Chereads / Bully-guard! [BL] / Chapter 107 - It's true I did kiss her...

Chapter 107 - It's true I did kiss her...

Inside the kitchen, "What's wrong with Lydia, she's been stabbing that piece of pie instead of eating it?" Minnie whispered.

"She's been malfunctioning ever since she met Cyrus yesterday!" Jin whispered back.

"Cyrus? Why?" Minnie asked.

"It was his birthday yesterday! She visited him at the hospital." Jin said.

"She went herself?" Minnie asked, "Yeah she took a cake and everything." Jin replied.

Sighing, "I can hear you guys." Lydia spoke-up.

"Umm, sorry about that...listen gurl, you're kinda worrying us right now with how your behaving, can you tell us what's wrong?" Minnie asked.

"I suppose I can...but I'm really embarrassed about it." Lydia said blushing.

"Don't feel embarrassed with us." Jin said sitting besides Lydia, "Yeah, we're the gals and the gays, feel free to tell us anything." Minnie said sitting as well.

Pushing her plate of pie Aside, Lydia took a deep breath and released it, "Cyrus...he was here earlier before you came Minnie." Lydia said.

Jin was surprised Lydia would mention Cyrus's visit in front of Minnie, but he trusted that she had a good reason for that.

"The hell he was doing here?" Minnie asked while side-eyeing Jin since he didn't tell her first.

"He just came to talk, nothing serious...he stayed until you guys rang the bell and Jin went to open the door."

"Let me guess, since I didn't see him come out of the front door, you've must've sneaked him through the back, right?

Are you sure he just came to talk and nothing serious?" Minnie asked skeptically.

"If by serious you mean when he asked me to be his girlfriend as I was sneaking him through the back door, then yes!" Lydia said and both Jin and Minnie went, "WHAT?!"

"I know it's quite surprising, that's why I have been quiet this whole time." Lydia said, her blush intensified.

Jin and Minnie still surprised, glanced at each other then at Lydia, "This is a shock, but I think congratulations are in order, I mean you said yes, right?" Jin asked.

"Of course she said yes! finally we got saved from Cyrus!" Minnie replied cheerfully.

But then She frowned, "Hold on a minute, if you're now together, why do you seem gloomy, like you're overthinking something?" Minnie asked Lydia.

"Because I haven't actually given him an answer yet, I haven't said yes." Lydia replied.

"What?! weren't you dreaming of this moment? I mean the guy came to you himself and asked you out!" Minnie said.

"Aren't you happy that he asked you out?" Jin asked.

"It's not like that! i am happy but it just feels too good to be true...he even said he'll give me some time to think about it, then kissed my cheek and left." Lydia responded.

"He kissed your cheek too? Wow I didn't think he was a romantic!" Minnie said, "Yesterday he kissed me on the lips so..." Lydia replied Shyly.

Blinking twice, "GURL?! You gotta be joking!" Minnie said.

"So that's why you were all weird when he came earlier!" Jin spoke-up.

"Yesterday he said it was just a 'thank-you', just like that tradition we 'Madame's girls' have when we kiss each other as a 'thank-you' gesture." Lydia explained.

"That thing is real? I thought the girls were joking when they told me about this kissing tradition!" Jin said.

"It's actually true, remember what happened at the dinner party? This chiko right here kissed me on the lips in front of Salvatore, got him thinking we together." Minnie said annoyed at the memory while pointing at a sheepish Lydia.

Chuckling, "Haha! No way!" Jin said, "It's true I did kiss her..." Lydia replied blushing a bit more.

"Wow! It's a funny tradition! But I'm not taking a part in it." Jin said.

"You don't have to worry, it's nothing mandatory." Lydia replied.

"Though it would've been hilarious to see you try to kiss a woman Jin! Haha!" Minnie laughed.

Terrified, "It would've been a nightmare if it was obligatory, imagine if I needed a favor and the only person who can grant it was Peggy! And I had to kiss her!" Jin said.

"Not Peggy! Damn!" Minnie said sniggering.

"Too bad Andrea wasn't working for Radka, since he keeps asking Peggy for favors, he would've been covered in lipstick stains on a daily basis." Lydia said making them laugh again.

But then, "Hey? Why did Cyrus kiss you last night? Did you tell him about this tradition?" Jin asked.

"I'd rather not get into the details of that kiss." Lydia replied.

"Okay then, why are you hesitating to say yes to him?" Minnie asked.

"It just feels, a bit rushed! I think i should ask him on a date first, to test the waters." Lydia replied.

"That's a good idea, you can do it today." Jin said, "It will be an opportunity for you to see if you're comfortable around him, on your own." He added.

"That's right! there's this new restaurant that recently opened near the carnival, you can take Cyrus there, have a meal and then go have fun at the carnival since it's still open and all!" Minnie said.

"But there's a problem." Lydia replied.

"What is it?" Minnie asked, "I don't have any pretty clothes, or make-up right now!" Lydia replied.

"Oh! Right!" Jin said, "Minnie can help!" He added.

"He's right! I'm here for you sweetie, Signed, sealed, delivered and ready to be your personal assistant! I can make you look like Cinderella after her transformation, and Jin is my witness!" Minnie said smiling proudly.

