Chereads / One Piece: Dream of Immortality / Chapter 512 - Itsy Bitsy

Chapter 512 - Itsy Bitsy

"Where in the world did you get that?" Ace asked.

"If I had to guess?" Cherry thought for a moment. "I probably stole it from Kaido? I can't say for certain because I don't remember doing it."

"How can you not remember stealing a devil fruit from an Emperor of the sea?" Ace gave her an odd look.

"I was drunk," Cherry said.

Ace opened his mouth to express his doubt, but he stopped when he caught Luffy nodding like the explanation made perfect sense.

"How do you rob an Emperor when you're black out drunk?!" Ace couldn't understand it.

"Drunk Cherry is a nuisance, and far more capable than anyone in a hundred kilometer radius should be comfortable with," Cherry said.

"What kind is it?" Yamato asked, drawing attention back to the devil fruit in Cherry's lap.

"I'll bet it's a Zoan type. This is Kaido we're talking about, after all," Ace suggested.

"Indeed it is," Cherry nodded.

The devil fruit looked to be a bunch of blackberries, each one bearing a single red swirl in the shape of a figure eight.

"If I had to guess, some kind of spider model?" Cherry rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She already had an idea of where she wanted to use it.

Yamato let out a shudder. "I never liked spiders. One of my father's crew has a spider devil fruit; she's a real creep."

"You should see some of the spiders I saw back in my day. You'd never stop having nightmares about them," Cherry said.

"Back in your day? How old are you supposed to be?" Yamato squinted his eyes at her. Cherry didn't look any older than himself.

"I'm over six hundred years old," Cherry said.

Yamato snorted. "Sure."

"Whelp, I'd better not stick around drinking more of your booze. The last we need is Drunk Cherry causing more problems," Cherry slapped her knees and stood up, putting the devil fruit chest under her arm.

"Do you talk in third person often?" Ace asked.

"I'm not. Drunk Cherry is a completely different person," Cherry left them with that to think about.

"If it isn't my favorite, sexy archaeologist," Cherry sauntered over to Robin, who was reading a scroll.

Robin looked up and raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you know many sexy archaeologists?"

"Loads, they're everywhere. Honestly, it's starting to be a problem," Cherry said, plopping herself down next to her lover.

"I can't imagine how that could be true. The world needs more people seeking answers to the mysteries of the past, sexy or not," Robin said.

"Maybe we can make a school, then. After all this sailing to the end of the world business is over with," Cherry leaned against Robin's shoulder.

"One of those 'Sects' you told me about?" Robin asked.

"Mm, maybe. The world needs to grow a little kinder before I'd be comfortable with that," Cherry hummed.

Robin smiled. "I agree."

"In less sappy news, check this out!" Cherry pulled her new acquisition free from her pocket. "I reckon this baby will do nicely for your dagger."

"A devil fruit?" Robin observed the blackberry bunch with some intrigue. "What kind is it?"

"Spider," Cherry answered simply.

"That's…" Robin started, pausing to consider it. "Terrifying."

"You think so too? Perfect fit for you, isn't it?" Cherry asked.

Robin gave her a look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"What? Would you prefer a book worm?" Cherry giggled at the mental image that conjured and Robin huffed in mild amusement.

When Cherry's minor giggle fit turned into a frown and a dark look in her eyes, Robin felt some concern. "What's wrong?"

"No, a worm wouldn't suit you at all." Cherry didn't elaborate further on that comment. Her cheer returned swiftly, though. "I don't think a spider would suit you either; but for your knife, it's fantastic. Think of the utility!"

Robin couldn't deny the potential. If she could spin webs with her dagger, then she could effectively spin them anywhere, using her bloom devil fruit to transport it wherever she wished.

"I suppose so," Robin agreed. "Shall we do it now?"

"We can do it later. For now, let's fuse the devil fruit with your knife," Cherry quipped.

Robin punched her shoulder with a false frown and Cherry cackled.

Robin summoned her knife, dismissed the brief temptation to stab Cherry, and handed it over to her. Robin prepared herself in a proper meditation posture.

The process was quick and Robin made use of the excess energies she had been told about before. After a few minutes of digestion, it was over. Robin opened her eyes and looked at the result-

Robin's breath hitched and she had to look away. She wasn't prepared for this at all!

"Wow," Cherry said. "I'm not sure what to make of this."

Robin was sure. The roughly cannon ball sized spider standing in Cherry's hands was one of the most adorable things she had ever seen! She almost squealed!

Robin dared to look at it again. At her again. Eight big adorable eyes stared back at her. The fact that the legs and mandibles were literal blades didn't detract from her cuteness at all!

"I guess it's-" "She." "She's a black widow?" Cherry corrected herself, marveling at the glossy black carapace and the blazing red hourglass on her abdomen.

Robin took her new… sister(?) into her hands carefully. "Aren't you just the cutest?!"

"What's her name then?" Cherry asked.

Robin actually gasped in shock. "I get to name her…"

Robin absolutely wasn't prepared for this. It was like naming a baby you didn't know you were going to have!

Then it just popped into her head.

"Olvia," Robin spoke at almost a whisper.

Cherry, who had practically been brimming with the desire to tease her over the name she chose, settled down immediately. Cherry wrapped an arm around Robin's shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. "It's a good name."

Robin nodded. Olvia nodded too and Robin had to resist the urge to hug the tiny creature.

"I wonder how smart she is?" Cherry mused. "Cabernet has a human model devil fruit, and both she and Merry started at ships, so it makes sense that they're both pretty smart. I'm not sure about a knife, even if she's a blood bound weapon."

Olvia gave Cherry an affronted look. At least, Cherry thinks she did. It was hard to tell with a bug face.

"I'm not sure. I can feel her feelings, but they aren't complete thoughts like you've described with Cabernet. She seems to be very curious, though," Robin explained.

"Maybe try teaching her math," Cherry suggested.

"Math?" Robin smirked at the idea.

"Sure. Can't hurt, can it?" Cherry shrugged.

Robin and Cherry spent the next few minutes trying to coax Olvia into solving math problems carved into the dirt. Olvia was very attentive, but didn't seem all that keen on actually participating unless Robin directed her to do so through their blood bond. Doing that was inconclusive, though, since Robin didn't know if she'd unintentionally given her the answer along with the command.

"It's possible that she's just not there yet. Blood bound weapons improve with your cultivation realm, so it's possible that her intelligence will rise along with it, too," Cherry hypothesized. "That's just guesswork, though. I have no experience in these matters, aside from the fact that Cabernet makes a fool of herself a lot less often than when she first awoke; and that could just as easily be due to life experience."

Robin wasn't in a rush. She had hope that Olvia would be more than just a weapon, and she would do what she could to see that happen.