Chapter 94 - A Foxel's Intention!

How careless could I be? I allowed his confidence to blind me to his intentions.'

My eyes narrowed as Horace's warnings replayed in my ears. As I looked at Mark, the foxel man rested his spear on his shoulders. He was casual, but I knew now to raise my guard around him. Just as Horace warned me, Mark was not to be trusted. No wonder Talio appeared to be quite familiar with Mark's antics.

There's no way a group like Project Anvil would allow a foxel to mistreat one of their members without having this planned out. My hand gripped my hilt, and the smug face of the foxel appeared. He was calm, but that was to be expected. Horace warned me that Mark had struck a deal with his attackers to deliver me to them in exchange for his safety. My mind began to race with the possibilities, and when one gained prominence, my eyes narrowed.

It can't be a coincidence that when he and I were off by ourselves, we ran into the one he had made a deal with. From what I've gathered from the foxel man in the short time of knowing each other, I've gathered that he always appeared to have a reason for his actions. No matter how wacky or strange the action seemed to be, Mark saw what he deemed the meritorious. Looking at the man, I began to question whether or not he saw merit in turning me over to Talio and making good on his deal.

Yet, as I stared into the face of the foxel, my heart quickened. 

"You look as if you're going to slash my throat with your sword." He said, flashing his sharp canines.

My hand instinctively traveled to my hilt without my realization. I can't believe my conflict transformed into malice without me realizing it. There was something about the foxel that scared me; whether it was his looming figure or his cocky nature, there were times that I felt compelled to believe that he was a Kitsune. From what I know, Kitsunes were capable of shapeshifting their appearance to appear human, but that magic was not capable of lasting long. It would be too draining for their mana reserves, but here stood Mark in that human form. His dancing orange ears mirrored the movement of his radiant tail as it frolicked behind him with a confidence befitting his claims.

"I've considered it just then. I will admit that." I said, allowing him a glimpse into my mental state.

"I wouldn't blame you for trying if I were a foxkin, but I could tell by your eyes that you are coming to terms with that reality," Mark responded, twisting his mustache with his fingertips. "It may seem like I'm a madman sometimes, but that's the point. There is always a method to my madness, and while I don't expect you to see through it at first. With time, I imagine that you will become more observant of my method."

"Are you referring to the incident with Percival?" I asked, and the man flinched before looking away from the wagon house. He nodded. "I can understand your actions then, but now is what stumped me. You told me that Talio was the one who inflicted the critical injury on you, but once you saw him again, you didn't flinch at his presence."

"He stabbed me in the back and underestimated me. Men similar to Talio are easy to understand. He allows others to do his dirty work while he reaps the benefits. Not to mention that his desire for subjugation is an opening to play on, so in that moment, I did what was needed." 

"You needed to make that deal with him?" I asked, stepping closer to the man, but determination colored his features.

"In his eyes, I am a means to an end. Of course, his end is to get to your true identity, but I do fear Talio's intelligence. Just by seeing us around each other, I believe that, like Mordred, he could determine that you aren't really Clarice."

My eyes widened at his words, but that shock was unwarranted. Mordred had been a keen observer since we were young, so I doubted I could deceive him for long. However, I was curious about how Mark gained that information.

"Mordred isn't-"

Mark chuckled at my words, and the foxel man shook his head with disagreement. "Let's not play coy. You're not that naive."

"How can you be so certain?" I scoffed, placing my hands on my waist.

"I spoke to the man, and I confirmed it."

"Of course you did. You suspected him once, but what about now?"

The man didn't offer an immediate reply but instead twirled his spear around his neck and then planted the butt of it onto the ground. I wanted to scold him for being so careless, as had I been a few inches taller, then he could've hit me with it.

"He is the one that is surveilling you, but he and I have an understanding between the two of us. With that understanding, I have concluded that Mordred is not connected. He suspects you of being untrustworthy, and from what I've gathered, he isn't sharing any of his information with anyone else. If he were, then your hideout would have been compromised long ago. If Mordred was your enemy, I doubt you and I would have ever met."

His words did unsettle me, but his conclusion was something that I could agree with. Mordred is an Arch-Captain who was raised to the temporary status of Supreme Captain of the Guard in Astana. If he wanted to, then I have no doubt he could have had me killed, but that both concerned and relieved me. 

"If Mordred was your only prior suspect, then that just leaves us with Talio and his possible collusion with the Silver Stars. If Talio knows the truth about my identity now, then our threats will become more immediate. I fear that my time at the Adventurer's Guild has come to an end." I said.

"I am in a different school of thought," Mark replied, meeting my gaze. "As I alluded to earlier, this is our opportunity to gain an advantage, and to do that, we need to survive our current quest."

