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Charleston Adventure: Based on a true story

based on a true story with fictional character

Chapter 1 - Charleston Adventure: Based on a true story

Before reading please note: all names used are fictional names to protect the identity of the person I interviewed thank you



Act one: problems

Act 2: drugs, parties, escape

Act 3: love life

Act 4; Living happily


Charleston was born on December 18th, 1999, he is the first son of the family. His father and mother never got along due to how toxic life is with them. In 2000 Charleston's parents divorced and remarried 2001. Charleston family always had feuds just like in the game of thrones show. In 2002 his father and mother divorced again and remarried again for the last time in 2004. when Charleston was 4 years old, he started learning a different language than his native one. thus, adopting English. At the age of 5, Charleston is regarded by many English elementary teachers as one of the most fluent native English speakers, thus adopting the skill of language learning. along with the family feud, Charleston's story began when he reached the age of 9.

Act one: problems

Charleston began having difficulties learning in school, issues at home, and bullies. At the age of 9, Charleston was raped by a school bully and beaten up so badly that the principal had to contact the parents and inform them of the situation. At that time the principal and the parents didn't know about Charleston being raped instead they were focused more on the damage that has been caused by the bully. Fast forward to April of 2009, Charleston's bully and rapist began to threaten him and using for money, class work, and sex object. On April 8th, 2009, a student was wandering around the hall when he accidentally stumbled on Charleston in the bathroom being threatened and raped. Thus, notifying the principal and telling him what he saw. Principle immediately contacted the police and the parents to notify them about the Charleston situation. The parents were furious about Charleston and the rapist's family. Charleston at that time was silent, shocked and tung tied from words that he can't express from the shocks he is going through and the shame he felt from the problem. On the 6th of May 2009, the court ruled Charleston's offender as being not guilty which was a huge shock to Charleston. Even though he was 9, he understands the court system by watching too many crime shows and law and order. Charleston looked at his parents and looked at the lawyer, thinking there might be a mistake or there is an issue, but no one gave the kid attention. Charleston was broken inside because he knows the amount of shame is coming especially living in an Islamic country. After leaving court Charleston's dad accused him of being gay and weak. His mom stated that he should not be born and that he is a disgrace to the family. As Charleston grew so his pain and suffering grew. From the age of 10 to 18, Charleston began suffering abuse from his father and mother. But Charleston had an escape from these problems because his life now is being Knowledge, Charleston understands the worst of the world and the best. Even though Charleston thought the problems of rape will fade away his cousins started turning to the same thing and Charleston cannot talk about it because no one will believe him.

