"Calm down knockoff Scooby doo." Ash mumbled "THE GUY PINNED ME DOWN DUDE!! I WILL NOT "cAlm DoWn" BITCH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "god I forget how pissy you get. Look. I've heard of it, it's called the veri kirottu dance Some call it veren kirous. But ether way works. Bad part is Loki, I've never heard of someone who declined it and didn't meet a, horrible, horrible death. As well as there family." She explained. I sat down on the swing set. I was at a park in town. No one was there and it was getting dark but I didn't plan on leaving anytime soon. "okay. well. Then I guess I'm going." I stated and then she broke out laughing. I sat there stone cold waiting for her to stop. "Your a dumbass, you know that? veren kirous means blood curse. They curse anyone who isn't a blood born vampire, there literally trapping you, you dumb fuck." She laughed out and I sighed "THEN WHAT DO I DO?" I asked and she sniffed "couple things. Kill the inviter, Trick the god who runs the dance into thinking your a vamp, Fuck the vampire king till he lets you go." She muttered and I smirked "okay…. I figure it out. Thanks girl." I said before hanging up. I looked at the sun set as I started to swing, it was magical almost. It was mostly pink but in certain areas blue, yellow and red poked out. It was gorgeous. I full on smiled. Something I only did when I was alone. I had a another class soon but I didn't wanna go. I gripped the letter tight. I took a deep breath in a smelled all the smells. The smell of freshly cut grass, of oranges, of squirrels and birds, of baby shampoo and heavy perfume. It was nice. As I watched the sun finally go past the tree across from me, I knew it was time to go. I stood up and grabbed my bag. As I started walking to my car I smelt something. Something not human nor animal. Something almost dead. I knew Darius was near me. Probably looking at me. But I just took a deep breath in and in a low voice said "I'll see you at the dance." And I got to my car.
at school*****************<3*********************
This was my favorite class cuz of the teacher. She is so cool. And work was always chill. I opened my bag to get a new pen and dug through only to grab a small photo. I didn't even have to look to know what it was. I just let it go and grabbed the pen. When I sat back up I heard the seat next to mine shuffle. I took a deep breath before looking over. Death, just rotting death. I shot a "WHAT THE FUCK." Look and he chuckled. I growled "the Hell your doing here?" I asked and he giggled "I heard you called are dorm guy. Why? You thinking about moving?" He asked and I growled again "Well ether way. It didn't work. Surprise surprise. An Ivy League school is packed to the brim." He mumbled "get the fuck out now." I growled louder and he smiled "no. This is my class, you get out." I stood up and grabbed my crap "Mr, lodge. What do you think your doing?" She asked as I grabbed the last of my stuff. "I'm moving spots." I stated and they shook there head no "monday you can move seats but you've chosen your spot for today. Sit." They command and I threw myself down. And to think I thought you were chill. I shook my head. I tired my best to ignore him. But as he chuckled when I huffed at something I was stumped on. Or when he slowly started to run his hand up my leg and tease me. It made it hard. I wanted to fucking kill him right then and there. But either, I would turn in front of all these human (and hopefully kill him) or I would get my ass kicked. I didn't want that. He grabbed a pen and ran it on my inner thigh and again I pushed him away, "piss off, mosquito." I spat. He only hummed back. He went to grab my hand and I grabbed his ear hard. "I don't know what your game is but if you touch me one more fucking time…. Oh I will go fucking werewolf on your flat ass." I threatened. It took him a minute to stop giggling before asking "why have you been looking at my ass?". I growled and let go of his ear "just piss off." I said. I put my head down and looked at my papers. Why did he remind me of Lovetta? He shouldn't. He's nothing like her. Before I could finish my thought I heard everyone getting up. I looked up and saw everyone leaving. Expect me and Darius. Before he could say anything I packed up and started to walk out. Before I reached the door I heard him say "you running little pup?" I quickly pushed the door open and walked out. As I walked down the hall I heard chuckling and fast paced walking. "Fuck me…" I whispered. I could see the door but before I could see it my shoulder was yanked and I was twisted around "did you get the letter?" He asked "why did you do this?" I stuttered out "why did you look through my shit." He said before chuckling. " I'm sorry Darius. I am. But please. I just got my life together." I Begged and he giggled. "I won't go through your stuff ever again. I was dead tired and stupid and I'm so sorry just please!" I cried. "I'll see you there okay, puppy?" He said before walking past me. Gods fucking damn it…. And him. Pretty please?