I nodded my head in agreement, and as I looked into his eyes, I found myself swept away by his confidence. I cursed and scolded myself for being so willing to be dragged along for the ride despite Horace's warning. Something about the foxel made me want to trust his word and follow him despite the dangerous situation we were going to plunge ourselves into.

"I will place my trust in you and strive to do my best when we enter the Hidden Grotto. Although, I don't understand how entering such a place will increase your strength. Do you wish to look for treasure while we are there? I doubt we could find something within a day." I told him, but my words didn't bring his mood down.

 The foxel pushed his glasses on his snout as a cool breeze made his hair flutter. Then, his ears began flickering around, and once he found what he was looking for, he turned away to face the doorway we had previously exited from. 

"Soon, I'll explain things to you. It's a bit complicated, and we require more privacy," Mark said. That said, I raised my hand and dispelled the anti-sound spell I placed around our bodies.

I turned to face the individual who caught the man's attention, and to my surprise, Mikangleo exited from the door. He was no longer in Project Anvil's trainee uniform; instead, he was wearing an attire befitting an adventurer. An oversized collar safeguarded the back of his neck and connected with the dark brown overcoat that ran to his knees. Leather armor protected the dark tunic underneath, and an assortment of knives decorated his legs, waist, and forearm. Mikangleo dressed himself more like an assassin than a mage, making me question whether he knew any magic.

A thin leather strap was warped around his waist, connecting to the white belt around his waist. A spade-shaped knife dangled around his knees briefly before he leaned down and slid it to the spot designated for it. His gaze turned to us, and skepticism could be detected. Mark must have anticipated his approach as the foxel man grinned with a smug self-satisfaction that I had come to know him by. To my surprise, Mikangleo met Mark's gaze with fiery determination.

The foxel began chuckling at the man, and I don't think he appreciated it. Mikangleo shifted his eyes between us before turning away toward the wagon house the Silver Stars entered. Perhaps I misunderstood his intentions, but Mikangleo began walking away. He turned his nose up at the foxel, which didn't surprise me in the slightest. That was until Mark called out to the man. 

"I hear that your name is Mikangleo. Some call you Mikangleo, The Fool."

Mikangleo turned his direction quickly. His eyes were sharp, and his fists were clenched.

"And what would a foxkin know about that? I don't understand how they allowed you in." Mikangleo's demeanor shifted from that relaxed expression earlier.

"I'm not the one who was banned but showed up anyway," Mark responded, a mischievous grin plastered across his face. "How does it feel that even a foxkin could be more socially accepted than you?"

To be fair, I expected Mark to lash out at the man for calling him a "foxkin," much like I've seen him do before. 

"I won't fall for your provocations." Mikangleo snapped, his hands resting on his waist. "You can make that assertion if your face turns purple, but we both know that you know that isn't true. You are coping and craving acceptance, but I don't need acceptance from a group of sheep!"

"Is that what you tell yourself at night?" Mark questioned, condescension leaking from his voice,

Despite his declaration not to allow Mark to provoke him, those words appeared to do the trick. Mikangleo moved close to Mark with defiance. He wasn't as tall as the foxkin, which seemed to anger Mikangleo even more. Mark looked down not only metaphorically but physically on him.

"You don't know the first thing about me, foxkin."

"Marktavious, but I go by Mark," He corrected before extending his hand to the man. Mikangleo didn't reciprocate the gesture and instead slapped his hand away.

"Mikangleo, and I'm not a fool."


My eyes widened as Mark identified himself as Marktavious. Was that his full name, and if so, why would he reveal that to Mikangleo and not me? Does he value this potential partnership with Mikangleo over our initial one? I narrowed my eyes at the foxel for answers, and he shrugged in response.

I couldn't understand why, but his dismissive response upset me. 

"This is my right-hand woman and visionary patron, Clarice Von Angea." Mark gestured to me.

That reveal of my family name surprised Mikangleo. When I became an adventurer, I made the conscious decision to hide my family name in order to remain undetectable to the people who were hunting me. That is the reason Phin only knows me by my false name. He knows that I come from a nobility, but I have never disclosed my house, so when I was upset that Mark revealed that piece of information to Mikangleo without my consent, my face turned red. 

I grabbed his collar and dragged him away from Mikangleo. My hand bursts with magical energy as I recast my anti-sound spell. 

"What do you think you're doing?! And Marktavious?! Why did you tell him your full name?!" 

"You're stronger than you look." He chimed, but a sharp glare only resulted in his boastful laughter.

"You don't know if he can be trusted. This man has called you a foxkin, and you offer to shake his hand and tell him information about us?! I overlooked your actions against Project Anvil, but I will not excuse a breach of confidential information! Hey- Hey!" I snapped my fingers to get his attention, but the man continued laughing.

"Oh wait, you're serious." He remarked when he finally stopped laughing. "Let me laugh even harder!"

