Chereads / The Unification / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Meanwhile at the den far away, Fiona and Caleb grew closer and closer together as the years passed by. Indeed, Caleb was no ordinary human because as soon as he was able to walk he was able to perform small magical acts like moving things with his fingers.

Mama, Caleb is teasing me!  Fiona said as they laid around the small fire in the den to sleep.

Where did he learn to tease from little one? Dora asked her with raised eye.

Fiona did not answer but blushed and gave her mother an angelic look.

You have to remember Fiona, that everything Caleb says or does he learns from you and me because we're the only one in his life except for the magic. So if you teach him things that will annoy you and he does it then you should not be upset. Caleb stop the teasing, it's not a nice thing to do! Dora said smilingly at Caleb and then nuzzled Fiona's face.

Over the next several months, Caleb had grown tremendously and was magically moving rocks in the air with his fingers. Dora had wondered about his magic when she first began to notice it and thought he belonged to a family of witches. But she also knew that witches was very protective of their offspring and could not understand why he was left on the river.

Suddenly, Caleb dropped the rocks and went into a trance and walked out of the den and stared at the full moon.

Fiona saw what had happened and went closer to her mother and alerted her. Dora cautiously got up and followed him.

Mama what is wrong with Caleb? Is he sick? Why is he behaving so strangely?" Fiona asked frightenly as they both watched him intensely as he continued to stare at the moon.

At that same time, Caleb shape-shifted into a werewolf and turned around and began growling at Dora and Fiona. He began walking towards them slowly as he snarled and bared his teeth.

Caleb stop it! Don't make me hurt you please! Fiona said as she stepped in front of Dora to protect her sensing the danger from Caleb.

Caleb continued snarling and within seconds, Fiona's eyes turned red and smoke came through her nostrils. Caleb hesitated for a minute but continued walking towards them still growling aggressively and baring his teeth.

Fiona breathe out a blaze of fire directly in front of him stopping him in his path.  Dora knew she was giving him a warning but it seemed that Caleb did not recognize them.

Caleb it is us Dora and Fiona, we are your family! Dora said in a soft soothing voice but Caleb still kept moving forward.

Fiona began breathing smoke through her nostrils once again.

Wait little one! Dora said to Fiona.

Caleb try and remember us honey. We're Dora and Fiona. We found you at the river and brought you to live with us! Remember Caleb?  Remember us and the time you've spent with us! Dora said calmly.

Suddenly, Caleb eyes changed and he smiled at Dora and Fiona. Instantly he shape-shifted into a werewolf and seconds after,  he transformed into a dragon and then returned to human form.

Dora was stunned and looked at Caleb for a long time because she understood then how incredible her find at the river truly was. He was a cross breed of a werewolf, human and a witch and would be considered very powerful to either sides he fought for. But she could not understand why someone would leave such a powerful baby at the river edge.

Fiona began to laugh with joy and jump around Caleb.

Mama did you see him turn into a dragon like us? Did you see? Fiona asked and giggled.

I saw little one. But you have to be careful with Caleb because he wields power that I have never seen before. I don't know how powerful he truly is and until we do, you have to be careful around him! Do you hear me Fiona? Dora warned

Mama Caleb won't hurt us, he loves us! Fiona said as she went to Caleb and he began petting her face. He then came over to Dora and put his head against her face and touched her lovingly.

I'm sorry Dora. I would never hurt you or Fiona, I promise. Caleb said and went back to Fiona's side.

Dora smiled when she saw how exceptionally well Caleb had grown with the way he apologized lovingly to them both for what had happened. She laid down her head and closed her eyes and thought of her companion,  Isabel the White Witch! She had to take Caleb to see Isabel to determine what he was for sure and how powerful he truly was. Dora knew that she was the only good witch she could trust with such a secret.

Dora looked across to Fiona and Caleb after hearing quietness for a while and saw Caleb sleeping under Fiona's wing and next to her head. Dora smiled and closed her eyes and slept.

The next morning Dora awoke to squeals of laughter from Fiona when Caleb, who had transformed into a dragon, and was chasing her around.

Mama Caleb is a dragon too! Can we see if he can fly? Fiona asked excitedly.

Fiona, Caleb is not a dragon but can transform into one. We can try to see if he can fly yes! Dora said and walked out of the den with them.

