Chereads / Bully-guard! [BL] / Chapter 98 - I never thought I'd hurt her.

Chapter 98 - I never thought I'd hurt her.

"Actually, Jenny's death was more of an accident, remember the day where you woke-up and I told you that you and Jenny had a drunken fight? I lied." Rushil said.

"Wait? you said that day that Jenny ran away after her and i fought!" Radka replied.

"Jenny wasn't even drunk, but you were Radka and you blacked out from drinking.

During a blackout, a person is still awake but their brain is not creating new memories, So it's normal you don't remember what actually happened, you were drunk as hell back then and you always blackout after drinking that shit.

And btw I know that you still keep bottles of that shit hidden somewhere! Jin told me you gave Nikolai some the other day when Jin visited us for the first time!" Rushil said angrily.

"You don't have the right to scold me! since you're saying that you lied before, why would I believe you now?!" Radka replied.

"I'll show you the evidence later, but you gotta believe me now." Rushil said.

Grunting, "Ughhhhh! I can't believe you'd lie to me!" Radka replied.

Sighing, "Honey...I'm sorry for breaking your trust that way, but I had to do what's necessary...and now I'm being honest.

Jenny's death would've been a bombshell of a news on you and everyone in Jenny's life at the time, you were still processing Belkis's death...if you knew what happened to Jenny, you wouldn't be able to handle the guilt...

And even though she was dying when I found her, Jenny herself asked me to protect you, so I covered it up." Rushil replied looking sad instead of angry.

Radka's eyes widened, "Her last wish was for you to protect me?"

Nodding, "Yeah...Jenny even apologized." Rushil replied.

"Ohh-kay?...can we know what happened?! from what I gathered Radka didn't mean to kill Jenny, but how did she end-up killing her anyways?" Minnie questioned.

" You want to could be painful to know and I love you far too much, to be causing you anymore pain, I covered-up the murder to protect you after all." Rushil said.

"You guys need therapy..." Minnie mumbled to herself.

Sighing, "Did I...really kill her?" Radka asked biting her lips anxiously.

"Hey...What happened with Jenny..." Rushil said gently talking Radka's hands in his, "It's not like you wanted to kill her, it was an accident." he said.

"I hated Jenny for what happened to Belkis, but I never thought I'd hurt her, Rushil." Radka replied.

"I don't mean to be rude Radka but seeing how you treated Lydia under far less serious circumstances...I'm not sure if I believe you when you say you didn't even think about hurting Jenny." Minnie spoke-up.

"Lydia is different than Jenny, things with Lydia might've escalated because I was involved, but with Jenny...Radka blamed herself for Belkis's death and she wouldn't just hurt Jenny for revenge, since Jenny meant so much to Belkis...we eventually only punished Jenny's team but not Jenny herself.

She was already punished by the way Everyone looked at her after Belkis's death.

Many girls openly criticized Jenny, Called her a failure and a traitor.

And despite our investigation showing that Jenny's neglect wasn't her fault alone, it was actually and mostly her team's fault, Many girls still blamed Jenny and accused her of helping the kidnappers, because Jenny once said that she wanted to do the favorite job instead of Belkis."Rushil said.

"Was Jenny jealous of Belkis?" Minnie asked.

"No, Jenny was in love with Belkis and wanted to take her job to protect her.

only few knew about Jenny's feelings like Rushil and I, Jenny herself confessed to Us." Radka replied.

"So they were girlfriends?" Minnie asked, "No, Belkis didn't return Jenny's feelings, but one of the reasons we chose Jenny to protect Belkis was those feelings.

We made Jenny Team-leader of Belkis's protection team, and from then on she accompanied Belkis everywhere she went, she and Belkis became Best friends.

Jenny always protected Belkis perfectly, but the night Belkis got kidnapped, the two of them got into a heated argument, And Jenny's team of girls said that Belkis kicked Jenny out of her hotel room that night while screaming at her to go away.

So right after leaving Belkis's room, Jenny left the entire hotel Crying and didn't comeback till morning, And Jenny's team took the opportunity of Jenny's absence and went out to a nightclub with a bunch of guys they've met at the hotel, and they went without telling Jenny.

Those girls thought nothing would happen to Belkis in her room." Rushil explained.

"I'm sorry what?! so Jenny left the hotel and the bitches with her thought it was okay to sneak out to go clubbing and get some 'D'?!" Minnie's Jaw was almost touching the floor from disbelief.

"Yeah we punished All those girls in Jenny's team except for Jenny herself after the investigation...but the damage was done and Jenny was labeled a murderer." Rushil explained, "The night Jenny died, she came to our house to tell Radka to do something about the false accusations." he added.

...[ Flashback]...

Rushil was worried, Jenny wasn't supposed to be at their house, "You should leave for your own good! Radka is drinking right now, it's not like she'll remember half of what you tell her tomorrow!" Rushil said as Jenny put her hand on the door knob of Radka's home office.

"Rushil I can't take it another you think Radka is the only one mourning Belkis?!...I cry myself every night to sleep.

The guilt is killing me, if only I did my job that night, Belkis would've been alive...but I can't take these false accusations anymore.

My negligence may have killed Belkis, but I've never betrayed her." Jenny said swallowing as she felt her throat burning while she fought her tears.

