Chereads / Renegade Jenny (Pokemon Fanfic) / Chapter 76 - Criminal

Chapter 76 - Criminal

No matter how big or small the obstruction was for Kimi to battle someone during her journey, she had seen no real reason to decline since it was beneficial towards the growth of even the weakest of her Pokémon.

Those that had battled Kimi were able to witness her for themselves and to let them be aware of her presence outside of the city as she had moved around.

It did not take too long before Kimi had arrived at a secluded area and had arrived at a location that was a drop site that had been set up in advance.

If there were some places where things could be dropped off or exchanged between them then there were other locations where they would make use of to prepare for other factors in their missions.

The more that they carefully laid out such things, the better it was for them to keep up their disguises during missions where they could switch identities and clothing out of the sight of others.

It was always best to make use of abandoned or more secluded buildings outside of the city to do so that were not in use by other criminal organisations or in the sights of any lawful groups.

Kimi had walked into one of those buildings while being followed by Tyrogue, Growlithe and Espeon then started to search around the floor inside of the room.

There was a creaking noise that followed as she applied a little force with her foot to one area then she started to lift up the floor boards.

She took out a small bag and opened it which had revealed a fake identification card, a set of dark clothes with a dark hoody and a face mask.

A lot of the clothes that she was wearing had covered up many features like her hair and skin so that she could not be so easily recognised.

The style and colour of the clothes were designed to make them not stand out too much but to be suitable for her task.

Before putting it all on, Kimi had undressed and reached towards a Pokéball which had caused a flash of light to appear.

A small pink Ditto had appeared after the light had faded which had stared towards Kimi.

Kimi stood over it and said. "Hurry up and copy me."

The Ditto seemed to be very familiar with how it was supposed to act and transformed suddenly to look exactly like Kimi.

It was the best one among those that had been caught and there was not a single flaw to be seen when the two figures were standing in front of each other.

It was like they were looking in a mirror and that was how well Ditto had been able to copy her appearance from practicing many times.

Kimi pointed towards the clothes on the ground and the other items that had been placed aside. "Hurry and get dressed then follow those three."

Ditto did not speak and started to dress itself until it had looked exactly like Kimi during the time that she had left the city.

Kimi had used her free time to get dressed into another set of clothes that had covered a lot of her appearance while she had put the backpack onto her shoulder with everything else inside. "You all can go now."

It was still too out in the open and there still needed to be some more travelling done before she could arrive at her destination so it was best to switch appearances more than once to avoid her identities being associated with each other.

Walking around in suspicious looking clothing was not something that she wanted to be doing when the sun was still out in case anyone reported her and she was searched on the spot then it would be very bad for her.

Once Kimi had finished up with her preparations, she had quickly waved towards her main team to depart first then she sneaked away in another direction until she reappeared near the tunnels to make a trip underground.

Kimi had reached closer to her designated position so she found a less public place to get changed once again then met up with a small group of shady looking people that had been acting on edge.

Her voice was a little different as if it had been changed slightly when she spoke up. "Sir, are you hiring a cleaner?"

They looked down towards the small figure of Kimi that was only ten years old and were about to tell her to leave but when they had heard her words, they were left surprised.

The boss of them had knit his brows. 'Someone so young is in this line of business? The contact said that they were capable of performing what was needed but..'

There were many doubts in his mind but since there were orders from above, he could not leave his boss waiting.

He looked towards Kimi and thought about the possibility of her being the right person so he tested her. "How good are you at cleaning?"

Kimi heard his question and smiled behind her mask then answered calmly. "So good that it is criminal."

If there was any way to really confirm who she was then there needed to be some fail safes or passwords in place during the meeting so that they would believe that she had been sent to them and that nobody else would be mistaken as her.

The boss had heard her words that confirmed her status so he waved. "Follow and keep quiet. I should not need to tell you how to act right?"

Kimi followed behind and nodded quietly to show that she understood.