"Art, oh art! This masterpiece was crafted piece by piece over two decades by the great painter Weding•Saint•Dwarf Nose from thousands of years ago, who was a devout follower of the Church of the Dawn. After his passing, even the contemporary Pope granted him the title of 'Saint,' Sister Saintess told me that."
Yu Chen explained earnestly, and seeing Motan nodding vigorously, she stuck out her tongue, "But to be honest, I don't really understand it either."
"Hmm... maybe you'll understand it after drinking a couple pounds of the white stuff."
Motan suggested with equal seriousness.
"No way, I can't hold my liquor at all."
Yu Chen crinkled her nose, then tugged on Motan's arm and walked a bit further before suddenly pointing to the left, "Look~"
"Look at what..."