Although Rushil stayed behind and didn't go inside, he watched from the door's opening as Jenny got inside and approached his very drunken wife.

Sitting behind her desk, "You...the hell you're!" Radka Said as soon as she saw Jenny, she was crying with tears streaming down face while nursing a liquor bottle.

Seeing how drunk Radka was, Rushil sighed and decided to go prepare the bedroom since he would have to come back to drag Radka to sleep before she'd blackout and cause trouble again.

...Few minutes later...

When Rushil came back, he found that the office door was slightly open, Jenny didn't close it.

Still, he was about to knock and ask if he can get in when his ears caught something.

"When will you tell Rushil that You're going to assassinate the Business owner who kidnapped Belkis?" Jenny asked.

"Huh?!" Rushil was surprised.

"Why do you care?! you said you're not gonna help me get that bitch!" Radka replied angrily and then smashed the empty liquor bottle in her hand onto the desk.

"I helped you find her, and that's enough...But I'm warning you, Going after a business owner is a bad move, it might start a war.

And as much as I hate to say it, you are aware that This business owner was doing her job...much like you." Jenny said.

Angry, Radka got-up from her chair and walked over to Jenny.

"You pathetic FUCKING...UGH! THIS WHOLE THING IS YOUR...UGH!" Radka screamed grunting.

Offended, "I know that Belkis's death is hard on you Radka...but I was in love with her, how do you think I'M feeling?!" Jenny replied.

"Then why are you...condemning my decision? you've helped me find the bitch... so why are you telling me...not to kill her?!" Radka asked.

"I'm a bodyguard girl, Radka! I'm not an assassin and I'm not trained to murder unless it's for self defense.

Besides, if I have any chances left to get to heaven and see Belkis again, I'm not going to waste them by orphaning a kid that's the same age as Nikolai." Jenny replied.

"So just because...this boss lady bitch has a child, suddenly you can't take revenge against her?!

Do you think she...would've spared Belkis's life if she had a child TOO?!...OPEN YOUR FUCKING MIND!" Radka screamed again.

"You need to stop screaming." Jenny said.

"Everyone who...hurt Belkis...will pay for it." Radka said before she walked towards a certain cabinet in her office, she pulled another bottle of that liquor to drink from that cabinet, and stared drinking it.

"Radka stop! you're pretty drunk already! you can't have more of that shit, it'll kill you!" Jenny said snatching the bottle.

Angry, "GIVE IT BACK!" Radka screamed and lunged at Jenny to take back the bottle, and the two women began struggling.

But just then, Rushil gasped as he watched both Jenny and his wife crash into the office's glass coffee table, the impact was powerful enough, it shattered the glass table underneath them.

"RADKA! JENNY!" Rushil hurried towards the fallen women, he found that Radka ended-up falling on top of Jenny who was now buried between his wife and the broken shards of glass.

"Can any of you two hear me?!" Rushil asked worriedly, the two women seemed to be unconscious and he was seeing lotta of blood.

So he did his best to removed Radka first, but his blood ran blood when he realized that although she was unconscious with few cuts here and there, Radka suffered no serious injury.

But that meant that the scary amount of blood he saw was Jenny's, Rushil looked in horror as Jenny opened her eyes just as her mouth began overflowing with blood.

It turned out a glass piece had stabbed Jenny in the back of her neck, "No, stay with me..." Rushil said shaking as he tried to do something about her injury, while trying to grab his phone at the same time.

But Jenny glanced at him, and with quivering lips, "It's not...Radka's fault...I'm s-sorry for guys...p-pain...please protect...Radka...don't fail I failed...Belkis..." she uttered before her eyes grew cold and her lips stopped quivering, and suddenly, Jenny was as still as a lifeless doll can be.

"Jenny...Jenny no... Jenny...Jen..ny..." Rushil felt his whole world spinning,

He had to do something, and quick.

"Oh shit, Nikolai!...I need to make sure he's still asleep..." Rushil said rushing outside the office.

...Next morning...

As she began waking-up, Radka was met with a crazy-bad headache, "OWW?!" she glanced at the ceiling with one eye open, and realized she was in her bedroom.

"Ugghh...Rushil, RUSHIL!"

Then suddenly Radka felt a bit of pain here and there in her body, "Ah! What the...hell?!" She said as she spotted the many bandaids and bandages Covering her cuts.

"I'm here honey!...I brought you some hangover medicine." Rushil said smiling while coming inside the bedroom with pills and a glass of water.

"What happened?! and hey! your fingers are bandaged too!" She asked touching Rushil's hand.

"Ahhh...well I thought that my wife was more mature than to be having drunken fights.

You fought with Jenny last night, don't you remember? you've must've blacked out again then!" Rushil explained smiling, he did his best so Radka wouldn't notice his hands shaking as he gave her a glass of water.

"Fought with Jenny?!"

"Yeah, both of you were pretty drunk, Jenny came here last night to tell you she's quitting and moving away, but then you started calling her names and insulting her like usual." Rushil said, "So she kind of accidentally slapped you and you slapped her back and you guys started fighting...

You Destroyed half of your office through that and even smashed the glass table, I had to remove it last night because it was too dangerous especially with Niko around...that's how I cut my fingers." he added.

...[End of flashback]...