy .

- Wait, are they telling me that they belong to a very old family and that one is a demigod? Tony asked without believing it, normal, after all things like that would not make sense in a faithful follower of science like Tony.

- Well yes, it's confusing even for me but hey, I answered calmly.

- And what are you?, Tony asked looking at Natasha.

- Nothing really, I'm the most normal in the room, answered Natasha amused.

- Well, I would also like to ask something else, how did they find us? Or rather, what were they doing there? Tony asked, more confused.

- Well we are the avengers, I said proudly.

- The Avengers? Are they a band? Asked my mother.

- No, the avengers are a group of people, ahem, abnormal, like me or Natasha, who take care of threats that normal humans can't, even you could be, if you manage to improve that armor you made, I answered giving him a look at Tony.

- Me? No, I don't play the hero, Tony replied disinterestedly.

- We'll see about that.

1 hour later, Gilgamesh's Room.

- So you died at 126 without having a wife or children, Natasha told me annoyed.

- Huh? I don't know, I don't even remember having a wife, I answered confused.

- Sure, replied Natasha, not believing me.

- Hmm, I started trying to remember if he had a wife or a child.

- No, I don't remember, I told Natasha.

- Well, we'll talk about it later, answered Natasha and hugged me.

- I hope you don't forget me, Natasha whispered.

-Don't say that, if she managed to forget you it will be because my memories were erased and only that, I hugged her back.

- That's right! Haven't your memories erased you?, Natasha asked.

- Hmm, I doubt it, but it would be nice to think about the past a bit, I answered and looked at myself in the mirror.

- Those clothes fit you well, Natasha told me, looking at me.

-Certainly, speaking of which, this will work for you too, I said to Natasha as a red spear a little longer than the golden one she had given him came out of a golden ripple.

- Another spear? I ask curious to which I nodded.

- This is Gae Dearg, this spear is used in conjunction with Gae Buidhe, but unlike her, it allows it to go through any magical construction, such as a shield or armor for example, as long as they have magic it can go through it.

- I'm not much of a spear user but I could learn, said Natasha taking both spears and waving them around a bit.

- Unlike a conventional weapon, these spears will be very useful for future threats.

- Future threats?

- Yes, this universe contains many powerful people, who for whatever reason could become our enemies, become strong, I may be the strongest on this planet, but I don't know if it is the strongest in the universe, no, in existence, I said serious.

- I will, said Natasha and we both kept silent.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 9:50 p.m. Tony's Job Center, New York.

I was sitting drinking wine in front of Tony, well my father, watching as he tried to fly with the thrusters but failed and crashed into the ceiling.

A habit that stuck to me from Gilgamesh was drinking wine, in my past life I did not consume any drink of this style, but since I appeared in this world it was pleasant for me to simply enjoy a good wine from my treasury.

- Shouldn't you be more protected? I asked Tony who was getting up little by little.

- Maybe, answered Tony sorely.

- And how do you fly? Tony asked me.

- With Magic, I answered eating a potato chip.

- Can't you teach me? Tony asked me.

- No, was my simple answer.

- Why not?, Tony asked surprised by my answer.

- If you want to learn, go to Nepal and get the information yourself, I told him and I disappeared into golden particles.

A few hours ago I had realized that I could also return to my spiritual form despite not being a Servant, the sensation reminds me a bit of being in my astral form, although in a certain way it is the same, only in my body it remains inert and in the other it simply disappears.

I went to the New York Sanctuary and right at the entrance I materialized, knocking on the door and waiting for someone to open it.

- I see you came, said Ancestral letting me pass.

- Hmm, I'm free so I'd like to see the students you talked about, I said nonchalantly as I walked to the stairs and sat down.

- Fine, we can go now, it should be 7 A.M. there, Ancestral said and created a portal, standing up I approached and entered the portal followed by Ancestral.

Coming out of the portal I saw that we were in the training field where obviously some people were training.

- Well, who are you-, I was about to ask but I was interrupted.

