After settling down at her given area, Sophia began working on some documents which would be needed for the meetings.

Krrng…"come to my office asap",Leo ordered through the telecom.

Arrgh.."what does he want now" I thought making my way to his office.

"Sir, you called me " I said entering his office. "Don't you know how to knock" he barked at me angrily. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, it totally slipped my mind " I apologized even though I felt like throwing up within me. I caught the little smirk on the fake lady's face which made me feel like slapping her so hard.

"Get Jade a cup of tea and make it quick " he ordered. "Oh her name is Jade"I thought before leaving the office to get the cup of tea.

After making a cup of tea in the worker's cafeteria, I made my way back to the office but on reaching the door, I heard argument from Jade.

"Leo, I'm sick and tired of you giving me excuses whenever I want to see you. You know how much you mean to me and how much I love you, please stop pushing me away" she said. "I've told you before Jade, I only see you as my younger sister, so get the idea of us getting married out of your head " Leo said getting annoyed.

I laughed at the little argument they were having before finally knocking on the door and going in.

"Ma'am, here's your cup of tea " I said trying to drop the tray on the glass table but then my shoe caught on something and I tripped pouring all the content of the cup on her.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, it was a mistake "I said trying to clean the tea on her body.

"How dare you?, who TF do you think you are?," she screamed miserably at me "I'm so sorry ma'am, it wasn't intentional"I tried saying again but she kept on shouting and cursing at me.

"Leo baby, take a look at what she did to my beautiful skin" she cried.

"Jade why don't you just go home, we'll meet some other time. I'll handle it " he told her. She gave me one more glance before finally leaving through gritted teeth.

"I'm really really sorry sir, it wasn't intentional,i tripped on something not that I did it on purpose " I tried telling him. "It's fine. Go prepare for a meeting we have by 3Pm" he sent me off. I breathed a sigh of relief before nodding and leaving.

"I wonder why he didn't complain like he used to " I thought sitting down to continue working on the documents.

The day went on as usual and it was finally time to go home .