"Get of here, don't come back"! As I'm getting shove out of the door tripping over my feet falling down the outside stairs hearing the door closing behind me. I hurriedly got up back to the door just to have it slammed in my face. "Please, please let me back in" pounding at the door "I promise I'll do better, don't leave me out here". The women inside scream one last time telling me to scram as the lights turns off above me. I carried myself down a nearby dark alley way avoid getting sighted by people. I spotted some trash cans and began digging threw them once again, this isn't my first time getting kicked out of a home, my kind aren't always welcome around people. We're known as beast people, we come in different forms of animals. People can easily tell us apart from the ears, tail and some beasts have facial marks on them making it obvious. Personally, I only have ears to show. I'm known as a defective from no one knows what beast I am. We are used for cleaning, cooking, guards and some cases fighting. I can never turn completely into my beast form to fight in arenas, and I seem to always make a mistake. People call me useless, and I cost more than what I'm worth so every home just in a few months I just get thrown out, not even worth to sell. As I grabbed an old dirty hoody from the trash, I threw it on covering my ears. I'm fortunate I don't have any other traits to show and can semi blind in with the crowd. As I walked down on the main road trying to find a nearby park or woods to stay in, I pass other beast man with their owners. All of them have collars on with a shock collar built inside them to control us if we made a mistake. I've only seen one beast man out of control when his owner got attacked by another human and he attacked the attacker. Cause he was still a human the enforcers got involve and killed the beast man on the spot. Everyone blamed the owner from not training her beast properly and got a fine as well. She was more upset and furious on the fine than her own beast companion. Us beast man are not allowed to walk around alone in the streets without our owners or we could also be killed if shown aggressive or any kind of hostile. If we meet to their terms, we could be capture and sent to be adopted. Only the young beast gets adopted faster from they are easier to train. I'm young myself and believe I'm 17 but I have no memory where I came from and what beast type I am. I was in shelter when I was little and was able to get adopted by a family, it was just a husband and wife. The husband was always gone working while I stayed to clean the house and follow orders from the wife. She had another beast to teach me the rules of the house while she always went out shopping. I was lacking and slow from everything I was getting taught making the other beasts to pick up after me giving them the same amount of work plus more. Soon my master came to terms I was not up to par for him and was going to sell me until his wife decided I was pretty enough I can shop with her carrying her bags around. She always loved my long wavy thick blonde hair. She used to style it all the with accessories and dress me up in cute petite dresses. I knew it was just to show off her money and present me as a play doll to the public and I was fine with that. But soon one day she became ill and passed away in her sleep. Her husband remarried very quickly, and his new mistress kicked me to the curb once she saw me unvaluable taking off all the accessories and collar I once wore. It was the longest say I had with a family lasting some years. I than hop around from other homes who found me and took me in also finding me useless and rejected. I finally arrived at the nearest park I could find till all sudden it started to pour down rain, I ran quickly to a bench seat with an overhang cover. As I sat down drench wet someone else came running and sat next to me. "Wow, this rain just came out of nowhere huh" the man spoke up holding his hand out letting the rain drops hit his palm bouncing off hitting my lap. "Eh, sorry about that! I didn't mean to do that; I wasn't expecting it to be this hard". He started to take off his fluffy heavy jacket trying to hand it to me "here take this, yours is really soaked and this should cover your legs more from how long it is". "I'm okay" I replied back looking down at my knees until I saw my knees not realizing I had cuts and bruises on them. It must've been from the fall earlier with the stairs. "Come on, I'm not a bad guy! You look like you had a bad day, I already saw the marks on the knees and a pretty girl like you shouldn't be soaked like this, it's almost as you're asking for someone to snatch you". "No, no I'm good I was just about to leave". I started to get up until my hand was grabbed and forced down making my balance off, as I try to catch myself on the bench with my other hand it slid from under me throwing me backwards onto his lap. As I gazed upon him, I saw with a clear view with the moon behind him reflecting off his short blond hair, shaved side lines with bangs passing his eyebrows. He had a small eyebrow ring same color as his brown hazel eyes. As he opens his mouth to speak for that small moment, I saw those k9 fangs teeth people talked about always wanting. I thought this human was very attractive until this bubble burst really quick to reality when I heard him "you're a female beast"! I touched top of my head not feeling the hoodie over me anymore as I cover my ears, I try to squirm to get up, soon he puts both of his hands on my shoulders holding me down in place. "Hey, hey don't try to get up and run away now, do you have anywhere to go? You must've been abounded from I don't see a collar on you. I've never had a beast before, you guys are really expensive you know that. Why don't you come with me and live with me and my room mates and be our house cleaner. I mean that's kind of your only option unless you want me to call the authorities and take you away"? He's right I don't have an option no more; I thought this guy was nice but now I feel black mail. Other people at least came open and saw me in the open unlike this situation, this was all by mistake. There's nothing else