"Good morning doctor, I'm ..." She holds her sentence, irgnites with irritation in sight of the one man she wish to never cross parts with.
"You!" They both furiously asks , with sour scowls at each other.
"Why are you here?" She questioned wondering if she has enters the wrong room.
"Why can't I be here, this is my office" he respond with eyes drop on the screen infront of him.
'No no ' she said thousand times in her head , on recognizing who he probably is .
If glare can kill he sure will be dead fromd all the deadly glares June serves at him.
"You're Dr. Deen?" she huffs, scolding on the efficiency of the hospital, to have hired such a lunatic.
"I am" he said proudly, the sight of her displeased and discomfort face strangely spikes joy in him.
"Why would they hired a mad person like you?" she confidently lash to his face.
A slim huff scrapes out his lips, withholding his discontent to her question . She isn't worth it ,his mind calm through with leveled of his eyes in the screen, only to be pull up by the fingers that pokes on his shoulder .
"Hey am talking to you " she scolds eyeing his quick pull of his body from her grasp.
"Your.." he moves back in short of words with her every step close to him,
" stay there, don't you dare come here" he fences his body behind the chair, glancing at June's satisfied smirk .
"And you're the supposed doctor, you yourself is sick. First cure yourself before trying to help others, mad man". She said in mockery .
He steps out of his cage and face her on, something about her always get him out of his comfort zone. She is the bad influence on him and it's aware to him.
"Take a seat" he offers with him doing the same
"Why should I?"
"To dance" he Sarcastically said while she clenches her hands on the desk.
"Anger issues" he bluntly figures it out, her eyes tense and discomfort as she takes the seat offered.
With hiseyes on hers, he observes every each of her body movement. Her fingers that constantly taps on one another, feet's stomps in beat of it own as are her eyes that scans through the walls of office.
"What your name?" He ask reading the name on the form she had filled earlier
"You're holding my form, so get it from there. Don't go asking me for things you know already" a long hold of breath is administered to himself, feeling the pressure of her tone. In any case he wouldn't mind as it his job to handle cases like hers, but somehow he just can't help but be offended by her words. It like every word said by her is felt in his heart.
Her energy is highly affecting his calm mind.
"I've seen it ,I want to know if you still remember your name, who knows your temper might have crashed your memories" he taunts out with a flat smile, getting her to roll in her eyes at him in response.
"June" the response comes in reluctant.
"June, don't you have a surname?" her face mask in tense expression on his question. She folds her hands in-between, in watch of him like he's a trash speaking out of content.
" I don't, why do you care?"
"Don't get me wrong I definitely don't care, not one bit. I'm being compelled to have this talks with you"
"Why are you here?" he further ask
"Just like you I'm compel to come here, if it were to me I wouldn't step a toe here, not specially when you're the doctor"
"Be my guest and walk out, no doctor would handle your madness" his words gets her reluctant, the idea crossed her mind to walk out of the idle session but with him suggesting it , there's no way she's gonna leave, no way she'll grant him the satisfaction of getting the better of her.
"You're the doctor and I've paid the bill so do your job. I'll only leave when am satisfied till then, provide the services I paid for"
He comment nothing to her words and continues scanning through the form in his hands.
"Why are you here?"
"To get help" she tightly murmurs the words , she still in refute to acknowledge that she needs help. She feels just right and her friend is just being paranoid.
"At what?" He further asked, catching her eyes shut with a long breath hold in ,which she let out in seconds.
"Probably to get a help on my anger issues and inability to stay steady in a relationship" he isn't surprise , with her character any man will run away from her, she's a titanic bomb. The most surprise would be the fact of any man willing to put up with her and stay loyal to her.
"Through your observations what normally tricker you quick temper?" She stays silence, displeased with the topic. There's so much buried in her heart and each one being raise troubles the heart that wishes not to open old wounds.
"Why didn't you get along with your previous exes?" The following questions follow with silence from her. He figures it's beyound the surface wound and she feels unsatisfied with him to communicate such personal issues.
"Mis June, my best advices is to see a therapist, it'll be of much help to you." She stands and walks her feet to his direction.
He quickly averts her touch with a slide push from the seat to the corner.
" Don't tell me you're scare of me?, I won't eat you" her voice pours out , stabbing an indecent looks on him.
"Mis June, don't push your limits" he threat moving back.
"My limit, what's my limit?" she walked her way to every step he took back, taunting her gaze on him. He frowned on her closeness to him.
"Don't tell me you're impudent". His eyes widened out, grabbing her waist to the imprinted wall. She forced a push on his chest but there was no budge.
"You..." her tongue slips on the words,
"What, cat caught your tongue" he smirks on her red cheeks and wild eyes that subdued in weakness.
'Don't give in, defeat him' her mind cries out to the weaken legs.
Even with the heels she's no way up his range, the thoughts of tipping on her toes dances in her crazy head but the fact she's grasping for stand wouldn't allow her to take the risk. Her hands frames on her hips with strong stand , in atempt of looking intimidating to him, yet his unshaken body and second gap between them details her efforts are of no avail.
"I'll let you off this time" she dully said captive in his brown eyes, the quick pace of her heart bridges to her ears, stabbing her hands on her chest, fobidding it from letting it loose.
"Dave" she slips away from the moment with the abrupt intrusion on the door, the man frame his face to the opposite the second his eyes falls on them in such awkward position.
"My apologies, I'll come back later if you're busy" the naughtiness in his voice is heard by them both.
June grabs her bag and rushes out of the office.
Is she grateful for the interruption, quite the opposite, a bit of her hoped his lips to grease on hers, the desire to be lost in his eyes. Her heart feels so disappointed that it curse the man for intruding at such a time.
"That was epic" he jokes about , shoving his arms at his body.
"Who was she?"
"Not your concern" a hint of irritation break with the words, he can't explain the anger of him intruding, he should be glad but is burden.
"What do you want?"
James, his colleague and medical doctor, a Casanova play boy. He seeks desire in women older than him, most not out of love but what he gains from them. As he's attractive and young , rich older women approach him and will do anything to have him in their bed and he's all for it.
"You know this the first time I've seen you close to a woman,who was she?" He cheerful asked flirting his brows for more details which Dave clearly refuse to hand to him.
"C'mon don't be stingy, who was she?...oh!" He gasp
"is she your girlfriend?" He guess his way to a thousand smiles.
"You forced me to visit the hospital only to have a lunatic as a doctor, he himself needs help" June continues her grumble.
Dora flinches her eyes at her, thinking over her complains for the passed one hour. She easily found her at the book store and since then, her complains hasn't finish .
Thou her whines might be irritating , she did saved her from the store owner weird talks, he knows her every day schedule and her favorite coffee and how it made. No complains on the coffee thou, for it tasted good and just to her likings.
The conversation was the only stumble for her, it clear he was hitting on he but definitely doesn't need one at the moment. She has few time to prove to her parents that she's capable or she would be force to marry the man of their choice.
"What happened?" Dora question getting rest from her talks.
"He...he smashed my cupcakes a day ago" there it is, the reason for her calling him mad.
Doea shakes her head as she grabs her computer, heading for her room.
"Hey don't walk out on me, am still not done yet" she sighs ,resting her body on the chair.
The steamy sound steals her attention, she faced her hands behind the basket that has fruits and pulls out the phone,
"Jane" she murmurs taking a peep on the screen.
"If you want a peaceful life then you better bring me the one hundred and fifty dollar I asked for".
'what the hell'.