Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 56 - Chapter 56

Chapter 56 - Chapter 56

Charlie landed directly in front of Bella's parents house and they both ran out of the house after hearing the commotion.

Kyle what's wrong with Bella? Claire said as she ran down to them.

She came to the castle and saved us Claire! Kyle said sobbing

Bring her inside right now! Claire said and lead them to Bella's room.

As soon as Kyle placed Bella on her bed, he began crying uncontrollably.

Claire I can't lose her. Please help her! Kyle screamed

Claire immediately rubbed her hands together and created a soft yellow glow. She began to pass her hands above Bella from the tip of her toes to the crown of her head.

I don't know what's wrong with her Kyle but her vital signs are all good! I think she just in a deep sleep! Claire said

Bella wake up baby, wake up! What about the pups Claire? Are they okay?  Kyle asked

Everything seems to be fine Kyle! Maybe she just needs to rest. Let's go outside and you can tell us what happened while I put up some coffee! Claire said as she opened to door for the disheartened Kyle to walk through.

As soon as Claire and Bella walked downstairs, they saw that Kyle's entire family was waiting to hear what was going on with Bella.

Claire made the coffee and Peter made sandwiches as the family relayed everything that happened at the battle. While the Alpha and his family informed Claire and Peter, Kyle kept trying to mindlink Bella but kept getting nothing from her.

Kyle then walked back upstairs and walked to Bella's room. He laid down beside her on her bed and placed his hands on her belly and immediately felt the pups kicking.

Wow Bella, they're so active now. He said and looked at Bella and began to cry.

Thank you for your help today Bella. If it wasn't for you being able to do what you did, I don't think me or my family would have been here with you. You have to come back to us Bella. We need you to start our new life! Kyle said as he softly rubbed her belly.

Several minutes later, as Kyle had now drifted off to sleep, Bella woke up screaming like a banshee. Kyle flew out of the bed and fell on the ground just as the bedroom door burst open and Bella sat wide eyes and sweating profusely and dropped back down instantly.

Claire rushed to Bella's side and began rubbing her hands together and once again creating the soft yellowish glow and began passing it over Bella's body.

Kyle what did you do to Bella this time? Karl asked at once

Karl not now! Kyle shouted as he sprang to his feet and went to the other side of the bed.

Bella immediately turned to him and grabbed his hands tightly,

I fucking hate you, you mother fucker! Get these things out of me now! Bella screamed and tightened her grip on Kyle hands causing him to scream out in pain.

And with that said I think you guys should leave because Bella is about to conceive. Jean and the girls can stay to assist. Kyle you can go and tell Peter I said to give you an ice pack for your hand. Claire said calmly.

Immediately the men left the room as Bella began screaming profanities. Claire went into the washroom and washed her hands followed by Jean, Lizzy and Charlie.

We need warm water, towels and a large piece of stick to place in Bella's mouth so she could bite down and stop cursing! Claire ordered

Twenty minutes later, after pacing back and forth in front of the door, Kyle heard the first sound of wailing and he began to shake and sob softly. Then he heard the second wailing and smiled. Then he heard the third wailing and smiled even brighter. The forth wailing had Lizzy opening the door and pulling him inside and handing him a male pup wrapped in a blanket in his hands. Kyle smiled brightly at the pup and held him tightly. Kyle then looked at Bella who was sweaty and looked extremely exhausted, and smile at her. Bella seeing this, spit the stick out of her mouth.

Don't you there fucking smile at me. Never again Kyle, never again! You fucking smug bastard! Bella said and began to scream out.

Kyle call Peter in the here. We need more hands! Claire shouted and Kyle felt a very large lump in his throat as the walked through the door to call Bella's father.

Several months later, Kyle and Bella along with Karl and Charlie stood on the stage of the induction ceremony at Castle Rock, doing their ceremonial rites before they became official members of the Dark Moon Clan.

Alpha Czar, Jean, Claire, Peter, Lizzy and James looked on at the ceremony along with the eight pups sitting in their laps. In attendance also was the packs remaining werewolves. As soon as the healer had raised his hands, all four on stage began to howl causing a large chorus of howls to begin.

Alpha Czar then got up and raised his glass,

As I look around tonight at the werewolves all gathered here, not forgetting witches and even a human, I have come to the realization that the bond that binds us as a true family, is not one of blood. Instead it is one of respect, understanding and joy in each other.  To Charlie , Bella and her parents, I welcome you to the Dark Moon Pack! The Alpha said and there were loud cheers and whistles as everyone toasted.

Karl, remember when we were in the forest and I kept screaming out for you to breathe me? Well guess what? Charlie said as soon as the healer had congratulated them and walked away.

Charlie for real? I'm going to be a father? Karl asked as Charlie shook her head to confirm.

Kyle immediately mindlinked his family the great news and they all began to howled out erratically. This was followed by a chorus of howling from other member congratulating them including Bella and her family.

Bella stood on the stage with a flower in her hair looking into Kyle's eyes until he kissed her. They were interrupted while the family brought their litter to them on the stage. The three females and two male pups stood around the couple as Kyle and Bella looked lovingly down to their five babies.

Immediately Karl jumped down the stage and snapped the picture that he had seen in his dreams and as he looked at it for a long time, it then occurred to him that his powers were increasing as the pictured confirmed his premonition from almost a year ago. A broad smile came over his face as he walked to his mate, Lizzy and James and showed them the picture and they were all awed after remembering joking about it. But they also understood what it meant for each of their powers.

In a distance, standing in the pillar looking on was Cain and Lera who Bella had resurrected earlier. They both hugged each other lovingly as they looked into each other's eyes and remembered the life they had and continue to lead side by side.


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