I can do except to accept his offer, and just hope for the best. "I'll follow you and listen to you, my name is Aurora, what is your name master"? As I try to sit up speaking to him, he suddenly wraps his arms around me with a tight squeeze "call me Aaron". Almost having me directly sitting on his lap as if I was a child with my legs stretched out on the bench. "Great now that its settle lets me show you my place and everyone else". With everything that just happened I didn't even notice the rain had stopped already. Aaron grabbed my hand and started pulling me behind him, before we left outside the park with no one around he put his fluffy jacket around me using the hoodie to cover my ears and gently grabbed me by one hand with his thumb and finger by the jaw line, his face close up against mine feeling his warm breath on my cheek "you're mine now, don't forget okay"? He slowly backs away giving me a small smile turning around heading back to the direction we were walking. I've never had that experience before; I've never even been around men of my own age. With beast you are not allowed to have 2 of the opposite sex beasts from its illegal for us to breed with each other. They have facilities to make money off of us and don't want humans taking profit from them. Losing myself in train of thought I didn't even notice that we arrived in front of a gated area with a single house in the back surrounded by lots of trees. He opened a small black box connected to the black gate and enter some numbers having the gate open for us. "Well, this is home now, you're going to love it here" as we walked hand to hand towards to house going thru the gate. As we approached the door, someone has already opened it. It was another guy with black short hair semi covered up with a towel around his shoulders dripping wet as if he just got out of the shower gazing at me with those narrow gray eyes wearing only skinny jeans showing off his 6-pack body. He looked a little older than Aaron maybe from he seems more mature. "What did you bring with you this time, this one look filthy as you just picked her off the streets". Aaron started to laugh walking in pulling me behind him to follow "of course, that's exactly what happened. She's going to be living her from now on with me" Soon my other arm got pulled by this other man who open the door. "What the hell, let her go Leroy" Aaron yelling at the other man. Leroy replied, "we don't need another plaything for you living here, you know how long it took us to get the last girl out after you were done toying with her". As they both kept pulling on my arms to different directions hurting me, someone came behind and yank down the hoodie off my head. It was a taller short wavy red hair guy with eyes to match his hair looking down at me as I had to look upwards at him. "I figure she was a beast from she wasn't protesting back from anything you both were doing to her." Leroy let go of my arm and Aaron took that chance and pulled closer to him holding me tightly against his chest. "What are we going to do this time Leroy, he obviously did find her, and she doesn't have a collar, she can be executed if we turn her in as a runaway". Leroy let out a loud sigh "we'll just have to figure this out tomorrow morning and see if he still wants to continue with this game he's playing". "Great I'll see you tomorrow morning than", as Aaron agrees and walked past both of the man heading towards upstairs "you'll be sleeping in my room, okay Aurora". My arm gets grabbed once more again this time by the red hair. She's not going to sleep with you, she'll have her own room and I'll take her there alone. Soon as Aaron was about to say something the red hair man gave a scowl look to Aaron. "Fine I'll see you first thing in the morning, okay Aurora so sleep well and if you need anything I'm the last door to the left of the hall". "Let's go" as the red hair man pulled me gently towards the room upstairs the opposite side of the hallway from Aaron. As he opened the door the room was so big with a big king size bed with a canopy above it. It reminded me of my old master bedrooms but this time it was for me to use. He tosses me on to the bed sitting next to me moving his hands down to my leg ripping off what's left of my pants below my knee soon grabbing me by my arm pulling me closer to him slowly. My heart starts pounding fast that I'm pretty sure he can feel the vibrations from it. He soon let's go of my arm and sits up walking towards another room which appears to be the bathroom and comes back out with a first aid kit in his hand. He throws me the kit in my lap "I'm sure you know how to use this hopefully on your own, I'm sorry everything you've gone thru today but try to take care of yourself you have a lot of bruises on your legs and arms". As he was continuing to talk, I started to apply the ointment from the first aid kit to my body. He paused and gave me a gawk look at myself and sat back down next to me grabbing everything out of my hand and doing it himself. "You're not the smartest are you, I can see why you were thrown out to the streets. Well Aaron isn't smart either, so I guess you make a good team". As he finished bandaging me, he stood back up staring at me up and down. "I need you to start stripping down so you can take shower, your filthy and drenched in rainwater". I never had someone command me before to take a shower and remove my clothes in front of them. I started to stutter and nervously shake, as he walked up closer to me, he started to unzip the fluffy jacket I was wearing letting it fall onto the ground moving both his hands to my waist sides under my wet shirt sliding upwards pulling it right off with my hands in the air as he grabbed both of my wrist with one hand holding my arms up above my head with his other hand around my waist pulling close to him. Having nothing on except for my rip pants he turned into shorts prior having my breast pushed against his lower chest from how tall he was, it was hot, and everything was spinning in my head till he bent down close to my face exposing my half nude body away from his body "You live in a house with 4 men now, what do you think you'll be doing here"?