Chereads / Deadly Twins / Chapter 1 - The deadly twins

Deadly Twins

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Chapter 1 - The deadly twins

It is said that mythical creatures don't exist, but they do. Some live among us in disguise. Before human technology advanced, the world used to be overran by all sorts of creatures, like orcs, mermaids, pixies, you name it. They were such a rare sight to see. Humans began hunting them down for sport, or thrown them into cages and put on display for money, or they were kept as pets. A lot of creatures rebelled and started to fight back against mankind. That's when the ESTF (Extraordinary Species Task Force) or bounty hunters for short, was put together to take down any rebelling creatures. The fight between these species went on for centuries and is still going on in the world today.

Keld City 2054

"Ugh I've been itching to kill somethin' !" my brother Rino groaned.

"The hunters have been even more active than usual lately. Probably because of the incident with the Orcs last week" I stated as we gazed into the beautiful setting sun from the rooftop of Syke Industries.

"Yeah, ya got a point I guess" he replied.

Me and my brother are shapeshifting fairies. We lure in the humans and kill them. Specifically men. Mostly because they are disgusting pigs and deserve to die. We've gotten so famous that they named us the deadly twins. We've been at this gig for ages now. I've lost count of how many people we've killed. It wasn't our ideal life but we do what we have to do in order to survive. At the end of the day we are all we have and must protect each other.

"Mina, let's head back. It's getting late" said Rino. I agreed while standing up to stretch.

As I turned around I noticed a twinkle of light in the distance of the rooftop. My danger radar was ringing off the charts. I quickly reacted and tackled my brother to the ground.

"Ahhhh! What the hell!?" Rino shrieked. Another projectile came flying towards us, narrowly missing.

"Someone found us!" I warned. "We have to get out of here brother!"

It took a lot of energy to sprout my wings at a fast rate. It felt like someone was slicing at my back with a machete but we had to get out. Before we could take off at full speed, another projectile was launched towards us. This time, it went through my brothers leg.

"Rino!" I screamed. I flew as fast as I could to catch him before he could hit the ground. Blood was gushing from his leg and stained his pants dark blue.

"Y-you're not healing!?" I cried.

"Of course not" A deep chilling rustic voice spoke out. "This is a special military grade metal that stops little bastards like you from healing."

"Who are you?!" I sneered at a tall man dressed in all black holding a blade that was the size of his entire body. He had a scar that almost covered the entire left side of his face.

"Just a guy tasked with a job to kill you two" he answered.

Rino's leg wouldn't stop bleeding. If I take out the blade, he would bleed to death even faster. I didn't know what to do. The man inched closer to us, ready to finish us off. If I try to fly away, he'll just throw one of those things at us and we'd both fall to our death.

"Are you with the ESTF?" I asked in a shaky tone. My body wouldn't stop trembling.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that sweetheart. Just know that your time in this world is at a end" he grinned before preparing to strike us down with a swing of his blade.

This was it. I put away my wings and and held my brother in my arms to prepare for our demise. Rino wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"I'm sorry about this sis" he apologized before everything went black.

I woke up confused and my vision was blurry. When I came to, I realized I was in a cold metal cell that inside of an abandoned police station or something.

"Rino!" I yelled out. There was no answer. "Rinooo!" I yelled out again.

"Geez, you've always had an annoying pitchy voice" Rino appeared out of the darkness of the room along with the man who tried to kill us. I was confused.

"Why is he here!? A-and your okay?" I questioned in utter confusion.

"Just relax, I'll explain everything to you soon sis" he dismissed.

"Rino? Are you working with that man? And why the FUCK am I locked up!?" My anger slowly boiled out of control.

If my only brother betrayed me it would break my heart. Rino hastily marched over to the cell and reached through the bars to grab me. He slammed me against the bars with all his force.

"Y-you're hurting me!" I cried.

"Then shut your fucking face!" He looked like a different person. This wasn't my brother. He loosened his grip and I snatched away from him and stumbled backwards.

What are we going to do with her?" The man asked.

"Well they offered me a quarter mill for her head but I'll just keep her alive for now".

Every word that flowed casually from his mouth stabbed me in the heart.

"I never caught your name by the way" he continued talking.

"Just call me Gunner" the man replied.

"Rino...?" I called to him in a low calm tone.

"Yes my dear sister?" He sarcastically replied.

"How long have you been planning this?" I questioned.

"Uhhhh, for a while now. We both can't die now can we?" He chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Basically I made a deal with some powerful people. I get to live free while they do whatever they want with you." He shrugged.

"How could you do this! We're family!" I barked.

"I know, I know but I'm tired of living my life in hiding and always looking over my shoulders. So I made a deal with them to only take one of us." he explained with a grin on his face.

"How could you do this!?" My eyes weld up with tears.

"That decision was easy. Let me break it down to ya Mina. You've  held me back for years and you're weak as fuck. You've failed over and over to unlock your Devine power and you've dragged me into your mess countless times." He justified.

Just hearing him talk to me like that made me want to throw up. I still couldn't believe my brother was the one who stabbed me in the back even after being told by a random stranger.

" don't have to do this. W-we could leave and start fresh somewhere without the killings or people hunting us down" I pleaded.

"You're really as dumb as you look. Even if we flew to another planet, we would still be found." He huffed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Ugh, you're killing me!" He groaned. "The ESTF have special tech that could read all creatures heat signatures. Ours differ from humans."

I purposely asked a lot of questions to stall for time while I think of a way out. I frantically looked around the cell for anything that could help. I would have to wait until they leave though. My brother is faster than me and would catch me in no time.

"You'll be staying here tonight. Some people will be coming to collect you tomorrow and I'll be filthy rich!" He exclaimed.

"You're a disgusting piece of shit!" I spat as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I was still in shock at this betrayal.

