An incredibly beautiful girl with long silver hair shouted as she looked at Izumi.
"Dad, did you secretly give him lessons behind my back?"
"What secret lessons? Do you think you will allow him to do that?"
Izumi retorted when he heard Ayaka's outrageous claims.
"Then how did you already copy everything?"
"Well, I am a genius, little sister."
"Genius? Genius!? We are twins. If you are a genius then I am also a genius!"
Shouted Ayaka.
"Calm down, Ayaka. And Izumi, stop bothering your sister."
Ayaka pouted and leaned back in her chair, displeased.
Looking at Ayaka pouting Izumi and Jin grinned in amusement.
Jin and Izumi bumped their fists under the table.
"Don't be displeased, my cute little sister. You will catch up to me soon."
After hearing what Izumi said her pout vanished and was replaced by a proud grin.
Aoi just shook her head looking at the whole drama.
"How are your swordsmanship and martial arts classes going?"
"Our swordsmanship teacher is constantly sparring with us. He told us that we have learned enough techniques and need experience. We have been using real swords to gain experience for a few months now."
Said, Izumi.
Ayaka continued from where Izumi stopped.
"We got our black belt in Judo and the Jiu-Jitsu instructor said that we just entered the advanced orange skill level group. And it will take us two more years to complete our training. He also told us that we will be able to enter the green level group before we finish our first year of high school."
"Good! A samurai's descendants should at least have that much skill."
Jin said as he nodded approvingly.
"Have both of you completed your preparations for the recommendation entrance exam?"
"Yes, mom!"
Ayaka answered excitedly.
Aoi smiled when she heard her daughter's answer and turned her head toward Izumi who looked at her with a calm face.
"Mother, I have a condition if you want me to go to UA."
"Brother, what are you talking about?"
"Ayaka dear, please stay quiet for a few minutes."
Aoi said to Ayaka and motioned for Izumi to speak.
"If you want me to enter UA or any other high school for heroics you have to fulfil my conditions. My conditions are that for at least two years, you need to stop all your hero work. And anytime someone asks you about your quirk, you will tell them that your quirk has deteriorated and become a barrier quirk instead of a space-related quirk. If there is an emergency you can use your barrier ability to save people's lives but none of any other abilities. These shouldn't be lousy conditions since you have already stopped most hero work and are working at the company."
Aoi stared at her son's face for some time and spoke.
"I can accept your conditions. Can you tell me why?"
"No. At least not for the time being. I will tell you when the time is right."
"I understand. Your preparations should have also been completed then?"
"Yes, mother."
Izumi's POV ||
We finished our dinner and I returned to my room.
With this all my preparations are complete.
I should check everything again just to be sure.
I sneaked out of the window while carrying a bag.
I used my quirk and zipped through the air.
After half an of travelling, I arrived in a forest.
"Finding that place is troublesome as always. I always take different routes to come here to hide my tracks. But even if I came through the same route it would still be tough to find the exact location. But I guess that's a good thing."
After searching for nearly two hours, I finally found the place I was looking for.
I said as I took two gloves and a surgical scrub from my bag.
I wore them and moved toward an inconspicuous place.
I moved the leaves, branches, mud and all the other things to reveal a large lid which was one meter in diameter.
I opened it to check the items inside the large container.
Quite a few small containers filled with liquid filled the entire container.
A black and grey coloured full body costume was also placed on top of the small containers.
"Everything appears to be alright."
I closed the lid and worked for an hour to cover the lid and recover the place to its previous appearance.
After completing the task I walked a few meters away from it.
I turned around and looked in the direction of the large container for 10 minutes.
Not finding anything odd I turned around and left in a different direction.
After travelling through the air for quite some time, I noticed a garbage can.
I stopped in an alley.
Removed the surgical scrubs and walked out of the alley to throw them in the garbage can.
I turned around and started walking.
"I should also check the routes I prepared again. Some changes might have happened."
I continued walking along the pathway while looking at my surroundings.
After an hour I stopped and heaved a sigh.
"There haven't been any changes except for the surveillance camera added on route number 4. I don't need to worry about it since it's not the main route and I still have 3 more backup routes. I can change the direction the camera is facing if needed. I don't need to make any new changes to my plans."
I called a taxi and went home.
I told the driver to stop a few blocks away from my destination.
I paid the driver and got out of the car.
I used my quirk to travel through the air and entered my room through the window.
Just as I entered, I heard a voice.
"Where have you been brother?"
I was startled to see Ayaka standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest with a smug smile on her face.
I calmed myself and spoke to Ayaka.
"My little sister, why are you in my room?"
"I wanted to ask you to give me a new idea for an ability."
