1.1 Institutional profile
Real Madrid Football Club is a sporting entity
whose objective and purpose is primarily that of
dedicating its activity and assets to the promotion
of football in all its different categories and age
groups and, generally, the practice of all the sports
specified by its governing bodies. Likewise,
as a complementary activity, it may promote
the development of the physical, moral and
intellectual culture of its affiliates by facilitating
social relations and a spirit of unity amongst them.
Real Madrid Football Club, which was founded
in March 1902 and whose first foundation
charter is dated 18 April of the same year,
has full legal capacity in accordance with the
legislation currently in effect and is registered
with the Spanish Football Federation, as well as
with those federations required for the different
sports in which the club competes throughout
any given season.
1.1.1 Mission
To be an open and multicultural club that is both
appreciated and respected throughout the world
both for its sporting successes and for the values
it disseminates which, based on the search
for excellence both on and off the field of play,
contribute towards fulfilling the expectations of
its members and followers.
1.1.2 Vision
A leading football and basketball club which, by
way of its sporting triumphs, fulfils the hopes
and expectations of all of its followers in Spain
and abroad, sustains its significant historical
legacy, manages its assets rigorously and
transparently to the benefit of its members and
acts in accordance with social responsibility and
good corporate governance criteria.
and to honour the support of their fans with a
sporting endeavour based on criteria of quality,
discipline and spirit of sacrifice. With respect
to the management of its activities, the club
adheres to the principles of good governance and
transparency and strives for excellence at all times.
All those who form part of Real Madrid, be they
sportspeople or other professionals, make a
commitment to working as part of a team and
to give the best they have to offer for the good
of the whole without putting their personal or
professional aspirations first.
Real Madrid constantly devotes a great deal of
effort to discovering and instilling new sporting
values. This involves channelling the necessary
attention and resources into the youth teams of
all its sporting disciplines and nurturing not only
1.1.3 Values
Real Madrid's main objective is to strive, to the best
of its abilities, to win all of the competitions it enters
while showing its commitment, its belief in hard
work and its loyalty to its supporters at all times.
Real Madrid is a worthy and fair opponent on
the field of play, upon which it competes with
goodwill and respect towards all rival teams
and their respective supporters. Away from the
field of play it is Real Madrid's overriding desire
to maintain relations with other clubs based on
fraternity and solidarity and to collaborate with
them and with the Spanish and international
sports authorities on an on-going basis.
Real Madrid aspires to have on its teams the
best Spanish and international players, instilling
in them their commitment to the club's values,
the sporting development of its youth players,
but also their social, ethical and civic education.
Real Madrid is aware of the high social repercussion
of its activities. It therefore dedicates all the
resources within its power to complying with the very
highest standards of good corporate governance
and the promotion of the best sporting values,
to strengthening its relations with its members,
former players, fan clubs and supporters, and to
the development and implementation of solidarity
projects in favour of the needy both within Spain
and beyond its borders.
Real Madrid is aware that it manages tangible
and intangible assets of exceptional value and
importance, and it is for this reason that it pledges
to administer them responsibly, transparently,
efficiently and honestly in benefit of its members.