- Ancestral is here, said a dark-skinned guy with short hair and a training suit.

I recognized him as Mordo, but I frowned angrily, I guess I'm used to not being interrupted.

- Yes, I would like to introduce you to someone, said the Ancient One and stepped aside allowing Mordo to see me.

-Hello, a pleasure, I'm Mordo, Sorcerer, Mordo introduced himself, extending his hand.

-I am Gilgamesh, I said and hesitated to take his hand but in the end I accepted it.

- Gilgamesh the prodigy who became the second strongest sorcerer with only a couple of months of training? Mordo asked surprised, I just looked at Ancestral confused.

- Well, you're a little familiar, said the Ancient One smiling in my direction.

- Hmm, do you want to have a fight? I would like to test you, I said to Mordo smiling.

- Sure, I hope to be a worthy opponent, Mordo said bowing, it reminded me a bit of what Goku did, so I just nodded and went to the center of the field, those who were training stopped doing it and moved away a bit to be able to look

- Are you ready? I asked him.

- Are you going to fight with those clothes? I ask confused, I looked at my clothes and tested their elasticity, I didn't want them to break.

- Hmm, yes, I answered and extended a hand signaling for him to come closer.

Running closer Mordo took out what looked like a whip that gave off magic, when the whip was about to touch me I moved to the left and with an upward kick I made him drop the whip, trying to grab my leg quickly I jumped back, making distance look at him with a smile.

- Not bad for the first movement, I congratulated him and before he said anything I approached him.

With a left fist directed at his head, he intercepted my attack by placing his right forearm, retreating a meter due to the force of my attack. I took the opportunity to strike again with my left hand, connecting with his cheek and fell to the ground when he was about to I kicked him to the side and he stood up, he quickly approached and with a right fist aimed at my face I dodged simply moving my head and with my right arm I took his arm and pushed him to the right so that he fell again, I noticed that in the middle of the fall he settled and directed a reverse kick with his left leg, I took a step back and before he could settle to stand up I took his leg and with a little force I lifted him into the air before crashing him against the hard concrete back.

-Uhg!, I give up, Mordo said sorely while he didn't move an inch.

- Well done, you fulfilled my expectations, I told Mordo smiling at him.

(Author's note: it should be noted that Gilgamesh's smile is more like smiling for the sake of smiling, he only smiles with joy with his mother or Natasha. Here is an example of the smile he gives everyone.

Also, in case some people wonder what expression he has when he answers and I write "I told him" or "I answered him" without adding any emotion like "confused" "annoyed" or something like that, imagine him with this expression... End of note )

Walking towards Ancestral I noticed that those present were whispering among themselves, probably surprised why the fight only lasted a couple of seconds.

- Surprising, I've never seen you fight hand to hand, Ancestral said surprised.

- Certainly, I hope you hadn't thought that I'm only good for my doors, that was just a little warm-up, I told Ancestral.

I wasn't lying, I hadn't even broken a sweat, but trying to compare this to a practice with Natasha is like comparing an ant to an Elephant, Natasha could easily have broken my limb if she was serious, although to be honest I could only do that if she betrayed me since in a normal battle anyone would be dead stabbed by multiple swords and spears before they even touched me and if they managed to reach me long enough the chains of heaven would take care of the rest.

- Well there is one, who are the other two?, I asked looking at everyone present who returned to their training, while others helped Mordo by taking him to who knows where, I probably broke his back, I was as delicate as possible like this it could also be simple numbness.

- Wong, Kaecilius, come on a moment! Ancestral spoke loudly and quickly two people approached.

One was an Asian and the other I don't know, Kaecilius is, weird, I'm horrible at describing characters now that I realize it, but hey, people are supposed to appear before the king, not the other way around.

- Do you need something?, Kaecilius asked the Ancestral.

-Well, I asked Gilgamesh next to me if he could observe my disciples so here we are, said the Ancient One and looked at me.

- What?, I asked Ancestral in white.

