Chereads / Revenge Of A Crazy Teen / Chapter 5 - Highschool Case (2)PART 1

Chapter 5 - Highschool Case (2)PART 1

" What the fuck, she's out of money!" Debbie went over to the frightened girl and grabbed her by the hair and said " hey Mandy I thought you said we're friends and you also promised to treat us out but you don't even have enough money, how are you going to be part of the cool girls like this or do you want to be like that fat friend of yours" the Mandy girl shook her head in panic.

I guess they were talking about Wendy Gates, so this girl Mandy was her friend huh I guess I need to get close to her first to know more about Wendy. Thankfully my helmet was still on which makes it easier to hide my identity, I walk over to them and dragged Mandy behind me which surprised them then I turned to Mandy and said "what are you doing here so late your mom was worried about you" I squeezed her hand a little so she plays along.

She understood what I was trying to do and says " oh your right I forgot to tell her I was going out with my classmates" she looks at Debbie and her crew and says "sorry guys I should go now I'll see guys tomorrow" we were about to leave when Debbie suddenly said " hey we're not done talking to you were are you going" Mandy panicked but I spoke up instead " you guys are Mandy's friend right I'm sure you can tell her what you want to at school tomorrow, unless you guys were doing something to Mandy".

They all looked at each other and backed away while Debbie just storms off after saying "whatever" and her crew leaves behind her. I think I need more beer, " thank you very much for your help" Mandy told me holding my hands she looked relieved but still frightened so I say "don't worry just wait for me I'll drop you off at home".

After getting what I wanted I came out and saw her waiting for me outside, I'm glad she waited but shouldn't she be conscious of strangers. "Ok thanks for waiting her have a can of soda" I tossed a can at her, she managed to catch it then drank it.

"Sorry but I don't have a spare helmet" I said as I got on my bike, "it's ok I'm already greatful that you offered to drop me off at home" she hopped on and held me by the waist and told me her address.

Getting to her location I stopped the bike and she got off, "thank you very much for saving me once again, I've been trying to get away from them but they won't leave me alone" she looks like she was about to cry and I wasn't ready for that so I just asked her what school she goes to, she was a surprised by my question but she answered "I go to Blue Rivers girls school".

"Well my sister Casey was looking for a school to go to since we moved here so I was thinking of taking her to your school so please get along with her ok" I was thinking of using this as an excuse to get close to her when we meet in school tomorrow. She agreed to what I said and thanked me again before going inside the house.

I drove back home and once I got to the living room I sat on the couch and opened a can of beer because I was so tired seriously it took me so much patience not to beat those girls up but if I give in, I might kill them and my dark side will take over again and I don't want that to happen.


It's 5am Thursday morning and I have a big ass hangover, my head feels like it's gonna explode but I have to get ready for school today. I already signed myself up for school luckily I was able to hack the school computer and add my form with the others on time unless I wouldn't have made it on time. I wore the school uniform and went on to choose a face and wig to wear, should I go to a sexy look or something cute hmmmm very hard to decide which one would make Debbie feel on edge.

After much consideration I went for the sexy look, I choose a face with defined jaws, a long light brown wig and lastly blue contact. I normally have black hair and dark green eyes but this look kinda suits me better lol, after getting ready I went to the bus station.

I arrived at the school gate and I saw that there was another school not far from it and it was also own by Blue Rivers but it was an all boys school and I saw many of them staring at me like creeps seriously am I suppose to feel attractive when they stare at me like a piece of meat. I walked over to the girls school and everyone here also kept staring at me and some even whispered things like " wow is she a celebrity?", " she's really pretty" and " she's dead if Debbie sees her" the last one made me proud of my hard work.

Entering the hallways I received the same stares as before and some complemented me while others called me fake or plastic not that I'm offended cause it is fake lol. There was a commission happening ahead so I went to look at it but on getting their I saw it was Debbie and Mandy again but this time Mandy was on the floor crying while Debbie was wasting perfectly good coffee on her head.

"This is what you deserve you little slut thinking you're prettier than me huh and trying to filrt with my boyfriend with that face of yours bitch" Debbie said to Mandy who was trying to say something but she only cried harder. While watching this scene I had only one word to describe it "pathetic", both of them were pathetic Mandy is for not picking up the pen besides her and stabing Debbie's leg with, I would but since not everyone is like me I won't blame her and as for Debbie she's pathetic for letting her inferiority complex make her do these unnecessary things.

I went over to the scene to act like a hero, I went over and said to Debbie "what are you doing to her" I helped Mandy stand up and try to take her to the bathroom when Debbie grabbed my hands and said " hey! who the hell are you to interfere with something that doesn't concern you" she glared at me. I wanted to say something back but as they say saved by the bell, not me though Debbie was saved before I accidentally scratched her face.

"Are you ok?" I asked Mandy not that I cared really but she looks like she needs someone to care right now as she was still crying her eyes out, so I just took her to the bathroom to help her clean up.

After she cleaned some of the coffee from her we both went to class. We arrived late and the teacher was really angry but after I told him I accidentally splid coffee on her and was helping her clean up, he let us off saying it's because it's my first day.

After that long ass day of learning it was finally closing time, it's really pointless learning from someone I was smarter than it's really stressful listening to something you already know.

I was going out when was going to the front gate I saw Mandy outside she was talking to a boy and from his uniform he was from the boys school next to us. She looked uncomfortable and scared so I went to her and said to her " Hey Mandy sorry for keeping you waiting let's go home now" I didn't even glance at the guy infront of her. She took my hand and we both left the guy standing like a pole behind us, I asked her who the guy was and she said " He was Debbie's boyfriend".