Chereads / Yours!!! / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Aggregate Castigation

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Aggregate Castigation

I was with Claudia who was still sad about everything.

She has been crying for so long. Whenever she stops crying, she resumes again and continues that way till she's tired.

There was no limit to her tears and she also cried while working although softly.

I placed my hand on her shoulder as she refused to eat.

I asked her earlier in the day more than once to eat after I prepared breakfast but she declined and I understood.

But now, it's almost noon and yet she has refused to eat.

I'm so surprised because the Claudia that I know doesn't joke with food.

I'm sincerely not happy about her distaste for everything.

If she continues like this, she might fall sick.

Yesterday she skipped lunch because she was afraid and worried about Claudia's whereabouts so, she barely had supper.

I had to beg her to eat and now I don't stand a chance of convincing her because she has sternly refused to eat.

"Claudia!" I said and she turned to me.

"Don't you think you should inform Marise about the crash?"

"What!!" she was surprised by my demand and I was confused as to why she thought otherwise.

As I looked at her, a crease appeared on my forehead.

"I can't do that," she answered.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"I can't face her. I just can't break the news to her. She would be shattered and I can't bear the thought of what would happen If I tell her."

I stared at her sad because she had a point but it would be better if Marise got the news of Hannah's death from Claudia.

It would be too heartbreaking if she were here informed through TV channels.

"I'd advise you to tell her as soon as possible. It's something you should have done yesterday. You need to think about how she would feel if she hears it from an outsider or worse through the news."

"I can't," she said again.

"Don't be selfish. You have to tell her or at least speak with her. She would feel that you do not care because you haven't called her since she told you of her fears."

"You're right. I have to check up on her," she replied.

"Good but that's not the only reason why you should. Have you thought of if she already knew and if she's broken right now?"

Claudia picked up her phone and called Marise. After the phone call, she was sad and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"She knew and her voice was breaking," Claudia said and cried.

"I'm sorry. Don't be sad. You have to be strong for Marise because she needs you. You have to be strong for her if not yourself. If you truly love Hannah you'd hold up your emotions and support her mother."

As I said these words, Claudia felt better and I didn't waste time as I have to snatch this opportunity to make her eat.

"Why not try the dish? You might like it, it might lighten your mood." I admonished.

"Okay, you win. I would try something but just a little," she said and I felt happy.


Charles was explaining things to some reporters in an open space.

He was trying his best to console and understand them but it seemed that they didn't give a damn about his views and appeals.

They became very angry and they surrounded him. They started beating him and as a result, he started running.

They pursued him for a long and when they became tired, they picked up stones and started throwing them at him.

With that, he couldn't run properly and eventually he was cornered at all sides.

They stoned him and his forehead and face were filled with bruises and bled.

After a while, bruises were everywhere and his clothes were torn.

His legs, hands and head were bleeding profusely and he became weaker.

As a result of their anger, they refused to stop and he was lynched.

Immediately, Charles woke up scared and he sat up.

Beads of sweat lay on his forehead and he started breathing heavily.

He scanned his office with his eyes and realised that it was a dream, a very terrible one.

It was clear that he slept off while thinking about his situation which he is drowned in.

He kept panting and gasping because it felt so real.

He was breathing loudly and in an uncontrollable manner with his eyes filled with fear.

He didn't understand himself anymore and he was too exhausted to stand.

He relaxed his legs and spread them out to relieve the pain he was feeling.

All parts of his body were hurt and he wondered what kind of dream he had that could affect him physically.

As I said, it was as though his encounter was real and he felt weak.

He stayed quiet for a while pondering what was going on.

Although he was calm, he was still scared and worried.

Charles didn't understand why everything was happening to him: First, it was the plane crash and now, he's happening dreams that he will die.

He didn't understand the meaning of his dream.

He was unaware that it meant that he needed to be extra careful because the danger is everywhere and he was being hated unnecessarily even though he contributed to it in one way or the other.

They were plots everywhere by his enemies and competitors who do not want him to succeed.

His dream is a warning of impending danger which will be promised to him.

Because of the time of the year, everything that was happening was getting to him.

The month of December wasn't a good one for him and he has marked it as a bad month in his heart.

It wasn't only the month that he lost his beloved grandmother Teresa, it was the month that he felt like a stranger in the Jacksons' residence.

After her uneventful death, he realised that those whom he addressed as parents are not worthy of being called that which he called them and they didn't deserve the least amount of respect.

All this was happening made it clear that Charles is a man stuck in his past.


Charles had been invited to the meeting by the board of directors who wanted to speak on the impacts of the plane crash.

Charles entered the hall filled with many directors to get engaged in the conference meeting. As he entered, he started wide-eyed as he saw his father sitting at the rear end of the table.

He was surprised because James had been staying off the company's business for so long that he can't remember.

What intrigued him was that James chaired the conference even though.

This shouldn't be odd on a normal note since James owned the major shares in the company but it had been long since he got involved in the business affairs.

Charles was expecting to see Veronica, his mother not his father or better, his aunt, Diadora Jackson who has refused to bear her husband's last name.

"Mr Charles, I'm sure you're aware of the chaos the plane crash has caused." One member of the board said.

"I am and I will do everything within my power to solve this crisis."

Charles said confidently but he soon regretted it as he received immediate criticism.

"Like what? The black boxes haven't been located or have they?" another member spoke.

"No," he said and watched their reactions but he was displeased because it didn't appear promising to them as disappointment lingered on their faces.

"Then how do you plan on solving this issue because I don't see a way." the same board member continued.

The funny thing is that many planes have disappeared and are never to be found but the CEOs of the airlines were never crucified and besides this was the first time in his regime that such was happening.

He can't believe that the same board members who had praised his skills on the company's profit rate are the ones criticising him.

"It will be good for the company if the result from its analysis is favourable to the company that's if the boxes are found."

He couldn't believe that they dared to be disappointed after all he had done for the company within three years of his reign.

"Since you're fully informed, you should know that the case of the crash is like no other and the masses are taking this to heart more than expected. What do you plan on doing to stop the dent to our name because if I say that we aren't fed up then, it's all lies?" another shareholder spoke.

"I agree with Mr Shane. The West Land aircraft isn't the first to crash but yet the news of Flight A245 crash has to become alarming." a female board member spoke.

It was evident that the board of directors were not pleased but they shouldn't be complaining and rather they should advise Charles about the matter.

Charles listened attentively because the last thing he needed was a revolt from them as they can vote him out of office.

"We demand a report of the aircraft."

They wanted to know if the crash was a fault of theirs or is of natural causes.

The report was displayed on their respective systems and it was clear that the aircraft was in good condition.

This reduced the tension in the room and Charles felt relieved.

"This is confusing because the weather report says otherwise. If both conditions: state of maintenance and atmospheric conditions were favourable then what caused the crash?" one of the directors seemed to be perplexed.

"Let's assume that the weather conditions weren't favourable. Then, what is to be done about the matter at hand because they demand the souls of their loved ones and we are aware that it's impossible."

"I will declare a press conference and apologise to the families of the bereaved. They will be compensated with funds for the losses in the meantime while I tackle the cause of the crash." Charles said and the hall was quiet.

The directors were quiet and one can say that they reasoned with his idea.