"Hey now, be lucky I didn't kill you".

"I'm sick of listening to this shit. I'm gonna go but just remember our deal creature!" Gunner said before making his exit out the front door.

I went to go sit in the corner of the hard metal bed with no mattress and planted my face into my knees. Moments later, the door opened and shut again. I peeped up to see that Rino was gone. I quickly got up and focused all of my energy on shape shifting into something smaller so that I can weasel my way between the bars. It took about five minutes of intense focus to finally transform into a rat and crawled my way between the out of the cell . My brother doesn't know that I can transform into small animals. I've kept it from him our whole lives. After I was free, I transformed back to my original size and crept my way to the front door of the station. I knew in my guts that Rino was flying around acting like surveillance but I had to take my chances. I tip toed outside and took a deep breath before sprouting my wings and taking off as fast as I can. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't look back. There was only one place that I could go to that Rino wouldn't find me. I got to the place in ten minutes thanks to flying. I shape shifted into a short and petite framed women with mocha skin and bronze hair. I walked into the bar and sat down. All of this shapeshifting and flying has really taken a toll on me.

"Chanel! Long time no see!" Nick the bartender greeted me.

We've known each other for about a year now and became really close. He's the only person besides Rino who knows that I'm a fairy and one of the deadly twins. But that didn't faze him at all when he found out. I broke down into tears again. Nick quickly comforted me.

"What's the matter?" He questioned as he placed a Shirley Temple in front of me.

"It's my brother" I sniffled. "H-he betrayed me and sold me out to the ESTF" I explained.

"What!?" He yelled shockingly. Everyone that was in the bar looked over at us.

"Ahem, why?" He asked clearing his throat.

"He's doing it for a large amount of money" I answered.

"He's a cunt for that one! Your own brother" he said shaking his head in shame.

"Him and some guy named Gunner planned a ruse to trap me but I got away" I continued.

"I know exactly who Gunner is" He said looking down sadly. "He's the one who attacked my bar last year because he thought I was harboring one of you guys."

"I didn't know" I replied.

"I try to keep it on the hush. Info like that is bad for business" he giggled. "But anyway what are you going to do?"

"I don't know" I sighed. "I can't keep running. They'll find me eventually."

Years ago an old lady warned me of my brother's betrayal but I shrugged it off and called her a drunk old bitch. That thought did sit on my mind though. I grew a little weary of Rino after that. The reason we are called the 'Deadly Twins' is because of him. I just blindly followed behind him because he was my brother and I trusted him. I guess I'm an idiot after all. Rino is capable of doing horrific things and I turned a blind eye to it all.

"Well you know you're welcome here anytime" he smiled.

A tingle went up my spine all of a sudden. He was here!

"Awwww that's cute!" My brother snickered.

He came up behind me and yanked me by my hair, slamming me into the cold concrete floor. He then dragged me across the floor by my hair. All I could do was kick and scream out. Everyone that was in the bar just watched in horror and confusion.

"Ahhhhh what the hell Rino! Let me go!" I shrieked. He finally stopped dragging me and swung me into the wall.

"You really thought you could get away from me you dumb bitch!" His eyes were bloodshot red. That's how they look when he kills.

"Hey what the fuck is going on! You let go of her!" Nick yelled at my defense.

"You mind your business FAG!" Rino snarled.

I tried standing but he just shoved me back into the wall.

"What the fuck are y'all looking!" He shouted at everyone in the bar.

"I've called the police!" Nick stated. "They'll be here any second!"

Rino glared over at Nick before flying at him full speed.

"Brother don't do it!" I cried. But it was too late.

Rino was holding Nick's head in his hand already. Everyone scrambled out of the bar screaming seconds after they've witnessed this gruesome sight. Nick's body fell over and spewed blood all over the place as Rino threw his head on the ground next to it.

I was defeated. There was no way to get away from him. He slowly approached me. I just looked down and accepted my demise until I heard a voice in my head.

"You seem to be in quite the pickle" said a small meek voice that sounded like a little girl.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am a spirit of Allias, here to help you!" the voice replied.

It was nothing but darkness. I couldn't see anything.

"How did you find me?" I further questioned.

"You called me silly!" It giggled.

This must be my final thoughts before I die.

"Now, I will bestow upon you the Devine gift called Command"

"My...Devine gift?"

"All you have to do is yell out a command to your target and they shall follow no matter what".

There was a bright flash a white light before snapping back to reality. Rino was hovering over top of me like a maniac. Remembering what the voice said, I took a deep breath before yelling to the top of my lungs.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled as loud as I can.

Rino stopped in his tracks. It look like it worked. I hurried and scrambled away from him.

"W-what the hell is this!?" He asked confused.

"My Devine power brother!" I answered confidently and smug. "It's better than yours".

" can't be!" He gritted just teeth before turning around to attack again.

"DON'T MOVE!" I yelled again. He stopped moving instantly.

"Stop doing that you bitch!" He shouted. "How did a weakling like you unlock your Devine powers!?".

"Maybe you're the weak one Rino! You know maybe you should take a long walk!"I commanded.

"Mina, don't do this!" He sneered as his legs were being forced to move.

"You'll have time to think about how you've crossed me!" Those were my last words to him as I watched him being forced out of the bar.

"Your little powers have limits! Remember that! And I'll definitely be back!" He threatened before the bar door slammed behind him.

I fell to my knees exhausted and drained. I looked over at Nick. He didn't deserve to die like that. I picked myself out and walked outside. I heard police sirens blaring in the distance and growing closer. I sprouted my wings and flew away before they showed.

After that night, I haven't seen any signs of my brother. I didn't know where my powers took him of how long it lasted before wearing off. I have a feeling that he will be back but for now I'll try to live normally as I can and only use my new powers when necessary.