- Ahem, I introduce myself, I'm Wong and the one next to me is Kaecilius, said Wong and made a formal bow followed by Kaecilius.

-Hi, I'm Gilgamesh, I'd like to try them but I doubt they're as strong as Mordo in physical strength, so he imagined that they're a bit lower, or am I wrong? I made a deduction looking at them.

- You're right, Mordo is the most athletic of the three, although we don't specialize in hand-to-hand combat, but rather in the mystical arts, Kaecilius explained a little irritated.

- Certainly, but that is the mistake, focusing on a single area gives all your weaknesses to your enemy, I also studied the mystic arts and yet I would sweep the floor with a master of Karate, Kung-fu or any martial art, I countered Kaecilius who got more irritated, or so it seemed from the expression he gave me.

"Not all of us are so amazing," Kaecilius said through gritted teeth.

- Certainly, there are people who take their whole lives to become full-fledged sorcerers, and then there are me or Natasha who take months, but you must know something, even if you are or feel so useless, you still have value, you know when it was king I set out to kill all the citizens of my kingdom that were not indispensable, but do you know what happened? I did not kill anyone, because I realized that even if someone was worthless and considered useless, somehow or another way would be useful for something, each one was essential for different roles, I said looking at the sky with nostalgia, apparently my part Gilgamesh really loved his people, well it's a bit obvious, the reason why Gilgamesh from Stay Night wanted Ending humanity was why he considered despicable and worthless, compared to the people he ruled in his lifetime.

- When you were king? Kaecilius asked confused.

- Tsk, I give you some advice and you ask me something so irrelevant, I asked annoyed before disappearing into golden particles.

With Ancient.

-I guess he left, said the Ancient One with a sigh.

- Kaecilius, don't act like that, Wong scolded before Kaecilius left annoyed.

- Leave him, he's a bit impulsive, said the Ancient One to Wong before also leaving.

With Gilgamesh.

-Well, a bit irritating Kaecilius, why don't I make his death a little earlier than normal?, I said to myself outside of Kamar-Taj before opening a portal and entering through it.

When I left I was back in New York, my senses confuse me a bit when I change time so quickly, I mean, a moment ago I was in Nepal where it was 7 A.M. and when I return to New York it is again 10 P.M.

- What could I do? The night is young maybe I could go for a walk there, I noticed myself on top of a building.

I was walking through the dark New York nights In search of something interesting, I was walking through Queens, for some reason it seemed familiar to me, I also found it curious why there was a reporter a few meters from me, I'm probably on TV right now.

- Where do I remember this place?, I asked myself confused before feeling that someone was about to collide with me, I could have dodged it, but for what?, I deactivated the chains when I felt that they were about to leave.

- Uhg!, The boy who collided with me complained.

- Be more careful Peter! Said a voice approaching.

- Yes, I'm sorry sir, said the one recognized as Peter before returning to the person who called him.

Looking in his direction I saw a woman, about 35 years old at most? I don't know, but I knew who they were.

-I'm sorry, it's very careless, the girl apologized, looking at me, she's too young to call her ma'am.

- No problem, hey, what's your name? I asked just to confirm.

- I'm May, and you?

- I'm Gilgamesh, have my number, I said before giving him a card with my number and winking at him, followed by that I continued on my way.

As I remember, Aunt May is an old woman, although in the UCM she was played by a very young actress for the character's age. Why did I give her my number? just an ordinary boy, I wasn't interested in spending more time there, he probably made a pass at me and I don't want Peter Parker to grow up traumatized haha, not to mention that I already have Natasha and a Harem is anything but good for me.

Walking back home along the long road, I noticed that it was already 11:45 p.m.

Arriving home, I simply entered and went to my room, when I entered I saw Natasha watching television, specifically the news channel.

- I came back, said and lay down next to Natasha.

Looking at the television I saw that she was the same guy that was where Peter bumped into me.

-There you are, Natasha said, seeing how she appeared on the screen in the background.