Act 2: drugs, parties, escape

The series of abuse started after the rape, beat up and verbal abuse from all around him filled his anger, At the age of 14, Charleston began hanging out late at night, drinking, smoking cigarettes, and hanging out with high ballers. In the streets, Charleston was very viscous and adopt the name dark death. When Charleston comes home late at night he gets beaten up, and grades low beaten up and when he is trying to respect his parents also beaten up. Charleston started to notice that his dad's beat up is not that pain due to drugs, his depression is gone due to drugs and his happiness is now back because of drugs. So, he started doing them daily before classes and after arriving home. Charleston got addicted to cocaine, alcohol, and pills ( Xanax, pain killers, lean and more). At the age of 15, Charleston started to go out parting and have fun while also maintaining good grades in school. Charleston started to treat people with the respect code which he stated, "respect to be respected, stomp on me ill stomp on your family''. His friends were scared of Charleston's path. On the evening of January 9th, 2015. Charleston and his friends were sitting in a park smoking and taking pills. Charleston notices one of his friends screaming slurs and threatening him. Charleston with no hesitation grabbed a screwdriver and an axe to confront him. his friend at that time was high on drugs and Charleston felt bad because he remembers his friend's mom was crying when she found that Dave is using drugs. Dave charged at Charleston, Charleston got his screwdriver and stabbed him in the eyes blinding him, cutting his tung out and punching his ears, and leaving him there restless, cops came and started to integrate around. Charleston explained his story and Dave's family confirms it is an act of self-defense due to Dave's history. Charleston apologizes to the family's mother and father. The mother stated '' drugs let your mind lose and control your ego, our son had it coming at least he isn't dead to break my heart but now he won't be able to speak or do anything which is a relief''. Charleston replied by saying '' mam your son was my best friend but what he did isn't your fault'', Dave's mom said ''I know sweetie I am glad it was you who did it not someone who will kill him''. The next day Charleston receives a phone call from Dave's brother. Dave's brother said ''my mom is crying because of what you did, I know you tried to defend yourself but it was wrong what you did'' Charleston replied ''if there is any father who cannot step up for his son's actions I am their bitch, at least your mother now feels better, Dave can't see talk or hear which in opinion is a safe way to say no drugs for your bitch brother.'' And hung up the phone. Fast forward to the 4th of July 2016, Charleston had a friend who is spreading rumors about Charleston's rape. Charleston found who and told his friends to set up a meeting. Because he is a dark death his friends feared the worst, so they follow up with the plan. Charleston sat in a house beach waiting for the man to show up with his friends. Once, Jeremy, the roomer guy showed up Charleston walked up to him and said '' Bitch boy, *punch*, you think you can mess me up by your roomers? tie him up boys, and bring my tools.'' Jeremy was scared and Charleston was enjoying the torture of Jeremy, Charleston friends describe the torture as being sick, high in anger, pain, and inhumane just like the movies of gangsters. Charleston used clippers, a water towel, a battery car, and drills. Jeremy said to Charleston'' I am sorry please let me go.'', which Charleston replies '' well, *drill sound on leg*. *LAUGHS*, no until you fix what you did, or you swim with the fishes for what you did. your choice,*drills his legs again*. '', Jeremy *SCREAMS* *CRYING* said '' please stopped I will fix it I promise.'', Charleston looks at his face with a smirk saying '' well you are good boy, I am going to take to the hospital to get you patched up but if you tell them what I did I will kill your brother Dimitry'' Jeremy agreed and went to the hospital. On the way there Jeremy's mom called and Charleston took the phone and answered saying '' hey mam how are you I am Charleston; your son had a boating accident, and we are taking care of him so do not worry he will be with us for 3 days before arriving to your safe mam.'' Jeremy's mom replied '' o hi Charleston, thank you and sure since Jeremy is with you I can count on you to take care of his idiotic brain-dead dumbass'', Charleston said ''thank you may have a wonderful day'' * hangs up* and looked at Jeremy " you're lucky I sleep with your mom you know, I bet that the day I slept with your mom is a day you are now blessed to be a man'' *smiles* Jeremy is speechless to the hospital. the doctor saw Jeremy's wounds and ask, " what happen ?'' Jeremy replies '' boating accident'' doctor asks '' how? Doesn't look like it ?'' Jeremy looks at Charleston outside the door and fear hits him and he told the doctor ''well we had harpoon guns for fishing underwater and I accidentally shot two of them towards my leg and since the boat was moving very fast so we can come here I got beat up pretty badly by a bad boat driver " * laughs in pain*, the doctor calls Charleston to ask him what happen, Charleston said '' he said it was a boating accident right?'' the doctor said ''yes, but what happens'' Charleston replies saying ''he told you he is an idiot playing with toys he should not mess with it's his problem now so patch him up and his mom is picking him up in 3 days.'' Doctor, *nodes*, and took Jeremy to surgery and in 3 days Charleston and Jeremy's mother showed up to pick him up. Fast forward to May 16th, 2016, Charleston met his first girlfriend named Sarah, at that time Charleston was playing cs go and he was playing in a called fire flame an upcoming ammeter league, the team contested by people around the world, and Charleston fell in love with Sarah after numerous 1v1s. in 2016 gaming cafes were a huge black market drug ring and fun, so Charleston went there mostly to clear his head and play games, there he smoked his first joint ever. Ever since Charleston stopped doing hardcore drugs like coke and pills for a while. Until 2019, Charleston had numerous off-and-on relationships and he is now going to study abroad in the states. Thus, he got back to the old habits until he found the person he loves.

