Chereads / Bully-guard! [BL] / Chapter 86 - I'd love you more that way.

Chapter 86 - I'd love you more that way.

Director Cliff: Kim? oh! she actually called me the other day, she explained that she had another one of her emergencies that's why she left, and she refused to take Any sort of payment for her work after hearing about the cancellation as an apology from her for leaving so suddenly.

I told her it's okay and that the cancellation was my idea, since I wasn't satisfied with the general idea of the movie anyway! but she still refused compensation... I haven't heard from her ever since.

Nikolai: I feel bad for her, she must've been embarrassed about it...I may have only known Kimberly for a short time but I can safely say she's definitely a great actress, but she's also so kind and humble.

Director Cliff: Exactly, which is why I turned a blind eye on her Issues and signed her up!

Anyway, Enough about Kimberly, I didn't call you to talk about the poor girl.

Nikolai: I know I Know, I just...I feel bad I can't lie about it...

No matter what you're going to tell me, I still feel like I was a reason why you cancelled the whole thing entirely.

- Jin tried his best to ignore the phone conversation, he wanted to tell Nikolai that it wasn't his fault so bad, but decided to keep his focus on cooking instead.

Director Cliff: would it make you feel any better to know that I'm grateful you and Kimberly even agreed to work with me in the first place? you guys are amazing! in all of my years, I haven't met that many actors that are nice even behind cameras.

Nikolai: *Chuckling* I'm the one who's happy you gave me a shot! you treated me better than half of the other directors I've worked with so far, so of course I have to be extra nice to you.

You never made me feel bad about being myself, you're like a second dad to me.

Director Cliff: It's because I consider everyone that works with me like my family, and to me you're like a son Nikolai, A son that i have failed...which is why I called you today.

I brought you some good news, But before that I'd like to apologize.

Nikolai: Apologize? why?

Director Cliff: I feel ashamed I wasn't able to come visit you, actually it was more that I couldn't visit you at first.

Nikolai: Let me guess? A bunch of bodyguards didn't let you come see me at the hospital?

You don't really have to apologize about that, I understand, besides I'm fine, like really!

Director Cliff: No I insist! I could've visited you after you got out, but by then I was already out of town, and I got busy.

Nikolai: Sir, don't...I told you I understand.

Director Cliff: *Sighing* alright...As for the good news, I found you your next job.

Nikolai: You found me my next job?

- Jin raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

Director Cliff: Yeah! and guess what? you're playing a main character that's Gay! isn't that awesome?! you've always wanted that!

Plus this director is even a bigger one than me, And she was already planning for you to play this Role, basically it was yours from the start.

Nikolai: Hold on, you found a big director who wants me to play a Role where I'm gonna be both the main character, and the gay character?!

- Upon hearing that, Jin's interest was too peaked for him to ignore the conversation, he decided to listen to it while he cooked, and felt himself smiling at Nikolai's enthusiasm.

Director Cliff: Yeah! Do you know her? She's Nina Lanetti?

Nikolai: You're kidding me right! THE NINA LANETTI?! SHE WANTS TO WORK WITH ME?! *Hyperventilating*

Director Cliff: Breathe My boy and YEAH! it's her, She's currently among the top in this industry, which means working for her will boost your career to unimaginable levels.

It just so happened, Nina and I know each other from college days, after she heard about the cancellation, she came to see me.

I told her there was bunch of reasons for it, for example I changed my mind about what kind of idea I wanted to portray, like Jin your boyfriend suggested, I wanted to do something other than romance or 'Straight love', something that doesn't scream 'Straight White Male'.

Nina surprised me by telling me she was thinking about doing the same thing as me, in fact she was already working on it!

She told me about her newest secret project to give me some inspiration, she's apparently working to turn a very popular Boys-Love novel into a serie.

So I suggested that by the time Auditions are open, And You'd probably be recovered from your accident by then, she should give you an early call so you'd have a chance to prepare for the additions.

Nina surprised me again when she told me that she wasn't going to Let you audition, because she was already thinking about giving one of the main roles for you.

She was actually very happy that my project failed so she can have you...which was kinda evil for her to say, heh.

Nikolai: Really?! THAT'S AMAZING?! OMG! You have no idea how happy I am! I'm gonna work with Her?!

- Jin smiled happily as he watched Nikolai's expression of pure joy, "Congratulations!" He whispered softly.

Director Cliff: You're evil too! look how happy you are that you're going to work for her and not me! *Laughing* I can't blame you though, you're finally doing the role that you want with an amazing director.

Nikolai: I'm sorry Sir, I'm so excited! *Excited noises*

Director Cliff: Nina asked me personally to call you and see if you're up to work with her, she was afraid to contact you through Andrea Thanks to his reputation.

She was scared Andrea would refuse without even telling you about the role.

Nikolai: Ah, right... Andrea, He does have a bad habit of scaring off Directors, he also like to get me the same type of roles to play.

