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DnD Short Stories: Tales of the Mischievous 6(Need a better name soon)

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These are some short stories of my characters and some of my friends' characters from our DnD games. Stories posted in no particular order.

Chapter 1 - A Tale of Two Grungs (How Lurt got into the guild)

Here's some bit of details to understand. I wanted to play a new Grung Character but it was nearing the end of the campaigns story and the DM would not accept me to play it again in the next one since it would be turned into an NPC after each end. So, I decided to save him for later and made a copy of him with one letter changed to use as practice. Now with the current campaign ending, this is how my character would get rid of the practice one.


"Wakey, Wakey! ~"

Burt groans as he opens his eyes slowly only to wince in discomfort when his vision was attacked by a bright white light and shut his eyes closed once more. He tries to shield his eyes with his left forearm but finds himself unable to. "What the?" He seemed to be tied chained to a chair and his hands were trapped in wrappings which prevented him from possibly wiggling out or untying his bindings. His ruffled shirt was torn and had a few cuts on him while sporting a bruised eye. The grung was tied up in the middle of a abandoned cabin of sorts. There was a small bedroll in the corner right beside a small table with a lamp that brightened the entire room. Half the windows were broken and there were trash and broken furniture littered everywhere. Sitting in the corner was a small backpack in human standards but a large travel bag to someone like him.


"Hey! I said wake up!" A stinging sensation was felt on his left cheek followed by a commanding voice that instantly brought him out of his stupor. While Burt grunted at the sudden development still reeling in from what happened, he felt two hands grab his head and forcefully faced forward. He felt both a mix of confusion and surprise to see his apparent aggressor. His eyes widened as they properly adjusted to the light. In front of him was another grung who grabbed his face with both hands to focus on him as he wears a fake smile plastered on his face.

Memories came rushing back to Burt. He was just coming back tired from a local tavern. The frog walked down the dirt road and staggered back to the Eye's entrance. Burt remembers almost reaching his destination but only stopping halfway when he sensed something was wrong. Before he knew it, he was clumsily dodging arrows shot at him from behind. His acrobatics were useless in his exhausted state to be able to move out of the way.

He managed to move out of the way in just the nick of time by leaping to the right and drawing his dagger, ready to battle. Another arrow had just missed its target and was embedded in the ground. One missed and flew right beside his head. He could hear the sound they made when it flew right beside his ear for a fraction of a second when it passed. He deflects a few with his dagger while attempting to locate his attacker. More arrows came and one manage to almost hit him. It missed and ripped a part of his shirt's left pectoral. Not able to gain proper footing he stumbled a little which caused another arrow to hit him right in the shoulder.

He screamed in pain and groaned afterward when he felt a hot searing pain. He pulls it out to see the tip laced with a purple liquid. His vision slowly became blurry and drops to a knee on the ground while the arrow slipped from his hand. Struggling to barely hang on to consciousness, he hears a childish voice coming closer drawing his attention.

"Wow~, sweet moves their pal. That was fun!" Burt looks up to see a blurry figure strutting toward him while slowly and condescendingly clapping his hand. He could not see what he looked like due to his wavering vision. Only that he was a bipedal creature who was around the same size as him with long legs.

The individual then drew out a dagger from its sheath on his left waist followed by a shrug. "Well, fun for me that is. Dunno about you. You ain't looking so hot." He smirks at Burt's vulnerable position and raised the butt of the weapon up high.

With a little chuckle, he laughs and slams it down to the side of the weak grungs face. "Nighty night!"


Back to the present, Burt is now glaring at his apparent kidnapper. Finally having a clearer head, Burt manages to take in his surrounding and most importantly, his captor.

The perpetrator that tied him pulled up an uneven bar stool a foot from him and crossed his legs. He had his arms crossed in a relaxed manner but had what seemed to be a bone dagger on his left hand just in case his captive were to ever break free and Burt's sack of items on the floor to his right.

"Who in the world are you, you hooligan?! What do you want with me?" Burt growled in anger while trying in to squeeze out of his binding even for just a little bit to escape.

"Uh, isn't it obvious, dum dum? I'm the guy who made you pretty." His captor said playfully and laughed while he gestured to his bruised face. "But if you want to know who I am. I am one of the few favored assassins of La 'Oum Atang." He exaggeratedly waved his right hand and laid it on the center of his chest slightly to the left after just above his heart in a clenched fist. "A judge, jury, and executioner of damned souls that walk this earth. The proud and ever-loyal acolyte who fights in darkness to serve the light… Lurt Eglitis of Dhala." The grung exclaims and proceeds to give a small bow.

"Pfft. I-is this for real? Fight in darkness… to serve the light? What kind of goofy gang is that!" The now-named Lurt's smile fell a bit and furrowed his brows to look up at his captive's sardonic laughter at his introduction. "You think of yourself as some hero, kid? Aren't you a little too old to play pretend?"


"Hnng." Burt groaned once more the stinging sensation on his cheek. No longer laughing turns his head back to his captor with a pissed expression who watched his reaction with a bored expression. "You done?"