- Yes, I replied before continuing to watch television, noticing that she looked like she was talking to Aunt May and giving her a card, I felt as if someone was pointing at me right now, when I turned my head I saw Natasha with an indifferent face.

- What happened?, I asked playing the innocent.

- Why did you give him a card? Or rather, why were you smiling like that? Natasha asked withering towards me.

- Ahem, it's that I had the number of a Pizzeria and by chance I had it, I answered with a tense smile, before a door opened in front of me, from there a chain came out and I took Natasha's arm, which was about to to hit me

- Sorry I do it unconsciously, I told Natasha worried before disappearing the door with the chain.

- Hmm, let's train, Natasha said annoyed before getting up and leaving the room.

- Maybe I should have just ignored her, I told myself with a sigh before quickly following Natasha.

When I reached Natasha, she didn't even look at me, walking directly to the training room of the house, when we arrived we simply entered, before Natasha took off her shirt and pants, revealing a short and a training top.

- So you were ready, I told her trying to sound funny, but it came out more tense than I thought, she didn't answer and just looked at me, knowing what I wanted in golden particles, my clothes changed to just a short and some sneakers.

Natasha without warning rushed at me, faster than normal, before I could do anything a punch hit my cheek before I fell to the ground from the force of that blow, knowing I was serious I quickly turned to the side before it hit me. a stomp greeted me, turning around a couple of times before turning around in the air and standing up, when I looked straight ahead I saw that Natasha was already in front of me again, before her left fist impacted my cheek from Again I took a step back before throwing a right punch which Natasha also dodged, that was my first mistake, Natasha noticed that the momentum of my punch would make it difficult for me to return my arm, so I take it and with a quick movement I I turn my hand before lying on the ground, taking my other hand immobilizing myself.

Not wanting to lose so fast, I tried to take a turn but I noticed that with the force I was currently using it would be useless for me to try to escape, using a little more force I noticed that Natasha's grip got stronger the more force I used, it would probably leave marks on my arm, raising my head I hit Natasha in the nose, which distracted her for a second, which was enough to let me go and I quickly turned around, now she was the one immobilized, I saw that she was facing me. so I noticed that her nose was bleeding a little, surprised by that I let go of her before she punched me in the face with her free hand, I staggered up,stunned by the force of the blow, I felt a liquid come out of my nose, when I removed my hand from my face I saw that it was stained with blood, blood which came out of my nose.

- I- Is this my blood?, I asked stuttering.

-Are you okay? Natasha asked saying something for the first time since we arrived, she seemed worried.

- M- My blood!?, I screamed terrified as he grabbed my head and began to scream, a headache a thousand times worse than the one I felt when I came to this world, hit my head.

-What do you have!? Natasha exclaimed worried, approaching, but she couldn't get any closer to me because the whole room was filled with doors from Babylonia.


Sunday August 4, 2021, Naples, Italy.

A boy no more than 20 years old in totally black clothes was facing what could be called a massacre, dozens of corpses were scattered with only the boy alive, what had happened? The boy had just murdered everyone, alone had a wound.

- It seems I'm done, the boy said to himself, who seemed tired, he only walked two steps before falling to his knees.

-What happened?, The boy wondered but he was petrified when he saw what red liquid came out of his stomach.

"My blood?" he wondered as he began to hyperventilate, but he couldn't go on as he fell unconscious from the loss of blood.

Monday January 30, 2012, Tokyo Japan.

- Dad! Shouted a black-haired boy on a rainy street.

The boy kept running until he heard something in an alley.

-Dad!, The boy yelled running towards a lying man, as he got closer he saw that the man was bleeding.

-Dad, what happened to you!? Asked the scared boy kneeling in front of his father.

- go away, the father whispered almost inaudibly.

- What?, I ask the boy panicking.

-Watch out! The man yelled while with the last of his strength he stood in front of the child.

- Dad?, Asked the child starting to cry.

- Go away Angel, said the father hugging the child, protecting him from a katana which pierced the man.

- Dad!? You're bleeding more, the boy yelled, panicking.