His laughter was dramatic, and the man smacked his hand on his knee and leaned back. A fire burned in my face as I stared at this…

"Insufferable! You are the most arrogant, inconsiderate, and reprehensible foxel that I have ever known! I demand an answer, and I will not take a single step within the Hidden Grotto if you do not explain yourself!" I snapped, poking the man in his chest.

"There you are." He remarked, his face switching to a serious expression on a dime. He twirled his spear with his right hand before leaning it on his shoulder. 


"I've gone to bat with the boys for Claire von Angea, not Clarice. Clarice is full of doubt, and ever since we arrived at this place, I could smell the doubt off your breath."

His words stunned me, and once I recovered, I questioned him, "What are you talking about? Claire and Clarice are one and the same. I'm a single person."

"No- If that were the case, then I wouldn't have sided with you. You talk about overlooking, but you forget that I've overlooked actions you've taken, too. Allowing Percival to back you down in front of the banquet and then fleeing when Q needed your assistance. You even made that pitiful deal with Svett." When he spoke again, the foxel man raised his finger before waving it around, "Actually, I take that back. The deal was good. It was smart, but you neglected to see the bigger picture."

"What does this have to do with you telling a stranger sensitive information about us? Need I remind you that he is an associate of Talio, and that means that he could potentially be an enemy of ours. The man called you a "foxkin". Do you think he will side with you if he thinks so little of you? You may refer to yourself as that, but that is self-deprecating. He views you as lesser, so why are you-"

"Our partnership was built upon foundations carved from lies of omission. Lies from both sides, mind you, so we are both to blame. My fight with Horace woke me up to that obvious realization. That is why any new people we desire to subject to… unforeseen danger must know some semblance of the truth." He explained. 

I could grapple with his reasoning, but there was something within me that concerned me. Maybe, he was right. Perhaps, I wasn't looking at the bigger picture. There was truth within his words.

'No- I can't think much about it now.'

"Then shouldn't you involve me in your decision to begin with disclosing that information first? I have a right to know. My input should be heard." I said, firmly poking his chest.

"When you decide to let your true self out to play, then bring that complaint up again. Until I speak to my partner, then I will delegate. Whether or not Clarice decides to follow is up to her, but my current course is defined."

"But I said-"

"I know. I know. Claire and Clarice are one and the same, but again, I am in a different school of thought. My course indicates that Mikangleo will be an asset, and as such, I will do as I see fit to recruit him, even if Clarice doesn't see the benefit." I attempted to speak again, but he raised his hand to cut me off. He twirled his finger around the air. "The spell?"

I huffed in defeat before channeling my magic into the artifact that he gave me.

"That spell is badass, by the way. Its utility is not to be denied, even though it would initially seem incredibly situational." 

Mark shifted his attention to the confused Mikangleo as the spell dissipated at my command. His face quickly turned to a more reserved expression. The foxel placed his hand on Mikangleo's shoulder, which he allowed, to my surprise. Witnessing the interaction unfold as the foxel grinned at the human was odd.

"I never imagined that I'd encounter an elven noble and an arrogant foxel, but that only raises questions about the two of you," Mikangleo said.

"Do you dare to ask them?" Mark asked the man. He removed his hand away from Mikangleo's shoulder. "I will let you know ahead of time that asking them puts you in considerable danger." 

"Danger that you aren't equipped to handle. So-"

My words were cut off when Mikangleo scoffed. A glare of resentment shot my way as if I said something unforgivable to him.

"Of course, a noble would say something like that," Mikangleo grumbled.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I snapped, crossing my arms. 

"You nobles always receive the best training and care in your development, so seeing a person like me would be unsatisfactory in your eyes. I've known danger. I live in danger every single day. I am an adventurer, after all. Don't patronize me!" Mikangleo growled. He clenched his fists, but Mark stepped between us before anything more could be said.

His tail flickered as he extended his hands in our direction. 

"You two come from different social classes, sure, but I don't give a rat's ass, and neither should either of you. What matters is simple. Mikangleo…" The kitsune turns and points toward the man. "Are you sick of having people like Project Anvil treating you as if you are beneath them?"

"That's neither here nor there," Mikangleo responded.

"That's not an answer." Mark snapped. "Those people will never understand you, nor will they ever utilize and grow your talent because, like Clarice, they don't see your talent."

Mikangleo hesitated at Mark's words, and he thought about them. His eyes shifted to me, and mine moved to the kitsune. I could understand Mark's approach if I understood what he saw in Mikangleo. From my perspective, there was nothing too special about the man. 

"You're just saying that because you want something from me! I know your type! I won't fall for provocations, nor will I fall for cheap flattery!" Mikangleo said, turning his body away.