Fiona began flapping her wings and was  in the sky soaring instantly while Caleb struggled.

Caleb take your time honey! Fiona was born with wings so it's much easier for her to fly. You have to ensure that your both wings move together in unison otherwise you'd lose balance or won't be able to take off. Dora said softly as she used her wings to show him

Caleb followed her instructions and began to lift off the ground. He began to smile broadly as Fiona flew around him cheering him on.

Dora was still quite unsure about his capabilities so she stayed close by and never took her eyes of them.

After sometime, Caleb got really good at flying and Fiona and he was having an enjoyable time with playing a game of tag in the clouds when in a blink of an eye, Caleb unexpectedly changed into a human and began rapidly falling. Fiona hadn't realized what had happened until she heard him scream and only after turning around did she see him falling at an alarmingly fast speed. She thought he'd change back so she waited a bit. But she realized that he wasn't and she flew into action and screeched out to her mother.

Then, the only solution she could think about was diving at a particular angle to give her enough speed so she could reach him. She quickly positioned her body and she began to dive. Fiona set her eyes on Caleb, who was a distance away, and maneuvered her body to reach him.

Luckily however, Dora had anticipated that much seeing that it was Caleb's first time flying and was able to get close enough to him so that he grabbed on to her and then was able to climb onto her back.

Fiona saw what her mother had done and pulled away and then came side to side with them and they descended down to the mountains towards their den.

When they landed, Fiona quickly went to Caleb and placed her head on his shoulder.

You scared me Caleb. What happened? Why did you not change back in the air? Fiona asked as she looked into his eyes.

I don't know what happened. I am sorry but it seems that I cannot control my powers Fiona. Caleb said sadly.

I don't know my family or what I am so I don't know how to control remaining as a dragon so we could fly together! He continued in an angry tone.

We may not know what you are but we know you belong to this family Caleb. Fiona said softly with tears in her eyes still feeling scared after thinking she could have lost him earlier.

I am sorry Fiona I did not mean to upset you.  Please don't cry! It's just that I get so angry knowing that I don't know who or what I am. I will try harder next time okay. Caleb said sadly as he stroked Fiona's face.

Don't worry Caleb, we'll figure it out. Look how far you've come from being a pet! The tears came when I thought that you almost died. Fiona said and placed her face against his as she rubbed it softly.

Dora overheard the conversation and decided to tell them about someone that she believed could help.

I think I know someone who can help with that Caleb. We will practice more with your flying and when you're good enough, we will all visit her. But you have to practice really hard okay. Dora said and walked back into the den to rest since she was still feeling uneasy about almost losing Caleb.

Come inside little ones let us take a rest before we go out to hunt for food in a while. Dora's voice echoed from inside the den and Fiona and Caleb followed her.

Several minutes later, Caleb flew up after getting  a disgustingly pungent smell. He walked out of the den and sniffed. Suddenly he shapeshifted into a greyish white werewolf with long fangs and pointed ears and began running towards the smell. Only when he came upon the huge animal with stocky legs did he stop, but the bear had already heard him and began charging towards him.

Caleb was to swift for him though and as they battled for several minutes, Caleb was able to get hold of his throat and he quickly ripped it out. Caleb then shapeshifted back to a human and sat down breathless, bloodstained and unaware that another lycanthrope was hunting that same bear, stood watching him from behind some trees. When Caleb finally caught his breath he transformed into a dragon and picked up the huge bear and flew off with him. The observing werewolf became so afraid of what he saw that he began to run towards his pack without stopping to rest.

When he arrived at the liar of his pack he ran straight to his Alpha, Syke, and told him what he had witnessed and immediately other werewolves were sent to neighboring packs to warn them.

Fiona saw him first and then Dora as he walked into the den. Caleb changed from a dragon into human before them and was covered in blood and they both flew up with fright

Caleb are you hurt? Dora quickly asked as Fiona looked desperately around his body.

It's not my blood but a surprise I have for you both. Caleb answered and turned around and began to walk out the den.

When Caleb arrived and presented the huge dead bear before them they both were truly amazed and happy.

You did great Caleb, I'm very proud of you! Dora said and brushed her face against his.

Why didn't you take me with you? Next time I want to go okay. Fiona complained but Caleb just laughed.

Let's eat, I'm hungry! He said and shape shifted into a werewolf and they all began to devour the bear.