abused of authority and oppression of the
Oppression is the unfair or cruel use of power to control another person or group. The term is often used in a political context to refer to the oppression of minority groups such as women and racial minorities. Oppression occurs whenever one person exercises authority or power in an unfair, abusive, cruel, or needlessly controlling way. For example, a parent who locks a child in the closet could be said to be oppressing that child. Slavery, the refusal to allow women to inherit and own property, the denial of equal rights to people with disabilities, and the involuntary commitment of people who deviate from social norms are all examples of oppression. Because oppression is often used to refer to political circumstances, the definition of the term is debated, and it is unlikely that there is a single example of oppression that all people can agree constitutes oppression. The degree to which groups in the United States are oppressed is a frequent source of debate with feminists, civil rights activists, disability rights advocates, and prison abolitionists arguing in favor of rampant oppression. A feminist, for example, might view high rape rates in the United States as indication of systematic attempts to control and oppress women, while another person might argue that rape is an opportunistic, individualistic crime not related to oppression. Therefore, this academic piece of writing will shade more light on the themes that comes out in the text pano calo by Stephen Mpashi are abused of authority and oppression of the disadvantaged. From the readings of the text, this academic piece of writing will show how the two themes comes out in the text.