- Go!, The father shouted pushing the child away while behind the man you could see a group of people who Una followed the child who was running, but before it was her foot she was taken by the father who only said a few word.

-Everyone will go with me, and after that he saw his watch, which rang and a second later an explosion was seen in the place.

The boy kept running with all his might when the explosion was heard and he only saw smoke and fire.

-DAD!!!, The boy cried crying as he fell to his knees, the boy, Angel, looked down at his stomach as suddenly he began to feel pain.

-Is this my blood?, The frightened boy wondered, when he pulled up his shirt he saw that he had a cut, probably from the katana, which went through his father and his in a certain way.

-Son! He began to hear multiple voices but before he knew who they were he fell unconscious.

End of flashback.

-Dad!, Gilgamesh yelled, unaware as he dropped to his knees and began to cry and scream more.

In that, a silver armor entered through the door and took Natasha before she could be injured by any of the dozens of weapons that peeked through the doors of Babylonia.

- Tony?, Natasha asked surprised.

-Who else?, Tony asked trying to sound funny but from his voice it was clear that he was worried.

-What's wrong with Gilgamesh? Aura asked running into the room and seeing Gilgamesh rolling on the floor while he screamed.

- I don't know, we were practicing and suddenly Dad started to yell, Natasha explained worriedly.

- Son!, Aura exclaimed approaching, Tony tried to stop him but I looked at him and he just stayed there.

-Son, calm down, Aura said, approaching slowly, the doors pointed in her direction but didn't shoot, she got closer and took Gilgamesh's arms, who was lying on the ground with a terrified look.

- Dad! I kept screaming but I felt something on my back, rather arms, seconds later I felt a slap on my face.

- What!? I asked, coming to my senses.

- What happened? I asked myself feeling tears flow down my face and my mother in front of me, when I looked around I saw that a silver armor and Natasha were looking at me, the second with concern and the armor, I don't know? I doubt a helmet can make an expression.

- Are you okay son?, I ask my worried mother.

- Yes, I guess, I said and my look went blank.

- I was there when dad died? I whispered to myself, no one could hear.

- What?, Asked my mother.

- Nothing, I just remembered one thing, I said standing up while a door of Babylon that appeared next to me came out a mirror which I took and looked at myself in it.

In the mirror the always sure of himself and superior Gilgamesh was not seen, he saw an emaciated and frightened Angel, full of Tears,Dried blood on his nose and dark circles thanks to so much crying, with another thought a wet rag came out of the same door and I wiped my face, when I finished and saw myself in the mirror I tried to smile but I couldn't, in golden particles a simple shirt black color appeared on my body

- I'm going to be outside, I told those present and I disappeared into golden particles.

I appeared on top of the largest building in New York sitting down.

- What happens with these memories? I asked myself, remembering things that I clearly remember never happened in my life, or perhaps I simply did not want to accept that this happened, when I opened my shirt in search of the scar that I saw in that memory, but when I saw there was nothing.

Why did I even waste that second of my time? It's obvious that those memories are from my past life, they were Angel's memories, not Gilgamesh's, now I understand why I never remembered when I got that scar and why my Mother always changed the subject when she talked about it, me a murderer? Don't make me laugh, if I was just useless all my life, but I didn't really remember being present at my father's death, probably my child mind took it as a possible trauma and just put it in the back of my mind, although reacting with blood, if that had happened in the middle of a real fight I would probably be dead, although that gives me an advantage, now if they ask me about what happened I will simply say that I remembered my father from this world, although I feel strange .

I thought looking at nothing with my blank face, I wasn't sad, or angry, I didn't even feel any feelings.

- I don't want to become Edgy, I said to nothing.

Saturday May 1, 2010, New York.

A couple of days ago Tony went to Afghanistan, in his Armor, I think it was called Mark 2, except for a hostage town that you had some terrorists and he came back, little by little he is earning a name in society, not like Tony Stark , but like Ironman.