Lurt goes back to his previous position on the stool in front of Burt. "I can assure you I'm very serious. And unlike you, old geezer; I'm still a young and spry six-year-old adult. Thank you very much." He says 'in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Anyway, as for what I want…" He grabs the nearby sack of items and unties the rope holding it closed and rummages through it. He proceeds to throw out item after item from the sack. "I'm looking for your little instruction manual!" Lurt says and gives a chaff smile at the tied grung as he struggled in anger. He pays his glare no mind and continues his search. "Nope, nope. Na ah. Not it. Ohh, nice bling you got here."

"Hey! That's my stuff, you little punk. What the heck are you yammering about!?" Burt bellowed.

"Why your little diary of course." Lurt answered finally finding the object he was looking for and pulled out a small leather-bound book and dangling it right in front of his face further irritating the bound grung.

"That's my journal, you twit! It's where I keep all my records. Not a- Mhph!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever you keep telling yourself." Lurt shoves a dirtied rag roughly deep in to Burt's mouth that he got from searching through Burt's sack of items. Most likely used for cleaning his blades and is now choking on. He turns around, back facing him and waves his hand dismissively, and proceeds to flip through the pages. "You write about yourself every day and complain in here all the time about others who aren't you. It's a diary, Karen. Don't try to deny it."

After flipping through some pages and skimming through some bits of information, he gives a hum of satisfaction and slams the book shut. The book contained information on Burt's life and how he acts towards others while going through his daily life and a vivid description of many members of his guild.

"Yep, It's all in here!" Lurt says and sheathing back his dagger. Burt continues to choke and squirms in his seat too much that it leans over and tips him backward. He would then hit his head hard on the cold wooden floor and let out a muffled sound of pain. He spits out the rag from his mouth and gasps for air and glares weakly at Lurt. "*Cough* *Cough* What are yo- *Cough* what do you mean?"

"This, my friend…" Lurt turns to face him and smiles while holding up the journal to his face with one hand once more and pointing at it with another. "…is like I said, a manual."

He gets up and saunters over to the corner where his pack was and stuffs the book in it along with the bedroll and grabs the lamp. "A guide for me to know about every single one of those dumb hugelings in that little guild of yours that you've been complaining about," Lurt said while putting on the left shoulder strap of his bag. "You see, there is someone I need to keep an eye on there and a muscle-bound red-haired paladin I need to deal with."

The grung walks over to the tied-down Burt and squats down a foot away from him and looked down at the prone frog in front of him. "You're the only grung so far in the guild and too much of an asshole for them to pay attention to and keeps to himself. You don't care about anything that doesn't involve gold. No one would bat an eye if I were to take your place. And that little book is going to help me do just that."

"Excuse me?!" Burt asks incredulously. "That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard! You don't even look anything like me!" The idea of someone just waltzing around and pretending to be him was ridiculous. No person, no matter how brain damaged, would ever think of that as a good idea. "It is as dumb as that minuscule brain of yours! Do you really think that you can just walk in and act like me while using my journal as a How-to-Guide? The guild will see right through you. They'll kill you on sight."

"Not without this they won't." Lurt shows off his right fist andgave him revealed his middle finger. Burt saw that he wore a ring of silver etched with runes and a small amethyst in the center with a small hint of magic from the gem. "The Ring of the Doppelgänger." He said. "Turns the wearer into any creature around the same size as me. It costs a pretty penny but was worth it. Besides, I've been hearing about you. You know that? I heard in some of your missions from the locals here." He leans closer and grins. "You keep to yourself and rarely interact with anyone except some few hugelings you respect as an adventurer. If I played my card right, I could just give a crappy explanation on how I had a change of heart over time or some shit and slowly gain their trust to finally come out of my shell. Those gullible blokes would probably believe me, I mean they did let you in of all people." Lurt chuckles to himself as he turns around and saunters to the cabin door to leave after giving Burt a two fingered salute. "See ya, bud. Nice talking to ya."

The bound frog was enraged and began to furiously yell out to Lurt. "You won't get away with this. Do you hear me?! When I get out of here, you're dead!" Burt screamed out to the top of his lungs towards the retreating grung. "I'm going to gut like a fish and feed you to the worms! I'll tear you apart limb from li-"


Burt's eyes widen to see a black ball with wires attached thrown by Lurt casually over his shoulder. It bounces a bit and then rolls towards him and stops right in front of him to see a flip clock attached to it while counting down. His face dropped at the sight.

"Ahh, fuck me."



After walking a good distance away from the cabin in the woods, Lurt turns to face the explosion while whistling at the sight in awe. The bomb had completed blasted the roof off the place and most likely killed the grung inside. There was no way he could have escaped alive.

"Boy, that artificer wasn't kidding about that thing packing quite a punch." The grung stood there while some debris blasted into the sky and fell around him and watches the place burn to ashes. After a while, he would just turn back and make his way down the road leading to the Eye while humming a little tune. Though it was to get rid of the evidence, he thought for a second on whether what he did was too much. "Meh~.It's rainy season today." He shrugs "I shouldn't need to worry about the fire getting too bad."

Authors note:

If there were any mistakes, Pls inform me. I would like to hear thoughts on how to write better constructive criticism is allowed, any flaming would be ignored and blocked. If there are any questions, I would try to answer them when I can. Thank you, and good day.