Act 3: love life

Charleston had 10 breaks ups as he describes the story to me. His first girlfriend is a cs go player and date her from 2016 to 2017. His 2nd to 9th were 2-month relations after catching them cheating with someone in his bed, Charleston told her if we can talk and maybe solve it, even though Charleston is not soft from the outside he is from the inside as there was a development of his life, where now he starts to forgive and forget. So, it began in 2019 Charleston met an American girl in college and dated her for approximately 9 months, in January 2020 they broke up again and Charleston said '' it is fine if you want to be a lesbian but don't play with my emotions''. That night Charleston got drunk and called someone named Layla a Turkish single mother who has a similar problem in life where she became lesbian because she doesn't like dating men anymore due to her past. Layla answers her phone looking at Charleston drunk and high off coke and in rage, she hangs up and txt him '' what are you doing with your life?'' concerned Layla calls after he didn't reply. Charleston answers and says all his abuse life, pain, and how much he loves Layla due to him believing she's her soulmate. Layla at that time was confused and states'' Charleston I'm lesbian and I don't want to date boys anymore'', Charleston hung up and cried all day, having memories of attempted suicide from his childhood when he was 14 to painful drug use. On March 5th, 2020 Charleston receives a drunk call from Layla where she states '' I know I am drunk but I think we are meant to be together I love you and I am sorry for what you been through'' Charleston replies with a smile '' Layla something about you that god made me feel about it, you will complete me with something I wish I had which is family.'' Fast forward to pandemic 2020 May and 2021 February era where lockdown is happening Layla disappears and Charleston texted her friend saying '' where is Layla I have not talked to her in 1 week I feel something wrong tell me what's is going on?'' her friend reply back saying '' she went homeless and lost her daughter in court due to covid, she doesn't want you to know'' Charlton cries and calls her when she answered Charleston said '' Layla babe, ok your homeless I know that but your with me, your daughter is gone but I can help you as you do to me mentally, you gave me a chance to be a stepdad and a husband to life let me help you'' at first Layla disagreed and Charleston was still in setting on sending her money to live. In 2021 March 5th, on the anniversary Layla accepted the offer of Charleston. Charleston manage to give her from his salary half of the money and said to her '' my money is your money, my heart is yours too, I am a family man who misses a mom and dad but I will raise a child better than what I have'', Layla smiles and felt in love more with Charleston because he was the right man for her life. After 5 years of long-distance Charleston manages to book a flight to see Layla on august 30th 2022. Between May and August, Charleston had money issues regarding people using him, especially his best friends who notice now Charleston is soft and loves to help people under the name of God. Charleston ended up being in debt and had nowhere to go, but he fought through and manages to travel to see his Layla with 0 in his account and lives happier than she ever thought, till this day Layla knows that Charleston is reckless, but she knows he can help her out and he finds a way to run away from problems.

Act 4; Living happily

After all those years and suffering both Charleston and Layla went through, they are now living together with a successful business store and giving back to the community. Charleston and Layla now live in turkey with 3 children. Charleston always tried working hard to provide back at the same time learned new skills, he tried marketing, social media approach, copywriting, listing to people, and more but none of them were as successful as his company with his wife is. Charleston's story shows that no matter how much you get your hand dirty in life you will eventually rely on what is right and what is wrong. Charleston's story always inspires me to think about what the meaning of life is when I feel down, there could be a moment in my life that may turn my life around just like Charleston, those stories will teach us that no matter who is the person In Front of us is at the end we are humans who suffer the same. Charleston's story ends with a happy ending because he fought for it and he told In the meeting to include in this, '' no matter what life gives you from punches, pain, problems or bad family, know that God looks and listens then it delivers you when you talk to him and express your feelings to him.'', Charleston explains that he is now drug-free since 2020 after meeting Layla and going strong.

The end

Author: ADNAN