After I got out of control, when I returned home everyone received me worried, to calm them down I told them that I remembered things about my father, like his death, it made Tony a little sick, but nothing that a conversation alone won't solve, Natasha asked me apologies, but I apologized since it was my fault, after that everything happened as normal for everyone except Tony.

I was hugging Natasha who was sleeping peacefully, I felt a bad feeling since this morning, but I just don't know what it is.

Moving slowly so as not to wake Natasha, I headed out of the house, it was 00:30 A.M. so my mother was already asleep, going to her room I checked that everything was fine before leaving the house.

Moving between the roofs of the houses I approached Tony's house, it was only about 5 minutes by car from the house so it would be fast, when I got to Tony's house I entered my spiritual form and went to his living room, there I saw that there was no one, I materialized and began to search the house until I heard a sound.

- Old man? I asked nothing and headed in that direction, when I got there I saw Tony who was crawling towards a piece of furniture.

- Old man, what are you doing?!, I asked confused next to him, but when I saw him I saw that he was half dead, I also saw that he did not have the Arc Reactor, without saying anything else I quickly approached the table and took the Reactor that it was there and I put it on his chest.

- Where is Pepper?!, Tony asked taking a breath and breathing heavily.

- I don't know, what happened? I asked him confused.

-Obadiah stole my Arc reactor, Tony said and went to his laboratory.

- The bald? Leave it to me, I won't even need a sword to kill him, I told him nonchalantly.

-He created an armor using the mark 0 as a base, rather, he simply reassembled it, Tony said and we arrived at his laboratory, there several robotic arms took him and began to put the armor on him.

- That's disturbing, I said amused before in golden particles my clothes changed to a black jacket with a white shirt and black pants, Gilgamesh's clothes from Fate/Stay Night in case you didn't know.

I watched the roof open and a second later Tony went flying.

- At least let me know, I said blankly before starting to levitate and fly after Tony.

I noticed a silver armor about eight feet in the distance, getting closer I also saw Pepper, that thing was about to kill her, when I looked at Tony I observed that its thrusters?, Whatever, that increased the power and it shot towards the armor, ramming it and shooting several streets.

-Are you okay Pepper? I asked, landing next to him.

- Yes, go help Tony, she answered a little scared and surprised, normal if I were normal too I would be scared to see such a big armor about to kill me and surprised why I didn't know I could fly.

Returning to the flight, I arrived with Tony in a few seconds, the armor, Iron Monger? It was called, it took a car and was about to throw it at Tony he's not going to answer questions, said the soldier who was with the old man from time to time.

- Well, I haven't done this in a while so this time I'll use the script, Tony said and everyone in the room started to laugh, I just looked at the blank TV.

"There is speculation about my participation and that of my son, in what happened yesterday," Tony was saying, but he was interrupted by a blonde girl, quite attractive by the way.

- Excuse me Mr. Stark, but you really want us to believe that you and your son were not there yesterday, even the boy's face was seen, the journalist said amused.

-Well, it's true that my son was seen, but- He was going to continue but the soldier next to him whispered something in his ear.

-The truth is, Tony said and remained silent, at that moment I entered my spiritual form and materialized next to him while several doors opened behind him.

- I am Ironman, said Tony and all the cameramen and journalists came closer.

- I am Gilgamesh, but if you want you can call me King, I said into the microphone with a smile, I really still hadn't decided whether to have a Hero name or just call myself by my name.

End of Chapter.

6.600 words. Well let's start with the main story, the reason why Tony didn't get the credit is a bit obvious, since Iron Monger called him a bastard his fate was written, and why the battle lasted so little is simple, is it even a threat to Gilgamesh? Obviously not.

I would also like to clarify that I have planned to finish this story in 2025, with the release of the Secret War movie, I could write based on the comic and finish the story next year, but what's the fun in that? tell me that I would like the story to make sense, remember that you can comment giving me your opinion, even if I don't reply if I read your comments and some give me ideas for future things, just see you with the next one in two weeks...

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