In a world of magic, a hidden place located behind the waterfall lives the Clover Kingdom. The waterfall works as the entrance to the Clover Kingdom. A strong magic seal is used as the gate through the waterfall to avoid any intruders. Without the clover book, no one is allowed to enter the kingdom. Even the people of the clover kingdom are not allowed to pass this gate without any specific orders from the royal. Royal is the only one who is allowed to pass this gate. Even the citizens of the Clover Kindom are not interested to pass this gate as they think it's dangerous. They mostly prefer to live in peace and safety. The people of Clover Kindom pass through generations of magic using the clover book. The generation of clover books is only used in the clover kingdom. The book is filled with different magic spells. Each person is chosen to be the master of a clover book. The book is placed in two types. The book with three leaf and four leaf. The three-leaf book symbolizes faith, love, and hope. And the four leaf symbolize an as good fortune. Only the chosen one is destined to be the master of four leaf clovers, which is rare.
The Kingdom is usually controlled by the royals. The royals came from the strongest families and they are responsible to look after the kingdom. King Haruto Hayashi was the leader of all. He was known as the strongest clover user of the kingdom. The king was married to a woman he loved, Ichika Miura. The queen of the kingdom Ichika Miura was pregnant with two babies. The king was excited about being a father.
"Ichika is it time yet? *excited*- Haruto
"Haha... dear please be patient. When the time will come I will let you know eventually"- Ichika
"Your date is about to come so I should be careful about you"- Haruto
The king was very protective of his wife and wanted to make sure she was okay and healthy.
A few days went by and the queen finally had her babies.
"Congratulations maam both are girls"
*Running sounds of king*
"Are they here yet?! Is it boy or girl? or both?"- Haruto
"Hehe- it's girls dear"- Ichika
"I finally become a dad!"- Haruto
*Holds the baby*
"Both are very beautiful. i waited for your arrival my little princesses"- Haruto
"What shall we name them?"- Ichika
"Hima and Hina"- Haruto