"Yet, you did, didn't you?" Mark remarked, and that caused Mikangleo to twist in our direction again.

It was then that I noticed a flicker of resentment in Mikangleo's eyes. The flames burned as embers, locking the human's gaze to the kitsune's in defiance. It was peculiar to see, but I could tell that the resentment was not for me or Mark. It burned brighter the more Mikangleo thought about that person.

"I'll be blunt with you, Mikangleo. From what I've seen, you probably have the worst aim that I have ever witnessed. You're as friendly as a snapping turtle and were quick to use a slur like a teenage squeaker in a PlayStation game. However, I believe you may be a man who desires more in his life. Project Anvil promised you that, didn't they?" 

Mikangleo listened to Mark's words, and a frown appeared on his face. His words were resonating with the human, which caught my interest. As Mark went into a monolog about how Project Anvil didn't care for Mikangleo, I could tell his words were accurate. 

'How did he know those things about this group?' 

That was the question that appeared in my head as we listened to Mark's monologue. It was truly impressive that he could rant about a group that he had just learned about. If I didn't know that he had just come to this region, then I, too, would have assumed that Project Anvil had done something to earn his scorn.

"And what do you gain from telling me all of this?" Mikangleo asked once Mark's rant had died down.

There was something different in Mikangleo's stance after Mark finished. Not even five minutes had passed, and I could sense that Mikangleo's opinion of Mark had shifted. He looked toward the foxel as if they were similar, but then again, as I watched, I noticed similarities in their situation.

Within Astanaian society, foxels like Mark are outcasts and shunned. If the truth ever got out that Mark was actually a kitsune, then he would be hunted relentlessly by radicals of the Church of Cyto and bounty hunters like Talio. Despite realizing that, Mark never seems to shy away from attention and always stands up for himself and others. Mikangleo, on the other hand, 'look at his face. He sees something in Mark… as if he was looking at himself in the mirror…No. He's looking at someone that he wants to be, but How?!'

The wind carried my thoughts as the kitsune spoke, "It's simple. I desire to surround myself with those of blinding potential, so I align myself with Lady Clarice despite her noble lineage. I find you cool, Mikangleo. The way you can bounce your knives off each other is…impressive."

Mikangleo's eyes widened at Mark's sudden praise, and to be honest, mine did so, too. I didn't see anything impressive about it, considering he ultimately missed the target in the end. I was about to comment on that when Mark quickly turned to face me, his hand raised to cut me off as if he knew that I was about to speak,

"No, I agree. Impressive doesn't quite cut it. If you were to master it and then gather the tools necessary, I believe that…" As the man spoke, he gestured his hands in a waving motion while he stepped onto the stone road. "You can be a force like no other. A figure with potential so blinding that even the sun weeps with jealousy."

Mikangleo was silent.

"You are an odd one." I shook my head as the kitsune's face cracked a wry smile. Placing his spear on its butt, Mark pointed to his chest with his thumb.

"Those with oddities and peculiarities rise to power in this world. To be labeled as such is a compliment as that means that I have undergone the stages necessary to shed my mediocrity. However, I must point out, that nails which stand out, face the wrath of the hammer."

"How cryptic." I remarked. I couldn't help, but notice the smile creeping onto my face.

"It'll donn on you, one of the days."

"And if it doesn't?"

The man shrugged at my question before his ears began flickering. It was a clear indication that something caught the kitsune's ears. He began twirling his spear before laying it onto his shoulders. His smile decayed into a frown without warning.

"These tools…" Mikangleo said. His words alleviated the kitsune's frown. 

"Soon, there will be a time that opportunity will knock on your door, and incredible danger will come with it. You must ask yourself whether or not you will answer it and walk the path it opens to you." The kitsune quickly vacated the road and stepped in front of me. 

His mannerisms struck me as off, with his tail ceasing its wagging. On his face was no longer the playful expression he held but instead,d a seriousness that I've yet to see from him. Mikangleo also picked up the change in the atmosphere surrounding the kitsune and looked to me for an explanation. Yet, I had no answer for him. Mark held his position as if he were my guard as the sound of a wagon thundered from down the street. 

"It took them longer than it should have." Mikangleo declared with a huff. 

"Y-Yeah." I responded. 

The man nodded his head. In the distance, I spotted a wagon rolling closer to us. It was a plain wagon with a large white tarp covering its rear. In the driver seat were two men, and one of them was Svett, who waved to us as he approached. Despite his friendly face, there was something unsettling with how Mark reacted to the man. I waved back, but something told me that Mark's reaction was right. 

"Remember my words, Mikangleo, and Clarice, stay next to me."

After considering his words, I raised my guard. His tone was unplayful, and there was no snarkiness to be detected. The once smug and confident man was replaced with a fierce guardian, and as such, I took him seriously.

"Right. I'll do that."