Chereads / An American Woman in Ancient China / Chapter 5 - A New Foe?

Chapter 5 - A New Foe?

The Tang family were seated outside at breakfast with Lulu in one of the courtyards known for its cherry blossom trees when a servant dressed in a green shirt with matching hat and brown pants entered to announce that a guest had arrived. The sunny atmosphere was darkened by the news he brought with him.

"Who is it?," asked Tang Jing.

The servant reported simply, "Master Tang Yi Huai."

"What is cousin doing here so early in the morning I wonder?," asked Tang Mei.

Lulu looked at Tang Xiao Chu with a questioning look and she answered, "I'll explain later."

Tang Jing gave his sister a look and she knew exactly what it meant. She turned to Lulu and said, "Lulu, it's really not convenient for you to meet our cousin right now. Let's you and I leave the men to their discussion, alright?" And with that, she escorted Lulu inside.

A servant came by immediately and cleared their two dishes. It was as if they had never been there.

When Tang Yi Huai arrived, it was obvious he had dressed for a more elegant occasion based on the style of his robes, which had long, draping sleeves. The silk was a light lavender with dark and light blue embroidered birds along the bottom hem in an alternating pattern. His long hair was half up in a top knot and the silver hair pin ended with a bird head that had a sapphire eye. He had a small goatee that was neatly trimmed.

After greetings were exchanged, Tang Yi Huai surveyed the scene and said, "Such a big table for just two brothers."

Tang Mei responded coolly, "Younger sister was here earlier but she finished early and went back inside."

"I see," said Tang Yi Huai. "Well then, I'm sorry I missed her. But you can tell her for me. I came here to invite all of you to dinner at our manor. My father wanted me to come by especially as it has been a while since we have had you all over and we are after all…family." Even with the sugary tone he tried to use, it was hard not to notice the distaste he felt saying the last word.

"We would be happy to do so," started Tang Mei, and ended with "that is…"

His brother picked up the sentence, "That is, we are unable to do so tonight unfortunately. I received word yesterday that I must go to the village just south of here immediately."

"We will miss you then, but surely Tang Mei and Xiao Chu can come. Or is there some other reason why they cannot attend?," asked Tang Yi Huai as if he was just innocently curious.

"No but why not pick another time when all of us can come together, as a family," said Tang Jing, narrowing his eyes while emphasizing the last three words.

"Right, right. Another time then," said Tang Yi Huai. Without anything left to say, he continued, "I'll take my leave now."

After Tang Yi Huai left, Tang Mei turned to his brother and said, "That was close. But do you think he suspects something?"

"We've always known they might have a spy here, but I thought we got rid of that person when we dismissed all of the servants closest to us after father died—except for our the attendants who we knew with certainty were loyal to us, of course," said Tang Jing and bowed his head.

Tang Mei bowed his head and said, "You mean after they murdered him."

"We still need proof of that little brother so it's best not to say it out loud," Tang Jing reprimanded. "One day…"

After the gate to his cousins' estate was shut behind him, Tang Yi Huai gave in to his anger and flung his right arm toward his back curtly in a gesture that allowed his long sleeve to make sharp sound. "They think I'm stupid," he said as he stroked his goatee. He waited for one the servants to bring him his horse and then got on top of it, riding off down the street. When he was sufficiently away from the house, he slowed down to a stop, felt for something under the front of his saddle, found a note, and took it out to read. There were just three words written on the note: "She is here." He tucked the note in his sleeve and rode away at a fast gallop.

Later that morning, Lulu and Tang Xiao Chu were in the living room of the main house of Tang manor, which was a comfortable space with seating for several people available. The decor had an olive green theme to it with dark wood accents. Tang Xiao Chu was teaching Lulu embroidery, and said, "You're doing an amazing job Lulu. You really have a knack for this."

"Thank you.," replied Lulu, "It must be must be my wonderful teacher." She winked and they both giggled like they were 10 years younger.

Lulu then looked at Tang Xiao Chu and said, "Actually, learning embroidery from you reminds me of when Mrs. Sun started teaching me sewing in the few days before I met you. Tang Xiao Chu, is there any way we can visit the Suns today? I miss them and I worry they might be concerned about what's happening with me."

Tang Xiao Chu put down her work on her lap and looked at Luly kindly, "Lulu, after the time we've spent together, though short, I feel comfortable around you for some reason. So, please, just call me Xiao Chu if you feel comfortable. And yes, I think that's a good idea. It will be good to get out of the house.

"Thank you, Xiao Chu, on both accounts!," beamed Lulu. "On a different topic, can you tell me more about how it all works here. I mean, who is your family? I don't mean to be nosy, but I'd like to know a little bit about the family who I'm indebted to, you know?"

"Please don't think about it that way.," said Tang Xiao Chu. She continued, "We are happy to have you as our guest. I am especially happy to have a companion! It's nice to have someone to embroider with and talk with. You have no idea! It can get pretty lonely in this big place. Although I love my brothers, but it's not the same as I'm sure you know. As far as our family, it's just the three of us now. My mother died when I was 15 from an illness. I'm the youngest."

"I'm so sorry," interrupted Lulu. "I shouldn't have pried."

"No, it's alright," replied Tang Xiao Chu. "It was a long time ago. My father, however, died a little over a year ago. That's still hard to talk about. But there is something you should probably know as far as etiquette you might need to learn. My father is…I mean…he was the brother of…our emperor."

"What?!," exclaimed Lulu. "You mean, you're practically a princess? I'm living in the house of someone related to the emperor? How is this possible?"

"It's not that big of an issue, is it?," said Tang Xiao Chu. Then considering Lulu's words for a moment, she changed her mind, "Well, maybe a little, I suppose." She lifted a corner of her mouth in a crooked smile.

"This is unbelievable," said Lulu.

"Maybe. But it's all I've ever known," said Tang Xiao Chu. "The cousin who came here earlier—his father is also the emperor's brother but from a different mother. He was always jealous that the emperor and my father had the same parents." Tang Xiao Chu stopped short as if she had said too much. "Well, in any case, I'm sure you had drama in your family too. We just have to try to help you remember it. Are you starting to remember anything?"

"I keep having the same nightmare every night, but I can't remember anything else. It's like it's almost there at the tip of my mind but just a little out of reach," responded Lulu.

"Well, don't worry. I'm sure with time it will all come back," said Tang Xiao Chu, hoping it was true. Too much depended on it.