- Jin's eyebrows knitted at the mention of Andrea, he couldn't hear it well but it seemed to him that even Director Cliff disliked Andrea.

Director Cliff: Yeah, Between you and me, I think you should start looking for a new manager.

Andrea is good at finding you roles that get your career going, all of you roles were successful so far but like you said it's the same type of roles.

Also he's a bit of a scary manager, I mean he's polite but that's about it! I can't help but feel he's too controlling, I mean he doesn't let you go out much or form friendships with your fellow actors in peace.

Boy! he doesn't even let you attend non-official celebrity parties? or go anywhere without him being there, I'm surprised he even let you date Jin!

I feel bad saying this behind Andrea's back, but that day when you came to the set with Jin after Andrea got hospitalized, I was so happy to see you look free for once, Jin was making do they youngsters say it?...Ah! Glow! you were glowing my boy!

- Jin could tell Nikolai was flustered, even though he didn't know what Director Cliff has said to make him that way.

Nikolai: Ah?...I didn't realize that!...I always thought Andrea wants what's best for me, so I never questioned his behavior, or saw it as controlling.

Director Cliff: I figured so, after all he's also your best friend, plus everyone knows he has feelings for you, you probably let him do what he wants because of that.

You shouldn't let people control you just because you love them, that's toxic! Anyways I'm just happy that Andrea doesn't seem too controlling lately, especially now that you're dating Jin.

Btw don't forget to say hi to Jin for me? okay?

Nikolai: Yeah! I'll do that...Hey, Thank you again for suggesting me for that Role! please tell Ms Lanetti, to contact me personally, she doesn't have to call Andrea, I'll handle this without him.

Director Cliff: That's what I'd like to hear! And think we'll about What I said, Alright?

About getting a new manager, I know lots of good ones if you ever needed some references, or you can make Jin your manager, He's quite smart that boy.

Nikolai: Thank you, I'll think about it...I owe you so much sir.

Director Cliff: Don't mention it! I'm glad I was able to do something nice for you, After all you gave me many successful projects.

Well, I suppose I should go now, be on the lookout for Nina's call! Goodbye!

Nikolai: Goodbye! And say hi to your daughter and wife for me! thank you again!


When The call ended, Nikolai took a breath and sighed, "Wow...that was crazy." Nikolai said, "What happened? I couldn't hear everything." Jin asked curiously.

"I'll tell you everything in a minute." Nikolai replied, then his stomach growled, "btw are you done cooking? what are you making anyways?" He added asking.

"Lemon pasta and Quinoa salad! I made the salad, your dad was working on the pasta before he left, so I finished it for him." Jin replied.

"Are you making any dessert?" Nikolai asked, "Are you going to expect a dessert after every meal?" Jin asked.

"I'd love you more that way." Nikolai replied chuckling, "Ah, you're so evil...Fine if you give me few minutes I'll make you something, but after that we'll sit and eat together and you're gonna tell me everything Director Cliff told you, okay?" Jin said.

"Sure thing, but what you're making for dessert?" Nikolai asked, "Seriously you?...Tch, let's see what I can make." Jin said checking what ingredients are there in the kitchen.

After a minute of searching and thinking, " I believe I can make you a blueberry pie in five minutes." Jin Said.

"Really? can you set a timer? let's make it an actual challenge!" Nikolai replied.

"What's in it for me if I win?" Jin asked, "I'll owe you a favor, you should know that by now." Nikolai replied smirking.

"Okay, let's set a timer."

... Five minutes later...

"And I won!" Jin said proudly as he placed the pie in front of Nikolai right when the timer stopped.

"Wow! you didn't lie about the five minutes Pie?!" Nikolai was surprised as he lightly poked the pie, but his stomach was happy, the smell was heavenly.

"Do you want some salad or pasta before that, it looks like you just wanna devour that pie!" Jin said smiling.

"I'll have some of the salad first! but only a little! I want my stomach to be clear for this pie, I might actually eat it all myself!" Nikolai replied.

"You're going to eat my share too? you're so evil Niko!" Jin said while filling him a salad bowl.

"I'll leave you some! I'm not a monster!...Tch." Nikolai replied, he received his salad bowl from Jin and decided to take a bite.

"Wow?! this is so good for a salad!"

"What do you mean? Salad can taste good."

"Where were the tasty salads when I was dieting to lose weight..." Nikolai whined.

Chuckling, "I'm glad you like it!" Jin replied while he poured them a couple of slushies to drink with Their food.

Jin placed the drinks on the table, but before he could fix himself a plate of pasta, there was a knock on the door.

"Must be the girls." He said sighing, And hurried to open the door, he didn't want to leave Nikolai hanging.

in a minute, Jin was back In the kitchen, He told the girls to stay out of the kitchen while he has his lunch with Nikolai.

"Now Niko..." Jin said filling a pasta plate for himself, "Can you tell me what director Cliff told you?" he asked as he sat besides Nikolai.