Chapter 5 - Messing With The Story

David gets teleported down to where he was before he went to the observatory.

'Alright, so lets go ahead and move onto where the main character is.' And so he changes into his 9-tailed giant form. 'This is way to big, I'll alert everyone if I'm not careful. God did say I can change my size, so lets shrink real quick.'

And so it takes him a breath to shrink, and it's still pretty big at 10 foot tall. 'Alright lets get a move on. Now, Iroh said that to get to him I would have to go this way for a while till I come to a home outside of town with xxxx outside.'

And so, he's off. He still was wanting to test his new body out, so he started to do different things, such as picking things up with his tails, and seeing how fast he could go. How fast he could react to things. He was surprised yet again with what God has given him.

'So I can lift more than I thought. And my speed is enough to where if I turn I can 'see' but it's not cause of light. I'm faster than light...COOL!' And David books it to Raleigh's home in a mere moment since he was now going than light. 'I still haven't reached the limit of my strength, but I feel as if it also has levels, and that's it's attached to my magic seals too. So the only thing that is I haven't tested is how strong my body is yet. Not that I want to test it, but it would be helpful to know latter.'

As he thinks this, he starts to see the back of Raleigh's house. 'Huh, so that's what his home looked like, nice.' As he starts to walk up to it, he sees some pets in the back looking at him. David starts to sweat a little, worried that they'll freak out seeing him, but to his amazement, they don't do anything. They just walk over and nuzzles David's legs.

'What is going on?'

[Did you forget that you asked to be beloved by all animals?]





"Whatever, anyway, can they understand what I say?"

The animals nod to what he says, confirming what he was hoping would happen.

"Cool, anyway, do you think you can bring out your owners pls, not the parents but the kids?" As he asks he changes back into his human form. And makes himself into his kid body so that he doesn't freak out the two of them when they come out.

As he was waiting for a bit. He hears a ruckus in the house, the pets having taken whatever Raleigh and Yancy were needing and ran outside to him. "Hey, come back here you mutts!" Raleigh yells in frustration. Yancy not far behind.

When they see David standing there, they were a little shocked seeing a kid out here like themselves by himself. Yancy, being the older brother, stands in front of Raleigh and asks the stranger near their home, "Who are you?"


"Why are you here, are you alone? What happened, did you get lost?" Yancy firing question after question, concern and wariness written on his face.

"I'm just here to give you a little warning. Yes I'm alone, I just was wanting to come here and talk to you guys before everything started to go down. And no since I'm right where I want to be." David just says, both the Becket brothers just confused as to what the kid was spouting.

"Huh?" was the only thing that both brothers could say. They couldn't process all that was said, or rather thought that the kid was messing with them.

David realizing that they didn't know what was going on, started to explain best he could to a couple of kids. "Alright, sorry, but I'm just here to warn you of the incident that's going to happen in a year's time. There's going to be news about it, and it's gonna come out of the ocean and go to California."

Yancy, even more concerned about what David said, stays quiet to process what he said. And Raleigh, just not wanting to believe David goes and asks, "How do you know that will happen?" while having a 'I don't believe you face.'

David with all the finesse he can muster says, "Magic."

Both brothers just look at him dumbly, and then David makes a snowball in his hand, the brothers in shock of what just happened, until David threw the snowball at Raleigh's face. The cold snow hitting his face woke him up, and the splash on Yancy made them start to believe David, although not completely.

"Cool trick, but I still don't want to believe what is going to happen." Raleigh says, totally not cause of having the snowball hit his face.

David just chuckling to himself, goes and starts to walk away. "Well, believe what you want, I'm just trying to change the future a little bit to my liking. The next time that you see me will be important for you. Oh, and before I forget, let me give you these."

David tosses them a little token with a string attached that he had made with his magic practice earlier.

"It's just a little token that'll allow you to break, and I'll know that you need some help. It'll also glow when I'm near. Now, don't go ahead and break it when the incident in a year's time goes and happens, it'll just be a waste. Work hard and be Jaeger pilots, and I'll see you when you need me most."

Yancy and Raleigh look at the tokens, and Yancy asks, "Why is there a fox on this?"

David just starts to have a mist surround him. The two boys in shock at what they were seeing. And the mist kept growing and growing, till he returned to his 10ft 9 tailed fox form.

"Yes, whatever could it mean." David says, and walks away while the boys just can't believe what they are seeing.

"Are you seeing that?" Raleigh asks Yancy, with his jaw still open with what he just witnessed.

"Yes, yes I did." Yancy replies.

David a ways off, starts to speed off towards Alaska when he's far enough away from the boys, already planning on being that being the next point he wants to meet the boys, when they are Jaeger pilots. Finally making it there. Teleports back to the Observatory.