Chapter 3 - - Decisions -

It's been at least a couple of minutes since I surfaced, and while I'm relieved to see no obvious danger around me on this barren planet, I'm also a little worried.

I don't know where I am, I don't even know if I'm really in the universe of the Steven Universe series or in some other different universe, and after everything I've been through so far, I can expect anything.

- 'Well… just standing here I'm not going to answer any of my questions' I said to myself as I began to walk at a moderate pace, moderate at least from my point of view, since with my size I'm moving at least 5 meters with every step I take.

-Time skip 4 hours-

I've been walking for a few hours and still find no trace of life on this planet, just a barren desert stretching as far as the eye can see – 'I wonder if the whole planet is like this' I thought to myself in my mind. While I was walking, I wasted no time reviewing the knowledge that was downloaded into my "brain" before emerging, and the truth is crazy!

First of all, I learned absolutely everything there is to know about gems, their different types, roles, abilities, and most importantly, how to create them… Turns out, the gems themselves are some kind of unimaginably advanced holographic robots, so much so. , which can be considered cybernetic organisms, since like common living beings, they have their own feelings, personalities and ideals, and although the gems do not need food, they still need an energy source to keep them running, which it is solar or lunar light, and in case of not having any of the above, any other type of energy that they can store, such as electromagnetic, nuclear, etc.

In this sense, it can be said that the jewels in their bodies are their Hardware, their true body, where their knowledge, experiences, memories and personality are stored. The gem itself is just that, a gem. They only use their holographic light body, to be able to interact with the world around them.

I also learned that all gems have a code, in other words, it is a kind of programming that defines their functions, roles, personality, abilities, etc. And that is where diamonds come in, which also have an encoding, only this encoding allows them to know how to govern, their roles, the specifications of each gem and general knowledge, but, above all, it serves to encode and decode other gems, that is, diamonds can completely change or recreate the encodings or specifications of all gems.

On the other hand, I discovered that I also have an encoding, but it is very different from everything that the knowledge in my head says, for starters, it is encrypted, so even I don't know what's in there, and secondly, it's in a language I don't know, which is worrying, because thanks to the knowledge I gained, I can now understand the gem language and other alien languages ​​from the universe of Steven Universe.

Now back to creating gems, I know that to make them I only need minerals, and any of my bodily fluids like my saliva, sweat or tears to encode them and give them "life", although none of these are true fluids, as they too they are made of light, just a liquid light, however, making gems is quite difficult for me at the moment since I don't have the machinery, manpower or technology, although I guess I can do it the old fashioned way, but we'll leave that for later.

The last and most important thing I learned is about myself. Since, although I am White Diamond, I am not the same white diamond that we all know in Steven Universe. As I know, I am much stronger, and I have the combined abilities of the 4 diamonds in one, in addition to many other very varied abilities, among them, I can mention that I have almost all the kinesis that can be imagined, I can also fly, float, healing gems and organics just like Steven, manipulating feelings, the physical forms of gems and the mind, but most of all, my gem cut is different.

I also have my own unique ability… I can manipulate energy, in fact, as I understand it, I can manipulate and store almost any kind of energy I come in contact with, but I will have to train this skill a lot, since unlike the other abilities that I have some initial control over, my control over my own ability is mediocre to say the least…

On the other hand, I think I've walked enough already, and while I'm not physically tired and now I don't need to sleep or eat, I haven't gained anything worth walking around, the only thing I'm sure of right now is that there is apparently no life form of any kind on this planet, which is beneficial to me.

Knowing this, I have decided to do something crazy… since there is no life on this planet, at least not that I know of, I am going to colonize this planet and conquer it, and don't think badly of me, I will only do it for three reasons…

First of all: I need power, I don't know where the hell I am or how safe the world is out there, so I need an army ready and armed as soon as possible to face anything, and what better than an army of immortal gems and willing to give their lives for their diamond.

Second: I need information, I don't know if I'm in the world of Steven Universe or not, and if I really am, then there are going to be a lot of other gems out there and I don't know if they're going to be hostile towards me, but I won't know until to get out of this horrible rock, and to do that I need resources, a decent ship and manpower, a lot of manpower.

And last but not least: this place is dead, devoid of all life, so I'm not afraid to hollow out this planet and take whatever resources it has to offer and use it for my own benefit, be it in the creation of gems, ships or weapons of war, so - "LET THE COLONIZATION BEGIN!"