Chereads / When The Cherry Blossom Is Bloom / Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 9 I WANT MY DADDY


" Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. "

Ungasan, Bali. Present.

Sakura was growing up well during this time. She had a habit of hugging her father's picture and sad " I love you " to the picture, before she sleeps. The little girl called her father "Daddy". And when she woke up she will look up at the blue sky from the window and said " I love you, Daddy". Until now. Andini always said to her if she misses her daddy she can look up at the sky and her daddy will know it. Andini knew it was a ridiculous idea she was ever had but she thought it only the way to make her daughter happy.

They had some photos of Masaki Ichiro from Hasigawa. Hasigawa often sent Masaki Ichiro's photos to Andini. Those photos were the best photos of Masaki Ichiro. Hasigawa always said that. Andini thought Hasigawa must be really love his best friend. And it always made Andini smiled.

" Doesn't he always look handsome in his photos? No wonder it's always the best. "

Andini wanted Sakura always remembered the face of her father. One day when they meet she would use to it. She would know her father at that time.

Six years ago she was happy that day when Hasigawa told her that he sent some photos of Masaki Ichiro for the first time. It was a month after Andini gave birth. She thought that finally she could introduce the father's face to her daugther. Andini was very grateful for all that. Otherwise, her daughter would not be able to recognize her father's face.

Hasigawa also told her about Masaki Ichiro Facebook Page. Andini followed him in Facebook but never made a conversation with him.

Andini only took two photos for herself and put in her room. Displayed on her table. And it would be a cure for her longing

Then Hasigawa continued to sent some photos to Andini. He really seemed didn't want Sakura to forget her father.

When Sakura had her first birthday, Hasigawa came to Bali with a lot of gifts from Japan. Hasigawa really loved Sakura like his own daughter. Sakura also really liked Hasigawa. She called him Ojisan. Which means Uncle. Hasigawa who asked her to call himself that.

The little girl was very good at talking. She was very intelligent and quickly catches what Andini teaches.

Andini remembered when her baby three years old Hasigawa came back to Bali to visit Sakura. At that time Hasigawa told Sakura all about Masaki Ichiro, her father. The little girl sat on his lap while looking at the photo album that Hasigawa made as a gift for Sakura. The album contains photos of Hasigawa and Ichiro from childhood to adulthood.

"Sakura, your father and I are like brothers. I know your father so well. We spend a lot of time together. We grew up together and haven't been apart much before."

Hasigawa said.

"Why does Daddy work so far away, Ojisan?" she always asked the same question repeatly.

"Your father is a very smart man, Sakura. He was there working on documenting Alaska. This world need him. You have to be patient now. Promise me that you will wait your father patiently. Okay?"

Hasigawa gave Sakura his pinkie finger and the little girl linked her little pinkie. Together they said, "Yakusoku!"

And when Sakura had five years old, Hasigawa sent her a package from Osaka. Remembering that time, when she opened the package there were photos, children's books and some dolls. Also there was a letter.

"To Sakura, my dear niece. This is the best photo of your father. I want you to remember him every day. Because someday he will gather with you. I promised that. Your Ojisan."

And she read the letter to Sakura. Sakura was very happy about that.

" Mommy. Please tell Ojisan that I love the photos. Now I have a lot of Daddy's photos and I thank him for that. I hope Ojisan will always be fine in Osaka. I really miss him so much. "

Andini chuckled at that time and she sent a text message to Hasigawa.

" Arigatou, Hasigawa san. Domo arigatou. Sakura said that she very thankful for the gift and she misses you so much. We hope you will always be fine in Osaka. "

"You can count on me for Sakura and anything. Please don't hesitate to tell me when you need help. One more thing, Andini chan. He's doing well in Alaska." Hasigawa replied.

" Please don't say anything about us at this time, Hasigawa san. Not yet. "

" Okay, Mam. Yakusoku! "

And Andini framed the letter and those photos. Displayed the letter and some photos in Sakura's room.

The two of them indeed remained friends after the collaborative work seven years ago. Andini already considered Hasigawa as his own brother. He often come to Bali. When Hasigawa came to Indonesia for a job in Jakarta. He also took the time to come to Bali to visit them.

Andini always told to Sakura from the beginning. That she was born from the seed of her love with her father. She told Sakura that her father name was Masaki Ichiro. Sakura should know about that. Andini thought she shouldn't keep lies to her daughter. Whatever it was she has to tell the truth.

Except one lie.

When Sakura was almost three years old she asked about his father.

" Mommy .. Do I really have a father? "

Andini's heart always hurt whenever her child asked about her father. But she tried to be strong and not to cried in front of her daughter. No matter what happened she has to be strong for her child.

" Of course you have a father, darling. Your father is working in Alaska now. Very far from Bali where we live. "

" Why does Daddy work in Alaska? What is he doing there? Is there nothing he can do in Bali? Why doesn't he ever see me, Mommy.? "

" As I said before, your dad is working there. He had a lot to do in Alaska. Taking picture and videos for documentary. So you and other people will know about the wildlife in Alaska. He was the one of the best photographer. You should be proud of him. Be patience, darling. One day we will meet your father. But the time is not now. You must grow up first and be a beautiful and sweet girl. Do not forget to pray for your father. Wherever he is today. So that God will take care of him as He takes care of us both, honey. "

" Yes, Mommy. I will always pray for Daddy there. For his good. I hope someday Daddy will come to us and hug me tightly. And I will tell Daddy that I love him so much. "

" Of course he will, baby. And he will love you much as I much I love you. " Andni held her tightly.

" Mommy.. Can we call daddy some time? I want to hear Daddy's voice. I want Daddy tell me about Alaska to me. " she looked at her mommy. Begging.

" Oh God. Help me! Give me a strength. " She thought.

" One day, baby... One day. " she said.

She really didn't know about how to answer that question. She always wanted to cry when the little girl asked about her dad. But she never wanted to cry in front of her daughter. She always felt guilty because she had been unfair to her daughter. Deep down in her heart, Andini knew that she hid her daughter whereabouts from his father.

Masaki Ichiro's departure to Alaska was to fulfill his job as a photographer where he has to make documentation about wildlife in Alaska for a wildlife protection foundation.

He was living in the deep forest in Alaska.

It was from Hasigawa that Andini and Sakura got to know Masaki Ichiro a lot.

She always had the latest news about him. And she is very grateful for that.

From the living room came Utada Hikaru's voice softly singing " First Love ". Sakura must have been playing her favorite song. Actually it was Andini's favorite song but Sakura used to listen to it with her. She really liked the song.

She also remembered all the lyrics.

" I'll always play this song when I want to see Daddy. Just like you, Mommy who puts on this song every time you miss Daddy. "

the little girl said.

" You will always be inside my heart

Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara

I hope that I have a place in your heart too

Now and forever you are still the one

Ima wa mada kanashii love song

Atarashii uta utaeru made"

Andini smiled and she started to write. She loved to write in her little book to pour out all her longings.

" Oh, shining star

Come and see my beloved one!

Only accompanied by darkness

He sleeps alone

Tell him

I miss him."