Smiling too, "It's true, what she's offering you, is the real deal!

You have no idea what Minnie did to Niko on that dinner party we had, I mean I was about to risk our whole 'Salvatore-Saving' plan just to spend the whole night with Niko." Jin replied.

"And since we're kind of the same size, my clothes will definitely fit you, and I can assure you I have all the pretty clothes known to humanity, courtesy of Radka's money." Minnie said grinning.

"I'm really grateful for all of that, but there remains one little issue, the makeup! We are all humans despite our differences, but that doesn't change the fact that we don't share the same skintone you and i." Lydia said.

"Oh You're right! But fear not Dear white friend... Because we can get you some make-up products, using a magic trick called shopping!

Since you always shop online, you probably don't know, but There's this new cosmetics store that Opened nearby, it's big, fresh and the only of its kind in town, I'm sure we'll find what we need there!" Minnie replied.

"I can't do that! shop in normal stores? my anxiety would kill me!" Lydia protested, "You don't even have to talk to nobody in there gurl! I'll handle everything, I'll do the talking and buying, you just have to stand there, so I can match your skintone with the stuff we gon buy!" Minnie replied.

"I just remembered, if you're gonna go shopping right now you're gonna have to tell Radka and Rushil, to ask for their permission...but I'm not sure any of them is up for a talk." Jin said worriedly.

"Since the two of them are here with Nikolai now, I don't think they will mind us going out today, at least not Lydia since she's supposed to be my replacement and since I'm back, she's technically free to go, but I will ask Rushil now just in case." Minnie replied standing-up.

Standing as well, "Good then, As for me I should really go check on Nikolai, I haven't seen him since Andrea left, and I know he has trouble sleeping on his own." Jin said.

"Okay I'll stay here and mentally freak out, until you two are back." Lydia replied.

Confused, "I...Honestly don't know how to respond to that, so I'll be back as fast as I can." Minnie said and walked out of the kitchen with Jin right behind her.

And as they made it to where Nikolai was asleep, "Imma go see if Rushil is in his bedroom." Minnie said and Jin nodded.

When Minnie walked away, Jin gently opened the room's door and walked inside,

"Niko! Are you awake?" He whispered but only got some light snores in reply.

Jin smiled as he got closer, he watched Nikolai sleep peacefully for few seconds before he noticed it, the doll.

Nikolai was hugging the rag doll in his arms, it made Jin snigger at him, "This is picture worthy!" He said pulling his phone.

...Few minutes later...

"I can't believe how many pictures I took!" Jin said while he hurriedly exited the room.

He left Nikolai still asleep as he was about to close the door, but he stopped when he heard something he didn't expect from afar.

"Rushil, Don't you think it's about time you include Jin on your little secret?"

"What secret Minnie?"

"Like how Radka's irresponsible behavior, is the reason why Nikolai is being hunted down?"

"I can't do that without Radka's approval! And remember, you promised to keep this a secret."

"Don't worry I won't be telling him anything, but it's for the best if you do tell him before he finds out on his own."

"Why do you think he'll find out on his own? Are you suspecting something?"

"I have a wild theory, I couldn't share it with you guys when you rescued me because you and Radka were busy fighting, and I simply forgot."

As Their voices got closer, Jin found himself going back into the room, only this time he closed the door and stuck by it so he could listen in on Their conversation.

Outside, Minnie stood just few steps away from the room, and Rushil was standing facing her as he asked, "Wild theory, as in?"

"You know how the 'boss Lady' woman is Korean of origin?" Minnie said.

"Yeah? But she does international business nonetheless, why her being Korean matters?" Rushil asked.

"According to my kidnappers, Boss Lady has a sister who was an elite assassin and she tried to get this sister to get rid of Nikolai, but according to the kidnappers, the sister must've refused to hurt Nikolai and is apparently on bad terms with Boss Lady, enough that Boss Lady would have her killed." Minnie said.

"Really? who's the sister and why she refused the job?"

"I don't know, all I can assume at the time was that the sister is also Korean, however The kidnappers said they were at the hospital's parking lot, the day Jin and Nikolai went to visit Ha-yoon, and apparently the sister was also there."

"We should find this sister!" Rushil said frowning.

"I'm afraid this is where my theory gets wild...I think the sister is Soo-Min." Minnie replied.

...Few minutes later...

Jin walked back into the kitchen in a daze, for the past few minutes he was standing behind the door, inside the room Where Nikolai slept.

What he Heard kept ringing in his ears, so when A worried Minnie tried to snap him back to reality, it took her a good minute to do so.


"Did you hear what I said about the cake Jin?" Rushil asked.

"Huh?! What cake?" Jin said surprised.

"I was asking if you can bake Radka a chocolate cake to help her mood." Rushil replied.

"Btw, what took you so long to come back?" Lydia asked.

"I was with Nikolai...I accidentally fell asleep next to him, the bed looked comfy and all!" Jin lied.

"Btw, which room is Nikolai sleeping in?" Rushil asked.

"The one with the rag doll." Jin replied, "Is there where she is?!" Rushil replied with wide eyes.

"You mean the doll?" Lydia asked, "Jin, Besides you and Nikolai, has anyone else been into that room?" Rushil asked.

"Yes, Andrea, and myself." Lydia replied.