I sat on a chair and started to ponder Ayaka's request.
After a few minutes, I started speaking as he looked at Ayaka.
"Mom taught you an overpowered move called space slash, right? It's a ridiculous and powerful move and it takes time to prepare and execute. But it's understandable since you can just sever your enemy's limb or even cut them into two ignoring the time, distance and obstacles in your way."
"Yes, brother."
"And she also taught you how to use it using a medium, your sword. With a medium, you can reduce the time it takes to prepare and execute it by sacrificing some of its power and distance. But you can't always carry a weapon with you. I also think that one shouldn't depend on a weapon. So, try and create a sword using your space energy. First accomplish that, then you can work on changing its properties to that of space slash. When I say changing its properties I mean that the sword itself will be the space slash move. It will just gain a physical form. It will become something similar to a grenade. So rather than wasting your time reading your opponent's position and the space coordinates. You can just create a space sword and sever whatever you want to sever using your sword skills."
Ayaka was dazed for a few minutes thinking about what her brother just said.
She then clapped her hands and started jumping.
"Brother you are a genius. It will take time to learn how to create a physical blade using space. But it will reduce the time to almost nothing after I master this move. I am going to cut whoever stands in my way. HAHAHA!"
She laughed loudly and hugged me.
"Thank you, brother."
After thanking me, she left.
She is probably going to start training right away.
"Did I do the right thing? I feel like I did something I shouldn't have done. Whatever! She will need a few years to perfect it. And it will be her enemy's problem, not mine."
"It will be our birthday soon. I should prepare a gift for Ayaka. Then it will be time for the 'U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam'."
A month later ||
U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam.
I and Ayaka sat in a class waiting for the teacher to distribute the test papers for the written exam.
I looked around the class.
'I didn't expect there to be so many people at the recommendation exam. I guess that's to be expected since this event neither appeared in the manga nor the anime.'
Aizawa placed the test paper on my desk.
I started answering them.
They were a variety of questions, but most of the questions were scenario questions.
So I pretentiously answered some questions and wrote my actual opinions for some."
The written test soon finished and each of us was interviewed next.
The interviewers were Aizawa and Yamada or Present Mic.
Aizawa asked me a question.
"Why U.A?"
I looked at him with a calm face and answered.
"It's the best school for me to train to become a hero. There are a lot of opportunities that U.A can provide that will aid me in becoming a successful hero. And there are a lot of unique and strong heroes here who will broaden my horizons and also help me become stronger. My parents also studied here. They also hope that I and my sister attend U.A high. Even the students who will attend this school will be incredibly strong and will also aid me in becoming stronger."
Aizawa heard my answer without any change in his expression.
Present Mic was nodding his head as he continued to read through my information.
They continued asking questions and ended the exam with a cliche question.
"Why should we offer you a place instead of the other students?"
Aizawa asked without any change in his expression.
"Because I am stronger than others. I am not being arrogant. I worked myself to the bone and improved my quirk and myself. I worked day and night without sleep. My strength is the result of my hard work. I want to keep my family safe and help less fortunate people. To do that I need strength. This is the best place to increase my strength."
After my answer, the interview ended.
After the interviews, a practical test was conducted.
For the practical test, six students at a time had to race through a three-kilometres long obstacle course using their quirks.
Aizawa and Present Mic stood by the side of the track as six students lined up on the track.
They fired a starter pistol and students started running using their quirks.
Setsuna Tokage came first and Momo was second.
The next group consisted of Shoto, Inasa Yoarashi and Juzo Honenuki.
The second race was probably the same as the cannon.
Inasa won by a tiny margin.
He then tried to befriend Shoto only to receive a cold response.
This led to him holding a grudge against Shoto and Endeavour.
Despite coming in first, he quit and left U.A grounds.
Next is my and Ayaka's turn.
We stood on the track with the other students.
"I am going to beat you this time brother."
Said Ayaka.
To which I replied while shaking my head.
"In your dreams, slowpoke."
We focused on the track and waited for the sound of the pistol.
When we heard the sound both of us vanished from our places.
I left a trail of lightning as I ran on the track while my sister constantly appeared and disappeared on the track.
I reached the end in no time and only 2 seconds after me, Ayaka arrived at the end of the track.
"I let you win, brother. So don't get cheeky with me."
Ayaka said with a pout the moment she arrived.
"Alright, my little sister."
I said, ruffling Ayaka's silver hair.
As we were talking to each other we failed to notice Aizawa, Present Mic, Momo and all the other student's stunned expressions.
We looked towards them when we heard Present Mic's loud voice.
With that our Recommendation Entrance Exam came to an end.